feat: Add ImageViewer JS from ILA-UI-Elements for attachments

* TODO: Sort out JS build tools -- currently this is just copied in.
Aonrud 2023-01-22 10:28:16 +00:00
rodzic 1279bf2052
commit f08bcd3df3
8 zmienionych plików z 897 dodań i 2 usunięć

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

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@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
* These extend the default CSS file of the main site, which is also pulled.
@import "../../node_modules/ila-ui-elements/src/scss/loader";
@import "../../node_modules/ila-ui-elements/src/scss/image-viewer";
$background: #fafafa;
$border: #ccc;
$muted-text: #aaa;

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@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
/*! ILA UI Elements
*Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Aonghus Storey
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Takes a config object and a default config object and returns a final config with all config modifications applied.
* Ensures no unwanted properties are passed in config.
* @protected
* @param {object} defaults - The default config object with all allowed properties
* @param {object} conf - The config object to apply
* @return {object}
function applyConfig(defaults, conf) {
let c = {};
for (const prop in defaults) {
if (conf[prop] && typeof conf[prop] !== typeof defaults[prop]) {
console.warn(`Config option ${prop} has the wrong type of value. Skipping`);
if (typeof defaults[prop] === "object" && !(defaults[prop] instanceof Array) && conf[prop]) {
c[prop] = applyConfig(defaults[prop], conf[prop]);
} else {
c[prop] = conf[prop] ?? defaults[prop];
return c;
* Make a button element with the specified attributes and contents.
* @protected
* @param {string} name - the button name
* @param {string} [css = ""] - classes to apply to the button element
* @param {string} [text = ""] - the text content
* @param {string} [title = ""] - the title attribute
* @param {string} [icon = ""] - Add a span inside the button element with the given classes, if non-empty
* @param {function} [handler = null] - The object with eventHandler to attach to the click event.
* @param {string} [element = "button"] - The element to create (e.g. allows using an <a> instead).
* @return {HTMLButtonElement}
function makeButton(name, css = "", text = "", title = "", icon = "", handler = null, element = "button") {
let el = document.createElement(element);
el.id = `btn-${name}`;
el.className = css;
el.textContent = text;
el.setAttribute("title", title);
if (icon) {
let i = document.createElement("span");
i.className = icon;
if (element === "button") el.setAttribute("type", "button");
if (handler) el.addEventListener("click", handler);
return el;
* The configuration object for the Scroller.
* @typedef {object} scrollerConfig
* @property {scrollerButtons} [classes] - Classes to apply to each button
* @property {string} [classes.left = scroller-left scroller-button]
* @property {string} [classes.right = scroller-right scroller-button]
* @property {scrollerButtons} [texts] - Text content of each button
* @property {string} [texts.left = ]
* @property {string} [texts.right = ]
* @property {scrollerButtons} [icons] - Icon classes to apply to a span inside each button
* @property {scrollerButtons} [titles] - The title attribute for each button
* @property {number[][]} [breakpoints = [ [0, 4], [768, 4], [992, 6], [1200, 8] ]]
* An array of number pairs. Each array entry should be an array containing two numbers, the first representing
* a screen width in px and the second representing the number of scroller items to fit at that width and above
* (up to the width of the next pair).
* The buttons available for configuration in the Scroller config object.
* @typedef {object} scrollerButtons
* @property {string} [left] The left/back button
* @property {string} [right] The right/forward button
* The default configuration for the Scroller.
* @type scrollerConfig
const defaultScrollerConfig = {
classes: {
left: 'scroller-left scroller-button',
right: 'scroller-right scroller-button',
texts: {
left: '⮈',
icons: {
left: '',
right: '',
titles: {
left: 'Scroll back',
right: 'Scroll forward'
breakpoints: [ [0, 4], [768, 4], [992, 6], [1200, 8] ]
* Creates an image scroller from a list of images.
class Scroller {
* @public
* @param {HTMLElement} el
* @param {scrollerConfig} [config = {}]
