#!/usr/bin/env python # # HorusDemodLib - SondeHub Amateur Uploader # # Uploads telemetry to the SondeHub ElasticSearch cluster, # in the new 'universal' format descried here: # https://github.com/projecthorus/sondehub-infra/wiki/%5BDRAFT%5D-Amateur-Balloon-Telemetry-Format # # Copyright (C) 2022 Mark Jessop # Released under GNU GPL v3 or later # import horusdemodlib import datetime import glob import gzip import json import logging import os import requests import time from threading import Thread from email.utils import formatdate from .delegates import fix_datetime try: # Python 2 from Queue import Queue except ImportError: # Python 3 from queue import Queue class SondehubAmateurUploader(object): """ Sondehub (Amateur) Uploader Class. Accepts telemetry dictionaries from a decoder, buffers them up, and then compresses and uploads them to the Sondehub Elasticsearch cluster. """ # SondeHub API endpoint SONDEHUB_AMATEUR_URL = "https://api.v2.sondehub.org/amateur/telemetry" SONDEHUB_AMATEUR_STATION_POSITION_URL = "https://api.v2.sondehub.org/amateur/listeners" def __init__( self, upload_rate=30, upload_timeout=20, upload_retries=5, user_callsign="N0CALL", user_position=None, user_radio="", user_antenna="", contact_email="", user_position_update_rate=6, software_name="horusdemodlib", software_version="", inhibit=False ): """ Initialise and start a Sondehub (Amateur) uploader Args: upload_rate (int): How often to upload batches of data. upload_timeout (int): Upload timeout. """ self.upload_rate = upload_rate self.upload_timeout = upload_timeout self.upload_retries = upload_retries self.user_callsign = user_callsign self.user_position = user_position self.user_radio = user_radio self.user_antenna = user_antenna self.contact_email = contact_email self.user_position_update_rate = user_position_update_rate self.software_name = software_name self.software_version = software_version self.inhibit = inhibit if self.user_position is None: self.inhibit_position_upload = True else: self.inhibit_position_upload = False # Input Queue. self.input_queue = Queue() # Record of when we last uploaded a user station position to Sondehub. self.last_user_position_upload = 0 try: # Python 2 check. Python 2 doesnt have gzip.compress so this will throw an exception. gzip.compress(b"\x00\x00") # Start queue processing thread. if self.inhibit: logging.info("SondeHub Amateur Uploader Inhibited.") else: self.input_processing_running = True self.input_process_thread = Thread(target=self.process_queue) self.input_process_thread.start() except: logging.error( "Detected Python 2.7, which does not support gzip.compress. Sondehub DB uploading will be disabled." ) self.input_processing_running = False def update_station_position(self, lat, lon, alt): """ Update the internal station position record. Used when determining the station position by GPSD """ if self.inhibit_position_upload: # Don't update the internal position array if we aren't uploading our position. return else: self.user_position = (lat, lon, alt) def add(self, telemetry): """ Add a dictionary of telemetry to the input queue. Args: telemetry (dict): Telemetry dictionary to add to the input queue. """ if self.inhibit: return # Attempt to reformat the data. _telem = self.reformat_data(telemetry) # self.log_debug("Telem: %s" % str(_telem)) # Add it to the queue if we are running. if self.input_processing_running and _telem: self.input_queue.put(_telem) else: self.log_debug("Processing not running, discarding.") def reformat_data(self, telemetry): """ Take an input dictionary and convert it to the universal format """ # Init output dictionary _output = { "software_name": self.software_name, "software_version": self.software_version, "uploader_callsign": self.user_callsign, "uploader_position": self.user_position, "uploader_radio": self.user_radio, "uploader_antenna": self.user_antenna, "time_received": datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ" ), } # Mandatory Fields # Datetime try: _datetime = fix_datetime(telemetry['time']) # Compare system time and payload time, to look for issues where system time is way out. _timedelta = abs((_datetime - datetime.datetime.utcnow()).total_seconds()) if _timedelta > 3*60: # Greater than 3 minutes time difference. Discard packet in this case. self.log_error("Payload and Receiver times are offset by more than 3 minutes. Either payload does not have GNSS lock, or your system time is not set correctly. Not uploading.") return None if _timedelta > 60: self.log_warning("Payload and Receiver times are offset by more than 1 minute. Either payload does not have GNSS lock, or your system time is not set correctly.") _output["datetime"] = _datetime.