kopia lustrzana https://github.com/projecthorus/horusdemodlib
High Altitude Balloon (HAB) Telemetry Library
This library contains software used to encode and decode telemetry used by the Project Horus High-Altitude Balloon (HAB) project (amongst other users). This software was originally developed as part of the codec2 project, but as of 2020 has been broken out into this separate project, to keep codec2 targeted at low-level voice-codec and modem development.
This library includes the following:
- The 'HorusBinary' demodulator, a high performance 4FSK modem used for low-rate positional telemetry from HABs. More information on this modem can be found here: https://github.com/projecthorus/horusbinary (This repository will eventually be re-worked to use this library)
- The 'Wenet' demodulator, used to downlink imagery from HAB payloads.
HorusDemodLib C Library
This contains the demodulator portions of horuslib, which are written in C.
$ git clone https://github.com/projecthorus/horusdemodlib.git
$ cd horusdemodlib && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ make install
$ cd build
$ ctest
HorusDemodLib Python Wrapper
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .
Further Reading
Here are some links to projects and blog posts that use this code:
- Horus Binary High Altitude Balloon (HAB) telemetry protocol, 3 second updates, works at 7dB lower SNR that RTTY.
- Testing HAB Telemetry, Horus binary waveform
- Wenet - high speed SSTV images from balloons at the edge of space
- Wenet High speed SSTV images