constructor(el, config = {} ) {
this._container = el;
this._config = applyConfig(defaultScrollerConfig, config);
this._timerID = undefined;
if(this._contentWidth > this._displayWidth) {
* Create the scroller after instantiation.
* @public
create() {
if (this._container.parentNode == this._wrapper && this._wrapper.style.overflow == 'hidden') return;
this._leftBtn = makeButton("left", this._config.classes.left, this._config.texts.left, this._config.titles.left, this._config.icons.left, this);
this._rightBtn = makeButton("right", this._config.classes.right, this._config.texts.right, this._config.titles.right, this._config.icons.right, this);
this._wrapper.style.overflow = "hidden";
this._leftBtn.disabled = true;
this._wrapper.append(this._leftBtn, this._rightBtn);
this._container.style.left = "0px";
//Recalculate sizes (wrapper changes width)
window.addEventListener('resize', this);
* @protected
* @parameter {Event} e
* @todo On resize, check if current scroll position is greater than the new maximum and reduce it.
handleEvent(e) {
if (e.type === "click") this[e.currentTarget.id.replace("btn-","")](e);
if (e.type === "resize") {
if (this._timerID === undefined) {
this._timerID = setTimeout(
() => {
this._timerID = undefined;
* Destroy the scroller.
* @public
destroy() {
this._container.style.left = "0px";
window.removeEventListener("resize", this._resizeHandler);
* Scroll to the left.
* @public
left() {
* Scroll to the right.
* @public
right() {
* Set the active/disabled status of the scroller buttons depending on the scroll position.
* @protected
* @param {number} pos
_setBtnStatus(pos) {
this._leftBtn.disabled = pos === 0;
this._rightBtn.disabled = pos === -this._maxScroll;
* Scroll in the provided direction and return the pixel offset from origin after scrolling.
* @public
* @param {boolean} [forward = true] Scroll forward (true) or back (false)
* @return {number} The pixel offset
scroll(forward = true) {
const current = parseInt(this._container.style.left);
const change = forward ? -this._step : this._step;
let scrollTo = current + change;
//We're back at the start.
if (scrollTo > 0) scrollTo = 0;
//We're at the end.
if (scrollTo < -this._maxScroll) scrollTo = -this._maxScroll;
//If stepping back from the end and the scroller has a partial-length last step,
//only step back by that partial step.
if (!forward && this._rightBtn.disabled) scrollTo = current + (this._maxScroll % this._step);
this._container.style.left = scrollTo + "px";
console.log(`Scrolling. Starting position: ${current}; New position: ${scrollTo}; Step size: ${this._step}; Display width: ${this._displayWidth}; Content width: ${this._contentWidth}; Max scroll: ${this._maxScroll}`);
return scrollTo;
* Add the wrapper element around the scroller.
* @protected
_wrap() {
const parent = document.createElement("div");
this._container.parentNode.insertBefore(parent, this._container);
this._wrapper = parent;
* Remove the wrapper element around the scroller.
* @protected
_unwrap() {
this._wrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(this._container, this._wrapper.previousSibling);
* Set the size properties and number of scroller items shown depending on screen size.
* @protected
_sizes() {
//Set number per row based on screen width
const w = window.innerWidth;
const count = this._checkBreakpoint(w, this._config.breakpoints);
let comp = window.getComputedStyle(this._container);
const padding = parseInt(comp.getPropertyValue('padding-left')) + parseInt(comp.getPropertyValue('padding-right'));
this._contentWidth = this._container.scrollWidth - padding;
this._displayWidth = this._container.offsetWidth - padding;
this._itemWidth = this._container.querySelector("li").offsetWidth;
this._maxScroll = this._contentWidth - this._displayWidth;
this._perStep = Math.floor(this._displayWidth / this._itemWidth);
this._step = this._itemWidth * this._perStep;
* Check which breakpoint applies to the given width
* @protected
* @param {number} w - The width in pixels to check
* @param {number[][]} breakpoints - The array of breakpoint configurations
* @return {number} The number of items to show at the given width
_checkBreakpoint(w, breakpoints) {
for (let i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; i++) {
if(breakpoints[i][0] <= w && (i == breakpoints.length - 1 || breakpoints[i+1][0] > w)) return breakpoints[i][1];
* Set the flex basis of the scroller items to show the given number.
