# id3 [![build status](https://travis-ci.org/mikkyang/id3-go.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/mikkyang/id3-go) ID3 library for Go. Supported formats: * ID3v1 * ID3v2.2 * ID3v2.3 # Install The platform ($GOROOT/bin) "go get" tool is the best method to install. go get github.com/mikkyang/id3-go This downloads and installs the package into your $GOPATH. If you only want to recompile, use "go install". go install github.com/mikkyang/id3-go # Usage An import allows access to the package. import ( id3 "github.com/mikkyang/id3-go" ) Version specific details can be accessed through the subpackages. import ( "github.com/mikkyang/id3-go/v1" "github.com/mikkyang/id3-go/v2" ) # Quick Start To access the tag of a file, first open the file using the package's `Open` function. mp3File, err := id3.Open("All-In.mp3") It's also a good idea to ensure that the file is closed using `defer`. defer mp3File.Close() ## Accessing Information Some commonly used data have methods in the tag for easier access. These methods are for `Title`, `Artist`, `Album`, `Year`, `Genre`, and `Comments`. mp3File.SetArtist("Okasian") fmt.Println(mp3File.Artist()) # ID3v2 Frames v2 Frames can be accessed directly by using the `Frame` or `Frames` method of the file, which return the first frame or a slice of frames as `Framer` interfaces. These interfaces allow read access to general details of the file. lyricsFrame := mp3File.Frame("USLT") lyrics := lyricsFrame.String() If more specific information is needed, or frame-specific write access is needed, then the interface must be cast into the appropriate underlying type. The example provided does not check for errors, but it is recommended to do so. lyricsFrame := mp3File.Frame("USLT").(*v2.UnsynchTextFrame) ## Adding Frames For common fields, a frame will automatically be created with the `Set` method. For other frames or more fine-grained control, frames can be created with the corresponding constructor, usually prefixed by `New`. These constructors require the first argument to be a FrameType struct, which are global variables named by version. ft := V23FrameTypeMap["TIT2"] text := "Hello" textFrame := NewTextFrame(ft, text) mp3File.AddFrames(textFrame)