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# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
iCalendar package
This package is used for parsing and generating iCalendar files following the
standard in RFC 2445.
It should be fully compliant, but it is possible to generate and parse invalid
files if you really want to.
File structure
An iCalendar file is a text file (utf-8) with a special format. Basically it
consists of content lines.
Each content line defines a property that has 3 parts (name, parameters,
values). Parameters are optional.
A simple content line with only name and value could look like this:
A content line with parameters can look like this:
ATTENDEE;CN=Max Rasmussen;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT:MAILTO:example@example.com
And the parts are:
Value: MAILTO:example@example.com
Long content lines are usually "folded" to less than 75 character, but the
package takes care of that.
On a higher level iCalendar files consists of components. Components can have
sub components.
The root component is the VCALENDAR.
... vcalendar properties ...
The most frequent subcomponent to a VCALENDAR is a VEVENT. They are nested like
... vcalendar properties ...
... vevent properties ...
Inside the components there are properties with values. The values have special
types. like integer, text, datetime etc. These values are encoded in a special
text format in an iCalendar file.
There are methods for converting to and from these encodings in the package.
These are the most important imports.
>>> from icalendar import Calendar, Event
Components are like (Case Insensitive) dicts. So if you want to set a property
you do it like this. The calendar is a component.
>>> cal = Calendar()
>>> cal['dtstart'] = '20050404T080000'
>>> cal['summary'] = 'Python meeting about calendaring'
>>> for k,v in cal.items():
... k,v
('DTSTART', '20050404T080000')
('SUMMARY', 'Python meeting about calendaring')
You can generate a string for a file with the as_string() method. (Calling
str(cal) does the same):
>>> cal.as_string()
'BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\nDTSTART:20050404T080000\r\nSUMMARY:Python meeting about calendaring\r\nEND:VCALENDAR\r\n'
>>> str(cal)
'BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\nDTSTART:20050404T080000\r\nSUMMARY:Python meeting about calendaring\r\nEND:VCALENDAR\r\n'
in the calendar examples below the as_string() is implied. The rendered view is
easier to read:
SUMMARY:Python meeting about calendaring
You can set multiple properties like this:
>>> cal = Calendar()
>>> cal['attendee'] = ['MAILTO:maxm@mxm.dk','MAILTO:test@example.com']
if you don't want to care about whether a property value is a list or a single
value, just use the add() method. It will automatically convert the property to
a list of values if more than one value is added.
>>> cal = Calendar()
>>> cal.add('attendee', 'MAILTO:maxm@mxm.dk')
>>> cal.add('attendee', 'MAILTO:test@example.com')
Note: this version doesn't check for compliance, so you should look in
the RFC 2445 spec for legal properties for each component, or look in
the icalendar/calendar.py file, where it is at least defined for each
Any component can have subcomponents. Eg. inside a calendar there can be events.
They can be arbitrarily nested. First by making a new component:
>>> event = Event()
>>> event['uid'] = '42'
>>> event['dtstart'] = '20050404T080000'
And then appending it to a "parent".
>>> cal.add_component(event)
Subcomponents are appended to the subcomponents property on the component.
>>> cal.subcomponents
[VEVENT({'DTSTART': '20050404T080000', 'UID': '42'})]
Value types
Property values are utf-8 encoded strings.
This is impractical if you want to use the data for further computation. Eg. the
datetime format looks like this: '20050404T080000'. But the package makes it
simple to Parse and generate iCalendar formatted strings.
Basically you can make the add() method do the thinking, or you can do it
To add a datetime value, you can use Pythons built in datetime types, and the
set the encode parameter to true, and it will convert to the type defined in the
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> cal.add('dtstart', datetime(2005,4,4,8,0,0))
>>> str(cal['dtstart'])
If that doesn't work satisfactorily for some reason, you can also do it
In 'PropertyValues.py', all the iCalendar data types are defined. Each type has
a class that can parse and encode the type.
So if you want to do it manually ...
>>> from icalendar import vDatetime
>>> now = datetime(2005,4,4,8,0,0)
>>> vDatetime(now).ical()
So the drill is to initialise the object with a python built in type, and then
call the "ical()" method on the object. That will return an ical encoded string.
You can do it the other way around too. To parse an encoded string, just call
the "from_ical()" method, and it will return an instance of the corresponding
Python type.
>>> vDatetime.from_ical('20050404T080000')
datetime.datetime(2005, 4, 4, 8, 0)
>>> dt = vDatetime.from_ical('20050404T080000Z')
>>> repr(dt)[:62]
'datetime.datetime(2005, 4, 4, 8, 0, tzinfo=<icalendar.prop.UTC'
You can also choose to use the decoded() method, which will return a decoded
value directly.
>>> cal = Calendar()
>>> cal.add('dtstart', datetime(2005,4,4,8,0,0))
>>> str(cal['dtstart'])
>>> cal.decoded('dtstart')
datetime.datetime(2005, 4, 4, 8, 0)
Here is an example generating a complete iCal calendar file with a single event
that can be loaded into the Mozilla calendar
Init the calendar
>>> cal = Calendar()
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from icalendar import UTC # timezone
Som properties are required to be complient
>>> cal.add('prodid', '-//My calendar product//mxm.dk//')
>>> cal.add('version', '2.0')
We need at least one subcomponent for a calendar to be complient
>>> event = Event()
>>> event.add('summary', 'Python meeting about calendaring')
>>> event.add('dtstart', datetime(2005,4,4,8,0,0,tzinfo=UTC()))
>>> event.add('dtend', datetime(2005,4,4,10,0,0,tzinfo=UTC()))
>>> event.add('dtstamp', datetime(2005,4,4,0,10,0,tzinfo=UTC()))
A property with parameters. Notice that they are an attribute on the value.
>>> from icalendar import vCalAddress, vText
>>> organizer = vCalAddress('MAILTO:noone@example.com')
Automatic encoding is not yet implemented for parameter values.
So you must use the 'v*' types defined in PropertyValues.py
>>> organizer.params['cn'] = vText('Max Rasmussen')
>>> organizer.params['role'] = vText('CHAIR')
>>> event['organizer'] = organizer
>>> event['location'] = vText('Odense, Denmark')
>>> event['uid'] = '20050115T101010/27346262376@mxm.dk'
>>> event.add('priority', 5)
>>> attendee = vCalAddress('MAILTO:maxm@example.com')
>>> attendee.params['cn'] = vText('Max Rasmussen')
>>> attendee.params['ROLE'] = vText('REQ-PARTICIPANT')
>>> event.add('attendee', attendee, encode=0)
>>> attendee = vCalAddress('MAILTO:the-dude@example.com')
>>> attendee.params['cn'] = vText('The Dude')
>>> attendee.params['ROLE'] = vText('REQ-PARTICIPANT')
>>> event.add('attendee', attendee, encode=0)
Add the event to the calendar
>>> cal.add_component(event)
Write to disc
>>> import tempfile, os
>>> directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> f = open(os.path.join(directory, 'example.ics'), 'wb')
>>> f.write(cal.as_string())
>>> f.close()
XXX We should check whether the write succeeded here..
Enjoy, Max M, maxm@mxm.dk