* @protected
* @param {number} x - The number of items to show per width
_setFlexBasis(x) {
if (isNaN(x)) throw new Error(`Invalid number provided for row count: ${x}`);
const items = this._container.querySelectorAll(".scroller li");
const basis = Math.round(10000 * 100/(x+0.25) / 10000);
for (const item of items) {
item.style.flexBasis = basis + "%";
* The configuration object for the ImageViewer.
* @typedef {object} imageViewerConfig
* @property {string} [targetClass = viewer]
* @property {boolean} [panzoom = false]
* Activate the zoom button, which toggles the image's full size and allows panning around.
* Requires @panzoom/panzoom module to be available.
* @property {boolean} [showDownload = false] Show a button to download the image
* @property {boolean} [showLink = true] Show a link button for any images with a link associated
* @property {Array} [captions = [ "& + figcaption", "& + .caption" ]] CSS selectors for the captions. '&' will be replaced with the automatically assigned ID of the anchor around the image. If ':scope' is included, the selector scope is the `<img>` grandparent.
* @property {imageViewerButtons} [texts] The inner text of the buttons
* @property {string} [texts.cue = ]
* @property {string} [texts.hide = ]
* @property {string} [texts.download = ]
* @property {string} [texts.prev = ]
* @property {string} [texts.next = ]
* @property {string} [texts.link = ]
* @property {string} [texts.zoom = 🞕]
* @property {string} [texts.zoomActive = 🞔]
* @property {imageViewerButtons} [icons = {}] Classes to add to a span inside each button (for icon display)
* @property {imageViewerButtons} [titles] Strings to include as title attributes for each button
* @property {string} [titles.cue]
* @property {string} [titles.hide = Close]
* @property {string} [titles.download = Download this image]
* @property {string} [titles.prev = Previous image]
* @property {string} [titles.next = Next image]
* @property {string} [titles.link = More information]
* @property {string} [titles.zoom = Enlarge image (drag to move the image around)]
* @property {string} [titles.zoomActive = Reset image to fit screen]
* @property {string} [titles.zoomDisabled = Zoom disabled (the image is already full size)]
* The available buttons which can be set in the Image Viewer configuration.
* Note that zoom has an additional 'active' and 'disabled' state setting.
* @typedef {object} imageViewerButtons
* @property {string} [cue] - The cue shown when hovering over an image to indicate the viewer is available.
* @property {string} [hide] - The button to hide/close the viewer
* @property {string} [download] - The button to download the current image in the viewer
* @property {string} [prev] - The button to show the previous image
* @property {string} [next] - The button to show the next image
* @property {string} [link] - The button for the image's link
* @property {string} [zoom] - The button to zoom the image to full size and activate panning
* @property {string} [zoomActive] - Properties for the zoom button when it's active
* @property {string} [zoomDisabled] - Properties for the zoom button when it's disabled
* The default image viewer configuration.
* @type imageViewerConfig
const defaultImageViewerConfig = {
targetClass: "viewer",
panzoom: false,
showDownload: false,
showLink: true,
captions: [ "& + figcaption", "& + .caption" ],
texts: {
cue: "⨁",
hide: "ⓧ",
download: "⮋",
prev: "⮈",
next: "⮊",
link: "⛓",
zoom: "🞕",
zoomActive: "🞔",
icons: {
cue: "",
hide: "",
download: "",
prev: "",
next: "",
link: "",
zoom: "",
zoomActive: "",
titles: {
cue: "",
hide: "Close",
download: "Download this image",
prev: "Previous image",
next: "Next image",
link: "More information",
zoom: "Enlarge image (drag to move the image around)",
zoomActive: "Reset image to fit screen",
zoomDisabled: "Zoom disabled (the image is already full size)",
* Creates an image viewer overlay.
* @public
* @param {imageViewerConfig} [config = defaultImageViewerConfig]
class ImageViewer {
constructor(config = {}) {
this._config = applyConfig(defaultImageViewerConfig, config);
this._images = document.querySelectorAll('img.' + this._config.targetClass);
* Create the viewer.
* This method should be called after instantiation to activate the viewer.
* @public
create() {
* Show the next image.
* @public
next() {
const n = this._activeIndex === this._images.length - 1 ? 0 : this._activeIndex + 1;
* Show the previous image.