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ" ) except Exception as e: self.log_error( "Error converting telemetry datetime to string - %s" % str(e) ) self.log_debug("Offending datetime_dt: %s" % str(telemetry["time"])) return None # Callsign - Break if this is an unknown payload ID. if telemetry["callsign"] == "UNKNOWN_PAYLOAD_ID": self.log_error("Not uploading telemetry from unknown payload ID. Is your payload ID list old?") return None if '4FSKTEST' in telemetry['callsign']: self.log_warning(f"Payload ID {telemetry['callsign']} is for testing purposes only, and should not be used on an actual flight. Refer here: https://github.com/projecthorus/horusdemodlib/wiki#how-do-i-transmit-it") _output['payload_callsign'] = telemetry["callsign"] # Frame Number _output["frame"] = telemetry["sequence_number"] # Position _output["lat"] = telemetry["latitude"] _output["lon"] = telemetry["longitude"] _output["alt"] = telemetry["altitude"] # # Optional Fields if "temperature" in telemetry: if telemetry["temperature"] > -273.15: _output["temp"] = telemetry["temperature"] if "satellites" in telemetry: _output["sats"] = telemetry["satellites"] if "battery_voltage" in telemetry: if telemetry["battery_voltage"] >= 0.0: _output["batt"] = telemetry["battery_voltage"] if "speed" in telemetry: _output["speed"] = telemetry["speed"] if "vel_h" in telemetry: _output["vel_h"] = telemetry["vel_h"] if "vel_v" in telemetry: _output["vel_v"] = telemetry["vel_v"] # Handle the additional SNR and frequency estimation if we have it if "snr" in telemetry: _output["snr"] = telemetry["snr"] if "f_centre" in telemetry: _output["frequency"] = telemetry["f_centre"] / 1e6 # Hz -> MHz if "raw" in telemetry: _output["raw"] = telemetry["raw"] if "modulation" in telemetry: _output["modulation"] = telemetry["modulation"] if "modulation_detail" in telemetry: _output["modulation_detail"] = telemetry["modulation_detail"] if "baud_rate" in telemetry: _output["baud_rate"] = telemetry["baud_rate"] # Add in any field names from the custom field section if "custom_field_names" in telemetry: for _custom_field_name in telemetry["custom_field_names"]: if _custom_field_name in telemetry: _output[_custom_field_name] = telemetry[_custom_field_name] logging.debug(f"Sondehub Amateur Uploader - Generated Packet: {str(_output)}") return _output def process_queue(self): """ Process data from the input queue, and write telemetry to log files. """ self.log_info("Started Sondehub Amateur Uploader Thread.") while self.input_processing_running: # Process everything in the queue. _to_upload = [] while self.input_queue.qsize() > 0: try: _to_upload.append(self.input_queue.get_nowait()) except Exception as e: self.log_error("Error grabbing telemetry from queue - %s" % str(e)) # Upload data! if len(_to_upload) > 0: self.upload_telemetry(_to_upload) # If we haven't uploaded our station position recently, re-upload it. if ( time.time() - self.last_user_position_upload ) > self.user_position_update_rate * 3600: self.station_position_upload() # Sleep while waiting for some new data. for i in range(self.upload_rate): time.sleep(1) if self.input_processing_running == False: break self.log_info("Stopped Sondehub Amateur Uploader Thread.") def upload_telemetry(self, telem_list): """ Upload an list of telemetry data to Sondehub """ _data_len = len(telem_list) try: _start_time = time.time() _telem_json = json.dumps(telem_list).encode("utf-8") _compressed_payload = gzip.compress(_telem_json) except Exception as e: self.log_error( "Error serialising and compressing telemetry list for upload - %s" % str(e) ) return _compression_time = time.time() - _start_time self.log_debug( "Pre-compression: %d bytes, post: %d bytes. %.1f %% compression ratio, in %.1f s" % ( len(_telem_json), len(_compressed_payload), (len(_compressed_payload) / len(_telem_json)) * 100, _compression_time, ) ) _retries = 0 _upload_success = False _start_time = time.time() while _retries < self.upload_retries: # Run the request. try: headers = { "User-Agent": "horusdemodlib-" + horusdemodlib.