Update about.rst

updated about.rst to include details that the repo is not obsolete and  still compliant with RFC5545
Bob Florian 2023-09-15 11:19:28 -05:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
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@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
`Max M`_ had often needed to parse and generate iCalendar files. Finally he got
`Max M`_ had often needed to parse and generate iCalendar files. Finally, he got
tired of writing ad-hoc tools. This package is his attempt at making an
iCalendar package for Python. The inspiration has come from the email package
in the standard lib, which he thinks is pretty simple, yet efficient and
At the time of writing this, last version was released more then 2 years ago.
Since then many things have changes. For one, `RFC 2445`_ was updated by `RFC
5545`_ which makes this package. So in some sense this package became outdated.
The icalendar package is an RFC 5545-compatible parser/generator for iCalendar files.
.. _`Max M`: http://www.mxm.dk
.. _`RFC 2445`: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2445