* @public
prev() {
const n = this._activeIndex === 0 ? this._images.length - 1 : this._activeIndex - 1;
* Hide the viewer and return to the page.
* @public
hide() {
if (this._active) {
this._overlay.style.display = "none";
document.body.style.overflow = "visible";
this._active = false;
* Show the viewer with the image specified by the given index
* @public
* @param {number} [n = 0] Index of image to show
show(n = 0) {
if (!this._active) {
this._overlay.style.display = "block";
document.body.style.overflow = "hidden";
this._active = true;
if (Number.isInteger(n)) this._showImage(n);
* @protected
handleEvent(e) {
if (e.type == "click") this[e.currentTarget.id.replace("btn-","")](e);
* Switch the viewer to display the image specified by the index
* @protected
* @param {number} n The index number of the image to display
async _showImage(n) {
const img = this._images[n];
const el = this._imgDisplay;
const path = img.dataset.full ?? img.src;
this._activeIndex = n;
//If panzoom is still on for last image, switch it off
if (this._config.panzoom && el.classList.contains("pan")) {
this.btnToggle(document.getElementById("btn-zoom"), false);
this._loader.style.visibility = "visible";
el.dataset.loading = path;
const url = await this._loadImage(path);
//Prevent jumping back if display has moved on to another image before this one is loaded.
if(el.dataset.loading == url) {
//Put the loaded image into the visible <img> element.
//The promise is awaited again to prevent the controls update checking the width before the image is in position.
await this._loadImage(url, this._imgDisplay);
el.alt = img.getAttribute("alt");
this._loader.style.visibility = "hidden";
* Load the image and return a promise that resolves when complete.
* @protected
* @param {string} url The image source
* @param {HTMLImageElement} [i = new Image()] The image element in which to load the image. If unspecified a new Image is created on the DOM.
* @return Promise
_loadImage(url, i = new Image()) {
console.log(`Loading ${url}`);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
i.addEventListener('load', () => { resolve(url); });
i.src = url;
i.dataset.loading = null;
* Empty the overlay display image and remove its alt and caption.
* @protected
_resetImage() {
this._imgDisplay.src = "";
this._imgDisplay.alt = "";
this._overlay.querySelector(".caption").style.display = "none";
* Set the overlay caption for the given image number.
* The caption will be determined with this order of priority:
* 1. The content of the element matched by `data-caption-id` attribute
* 2. The content of the `data-caption` attribute
* 3. The content of elements matching config.captions. Note: multiple matches will be concatenated.
* @protected
* @param {number} n The number of the image from which to take the caption.
_updateCaption(n) {
const caption = this._overlay.querySelector(".caption");
caption.textContent = '';
//First use the selectors
const scope = this._images[n].parentNode.parentNode; //The element which contains the .viewer-wrap anchor
for (let selector of this._config.captions) {
let node;
selector = selector.replace("&", `#iv-${n}`);
if (selector.includes(":scope")) {
selector.replace(":scope", "");
node = scope.querySelector(selector);
} else {
node = document.querySelector(selector);
if (node) caption.textContent += node.textContent;
//Caption in data-caption attribute
if (this._images[n].dataset.caption) {
caption.textContent = this._images.dataset.caption;
//Caption element ID in data-caption-id attribute
if (this._images[n].dataset.captionId && document.querySelector('#' + this._images[n].dataset.captionId)) {
caption.textContent = document.querySelector('#' + this._images[n].dataset.captionId).textContent;
if (caption.textContent !== '') {
caption.style.display = "block";
} else {
caption.style.display = "none";
* Handle click events for toggling the panzoom status
* @protected
* @param {HTMLElement} e The click event
zoom(e) {
const state = !this._imgDisplay.classList.contains("pan");
this.btnToggle(e.currentTarget, state);
* Toggle the specified button on or off as specified
* @protected
* @param {boolean} [switchOn = true]
btnToggle(btn, switchOn = true) {
const btnName = btn.id.replace("btn-", "");
const btnTextNode = [...btn.childNodes].filter( n => n.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE)[0];
const txt = switchOn ? this._config.texts[`${btnName}Active`] : this._config.texts[btnName];
