
31 wiersze
804 B

# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
A small example
>>> from icalendar import Calendar
>>> import os
>>> directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
>>> cal = Calendar.from_string(
... open(os.path.join(directory, 'small.ics'),'rb').read())
>>> cal
VCALENDAR({'VERSION': '2.0', 'METHOD': 'Request', 'PRODID': '-//My product//mxm.dk/'})
>>> for component in cal.walk():
... component.name
>>> cal['prodid']
'-//My product//mxm.dk/'
>>> cal.decoded('prodid')
u'-//My product//mxm.dk/'
>>> first_event = cal.walk('vevent')[0]
>>> first_event['description'][:75]
'This is a very long description that will be folded This is a very long des'
>>> first_event['summary']
'A second event'