__version__, "Content-Encoding": "gzip", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Date": formatdate(timeval=None, localtime=False, usegmt=True), } _req = requests.put( self.SONDEHUB_AMATEUR_URL, _compressed_payload, # TODO: Revisit this second timeout value. timeout=(self.upload_timeout, 6.1), headers=headers, ) except Exception as e: self.log_error("Upload Failed: %s" % str(e)) return if _req.status_code == 200: # 200 is the only status code that we accept. _upload_time = time.time() - _start_time self.log_info( "Uploaded %d telemetry packets to Sondehub Amateur in %.1f seconds." % (_data_len, _upload_time) ) _upload_success = True break elif _req.status_code in [500,501,502,503,504]: # Server Error, Retry. _retries += 1 continue else: self.log_error( "Error uploading to Sondehub Amateur. Status Code: %d %s." % (_req.status_code, _req.text) ) break if not _upload_success: self.log_error("Upload failed after %d retries" % (_retries)) def station_position_upload(self): """ Upload a station position packet to SondeHub. This uses the PUT /listeners API described here: https://github.com/projecthorus/sondehub-infra/wiki/API-(Beta) """ if self.inhibit_position_upload: # Position upload inhibited. Ensure user position is set to None, and continue upload of other info. self.log_debug("Sondehub station position upload inhibited.") _position = { "software_name": self.software_name, "software_version": self.software_version, "uploader_callsign": self.user_callsign, "uploader_position": self.user_position, "uploader_radio": self.user_radio, "uploader_antenna": self.user_antenna, "uploader_contact_email": self.contact_email, "mobile": False, # Hardcoded mobile=false setting - Mobile stations should be using Chasemapper. } _retries = 0 _upload_success = False _start_time = time.time() while _retries < self.upload_retries: # Run the request. try: headers = { "User-Agent": "horusdemodlib-" + horusdemodlib.__version__, "Content-Type": "application/json", "Date": formatdate(timeval=None, localtime=False, usegmt=True), } _req = requests.put( self.SONDEHUB_AMATEUR_STATION_POSITION_URL, json=_position, # TODO: Revisit this second timeout value. timeout=(self.upload_timeout, 6.1), headers=headers, ) except Exception as e: self.log_error("Station position upload failed: %s" % str(e)) self.last_user_position_upload = time.time() return if _req.status_code == 200: # 200 is the only status code that we accept. _upload_time = time.time() - _start_time self.log_info("Uploaded station information to Sondehub.") _upload_success = True break elif _req.status_code == 500: # Server Error, Retry. _retries += 1 continue elif _req.status_code == 404: # API doesn't exist yet! self.log_debug("Sondehub Amateur position upload API not implemented yet!") _upload_success = True break else: self.log_error( "Error uploading station information to Sondehub. Status Code: %d %s." % (_req.status_code, _req.text) ) break if not _upload_success: self.log_error( "Station information upload failed after %d retries" % (_retries) ) self.log_debug(f"Attempted to upload {json.dumps(_position)}") self.last_user_position_upload = time.time() def close(self): """ Close input processing thread. """ self.input_processing_running = False def running(self): """ Check if the uploader thread is running. Returns: bool: True if the uploader thread is running. """ return self.input_processing_running def log_debug(self, line): """ Helper function to log a debug message with a descriptive heading. Args: line (str): Message to be logged. """ logging.debug("Sondehub Amateur Uploader - %s" % line) def log_info(self, line): """ Helper function to log an informational message with a descriptive heading. Args: line (str): Message to be logged. """ logging.info("Sondehub Amateur Uploader - %s" % line) def log_error(self, line): """ Helper function to log an error message with a descriptive heading. Args: line (str): Message to be logged. """ logging.error("Sondehub Amateur Uploader - %s" % line) def log_warning(self, line): """ Helper function to log a warning message with a descriptive heading. Args: line (str): Message to be logged. """ logging.warning("Sondehub Amateur Uploader - %s" % line) if __name__ == "__main__": # Test Script logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG ) _test = SondehubAmateurUploader() time.sleep(5) _test.close()