const icon = switchOn ? this._config.icons[`${btnName}Active`] : this._config.icons[btnName];
const title = switchOn ? this._config.titles[`${btnName}Active`] : this._config.titles[btnName];
if (txt) {
if(!btnTextNode) {
btnTextNode = document.createTextNode();
btnTextNode.textContent = txt;
if (icon) btn.querySelector("span").className = icon;
btn.setAttribute("title", title);
* Set the panzoom status
* @public
* @param {boolean} [switchOn = true]
zoomToggle(switchOn = true) {
const pz = this._pzInstance;
if (switchOn) {
pz.setStyle("cursor", "move");
pz.reset({ animate: false });
pz.setStyle("cursor", "auto");
* Create the overlay and insert in the document
* @protected
_createOverlay() {
const imgWrap = document.createElement("div");
const loader = document.createElement("div");
const activeImg = document.createElement("img");
// activeImg.addEventListener("load", () => this._updateControls());
const caption = document.createElement("div");
const overlay = document.createElement("div");
overlay.id = "overlay";
overlay.style.display = "none";
overlay.setAttribute("tabindex", -1);
overlay.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => this._shortcutsEventListener(e));
this._overlay = overlay;
this._imgDisplay = activeImg;
this._loader = loader;
this._active = false;
//Instantiate panzoom if needed
if (this._config.panzoom) {
this._pzInstance = this._pzInstance ?? Panzoom(this._imgDisplay, { disableZoom: true, noBind: true });
//Even though only instantiated, the classes are set so we do a full switch off for the initial state
* Setup the images on the page for activating the viewer.
* @protected
_setupImages() {
for (const [i, img] of this._images.entries()) {
let wrap = img.parentElement;
if (wrap.tagName !== "A") {
wrap = document.createElement("a");
img.parentElement.insertBefore(wrap, img);
wrap.id = `iv-${i}`;
const cue = document.createElement("div");
cue.textContent = this._config.texts.cue;
if (this._config.icons.cue) {
this._insertIcon(this._config.icons.cue, cue);
e => {
* Create the viewer controls.
* @protected
* @return {HTMLElement}
_createControls() {
const controls = document.createElement("nav");
controls.setAttribute("aria-label", "Image Viewer Controls");
const btns = [ "hide" ];
if (this._images.length > 1) {
btns.push("next", "prev");
const anchors = [ "download", "link" ];
for (const b of btns) {
controls.append(makeButton(b, "", this._config.texts[b], this._config.titles[b], this._config.icons[b], this));
if (this._config.panzoom) controls.append(makeButton("zoom", "", this._config.texts.zoom, this._config.titles.zoom, this._config.icons.zoom, this));
for (const a of anchors) {
if (this._config[`show${a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.slice(1)}`]) {
controls.append(makeButton(a, "", this._config.texts[a], this._config.titles[a], this._config.icons[a], undefined, "a"));
return controls;
* Update the viewer controls based on the currently shown image.
* @protected
_updateControls() {
const img = this._imgDisplay;
const i = this._activeIndex;
if (this._config.showDownload) {
const dl = document.getElementById("btn-download");
dl.href = img.src;
dl.setAttribute("download", "");
if (this._config.showLink) {
const btnLink = document.getElementById("btn-link");
const link = this._images[i].dataset.link ? this._images[i].dataset.link : this._images[i].parentElement.href;
if (link) {
btnLink.href = link;
btnLink.style.display = "block";
} else {
btnLink.style.display = "none";
if (this._config.panzoom) {
console.log(`Shown: ${img.width}; Actual: ${img.naturalWidth}`);
const btnZoom = document.getElementById("btn-zoom");
if(img.width < img.naturalWidth) {
btnZoom.disabled = false;
btnZoom.setAttribute("title", this._config.titles.zoom);
} else {
btnZoom.disabled = true;
btnZoom.setAttribute("title", this._config.titles.zoomDisabled);
* Event listener for keyboard shortcuts
* @protected
* @param {Event} e
_shortcutsEventListener(e) {
const keys = {
"Escape": "hide",
"ArrowLeft": "prev",
"ArrowRight": "next"
if (keys.hasOwnProperty(e.key) && typeof this[keys[e.key]] === "function") {
* Insert an icon (<span>) with the given classes into the given element
* @protected
* @param {string} classes
* @param {HTMLElement} element
_insertIcon(classes, element) {
const i = document.createElement("span");
i.classList.add(...classes.split(" "));
export { ImageViewer, Scroller };

app/static/ila.js 100644
Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import { ImageViewer } from './ila-ui.esm.js';
const iv = new ImageViewer({
showDownload: true,
showLink: false,
texts: {
cue: "",
hide: "",
download: "",
prev: "",
next: "",
link: "",
zoom: "",
zoomActive: "",
icons: {
cue: "fas fa-plus-circle",
hide: "fas fa-fw fa-times-circle",
download: "fas fa-fw fa-download",
prev: "fas fa-fw fa-chevron-circle-left",
next: "fa fa-fw fa-chevron-circle-right",
link: "fas fa-fw fa-file-pdf",
zoom: "fas fa-fw fa-search-plus",
zoomActive: "fas fa-fw fa-search-minus",

Wyświetl plik

@ -61,5 +61,6 @@
<script src="{{ BASE_URL }}/static/common-admin.js?v={{ JS_HASH }}"></script>
{% endif %}
<script src="{{ BASE_URL }}/static/common.js?v={{ JS_HASH }}"></script>
<script src="{{ BASE_URL }}/static/ila.js?v={{ JS_HASH }}"></script>

Wyświetl plik

@ -462,7 +462,7 @@
{% if attachment.type == "Image" or (attachment | has_media_type("image")) %}
{% if attachment.url not in object.inlined_images %}
<a class="media-link" href="{{ attachment.proxied_url }}" target="_blank">
<img src="{{ attachment.resized_url or attachment.proxied_url }}"{% if attachment.name %} title="{{ attachment.name }}" alt="{{ attachment.name }}"{% endif %} class="attachment u-photo">
<img class="viewer" src="{{ attachment.resized_url or attachment.proxied_url }}"{% if attachment.name %} title="{{ attachment.name }}" alt="{{ attachment.name }}"{% endif %} class="attachment u-photo" data-caption-id="content-{{ object.id }}" />
{% endif %}
{% elif attachment.type == "Video" or (attachment | has_media_type("video")) %}
@ -670,7 +670,7 @@
{% endif %}
<div class="obj-content">
<div class="e-content">
<div id="content-{{ object.id }}" class="e-content">
{{ object.content | clean_html(object) | safe }}

package-lock.json wygenerowano 100644
Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"name": "ILA Microblog.pub assets",
"lockfileVersion": 2,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"name": "ILA Microblog.pub assets",
"dependencies": {
"ila-ui-elements": "Aonrud/ila-ui-elements#semver:0.5.1"
"node_modules/ila-ui-elements": {
"name": "ila_ui_elements",
"version": "0.5.0",
"resolved": "git+ssh://git@github.com/Aonrud/ila-ui-elements.git#6143d60f5e583ef1229408214797c9850f9a9dc6",
"license": "GPL-3.0-or-later"
"dependencies": {
"ila-ui-elements": {
"version": "git+ssh://git@github.com/Aonrud/ila-ui-elements.git#6143d60f5e583ef1229408214797c9850f9a9dc6",
"from": "git+ssh://git@github.com/Aonrud/ila-ui-elements.git#6143d60f5e583ef1229408214797c9850f9a9dc6"

package.json 100644
Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"name": "ILA Microblog.pub assets",
"description": "ILA Microblog.pub assets",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "Aonrud",
"license": "",
"dependencies": {
"ila-ui-elements": "Aonrud/ila-ui-elements#semver:0.5.1"