#!/usr/bin/env python3 import audioop import ctypes from ctypes import * import logging import sys from enum import Enum import os import logging MODEM_STATS_NR_MAX = 8 MODEM_STATS_NC_MAX = 50 MODEM_STATS_ET_MAX = 8 MODEM_STATS_EYE_IND_MAX = 160 MODEM_STATS_NSPEC = 512 MODEM_STATS_MAX_F_EST = 4 class COMP(Structure): """ Used in MODEM_STATS for representing IQ. """ _fields_ = [ ("real", c_float), ("imag", c_float) ] class MODEM_STATS(Structure): # modem_stats.h """ Extended modem stats structure """ _fields_ = [ ("Nc", c_int), ("snr_est", c_float), # rx_symbols[MODEM_STATS_NR_MAX][MODEM_STATS_NC_MAX+1]; ("rx_symbols", (COMP * MODEM_STATS_NR_MAX)*(MODEM_STATS_NC_MAX+1)), ("nr", c_int), ("sync", c_int), ("foff", c_float), ("rx_timing", c_float), ("clock_offset", c_float), ("sync_metric", c_float), # float rx_eye[MODEM_STATS_ET_MAX][MODEM_STATS_EYE_IND_MAX]; ("rx_eye", (c_float * MODEM_STATS_ET_MAX)*MODEM_STATS_EYE_IND_MAX), ("neyetr", c_int), ("neyesamp", c_int), ("f_est", c_float*MODEM_STATS_MAX_F_EST), ("fft_buf", c_float * 2*MODEM_STATS_NSPEC), ("fft_cfg", POINTER(c_ubyte)) ] class Mode(Enum): """ Modes (and aliases for modes) for the HorusLib modem """ BINARY = 0 BINARY_V1 = 0 RTTY_7N2 = 90 RTTY = 90 BINARY_V2_256BIT = 1 BINARY_V2_128BIT = 2 class Frame(): """ Frame class used for demodulation attempts. Attributes ---------- data : bytes Demodulated data output. Empty if demodulation didn't succeed sync : bool Modem sync status snr : float Estimated SNR crc_pass : bool CRC check status extended_stats Extended modem stats. These are provided as c_types so will need to be cast prior to use. See MODEM_STATS for structure details """ def __init__(self, data: bytes, sync: bool, crc_pass: bool, snr: float, extended_stats: MODEM_STATS): self.data = data self.sync = sync self.snr = snr self.crc_pass = crc_pass self.extended_stats = extended_stats class HorusLib(): """ HorusLib provides a binding to horuslib to demoulate frames. Example usage: from horuslib import HorusLib, Mode with HorusLib(, mode=Mode.BINARY, verbose=False) as horus: with open("test.wav", "rb") as f: while True: data = f.read(horus.nin*2) if horus.nin != 0 and data == b'': #detect end of file break output = horus.demodulate(data) if output.crc_pass and output.data: print(f'{output.data.hex()} SNR: {output.snr}') for x in range(horus.mfsk): print(f'F{str(x)}: {float(output.extended_stats.f_est[x])}') """ def __init__( self, libpath=f"", mode=Mode.BINARY, rate=-1, tone_spacing=-1, stereo_iq=False, verbose=False, callback=None, sample_rate=48000 ): """ Parameters ---------- libpath : str Path to libhorus mode : Mode horuslib.Mode.BINARY, horuslib.Mode.BINARY_V2_256BIT, horuslib.Mode.BINARY_V2_128BIT, horuslib.Mode.RTTY, RTTY_7N2 = 99 rate : int Changes the modem rate for supported modems. -1 for default tone_spacing : int Spacing between tones (hz) -1 for default stereo_iq : bool use stereo (IQ) input (quadrature) verbose : bool Enabled horus_set_verbose callback : function When set you can use add_samples to add any number of audio frames and callback will be called when a demodulated frame is avaliable. sample_rate : int The input sample rate of the audio input """ if sys.platform == "darwin": libpath = os.path.join(libpath, "libhorus.dylib") elif sys.platform == "win32": libpath = os.path.join(libpath, "libhorus.dll") else: libpath = os.path.join(libpath, "libhorus.so") # future improvement would be to try a few places / names self.c_lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libpath) # horus_open_advanced self.c_lib.horus_open_advanced.restype = POINTER(c_ubyte) # horus_nin self.c_lib.horus_nin.restype = c_uint32 # horus_get_Fs self.c_lib.horus_get_Fs.restype = c_int # horus_set_freq_est_limits - (struct horus *hstates, float fsk_lower, float fsk_upper) self.c_lib.horus_set_freq_est_limits.argtype = [ POINTER(c_ubyte), c_float, c_float, ] # horus_get_max_demod_in self.c_lib.horus_get_max_demod_in.restype = c_int # horus_get_max_ascii_out_len self.c_lib.horus_get_max_ascii_out_len.restype = c_int # horus_crc_ok self.c_lib.horus_crc_ok.restype = c_int # horus_get_modem_extended_stats - (struct horus *hstates, struct MODEM_STATS *stats) self.c_lib.horus_get_modem_extended_stats.argtype = [ POINTER(MODEM_STATS), POINTER(c_ubyte), ] # horus_get_mFSK self.c_lib.horus_get_mFSK.restype = c_int # horus_rx self.c_lib.horus_rx.restype = c_int if type(mode) != type(Mode(0)): raise ValueError("Must be of type horuslib.Mode") else: self.mode = mode self.stereo_iq = stereo_iq self.callback = callback self.input_buffer = bytearray(b"") # intial nin self.nin = 0 # try to open the modem and set the verbosity self.hstates = self.c_lib.horus_open_advanced( self.mode.value, rate, tone_spacing ) self.c_lib.horus_set_verbose(self.hstates, int(verbose)) # check that the modem was actually opened and we don't just have a null pointer if bool(self.hstates): logging.debug("Opened Horus API") else: logging.error("Couldn't open Horus API for some reason") raise EnvironmentError("Couldn't open Horus API") # build some class types to fit the data for demodulation using ctypes max_demod_in = int(self.c_lib.horus_get_max_demod_in(self.hstates)) max_ascii_out = int(self.c_lib.horus_get_max_ascii_out_len(self.hstates)) self.DemodIn = c_short * (max_demod_in * (1 + int(self.stereo_iq))) self.DataOut = c_char * max_ascii_out self.c_lib.horus_rx.argtype = [ POINTER(c_ubyte), c_char * max_ascii_out, c_short * max_demod_in, c_int, ] self.mfsk = int(self.c_lib.horus_get_mFSK(self.hstates)) self.resampler_state = None self.audio_sample_rate = sample_rate self.modem_sample_rate = 48000 # in case someone wanted to use `with` style. I'm not sure if closing the modem does a lot. def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *a): self.close() def close(self) -> None: """ Closes Horus modem. """ self.c_lib.horus_close(self.hstates) logging.debug("Shutdown horus modem") def _update_nin(self) -> None: """ Updates nin. Called every time RF is demodulated and doesn't need to be run manually """ new_nin = int(self.c_lib.horus_nin(self.hstates)) if self.nin != new_nin: logging.debug(f"Updated nin {new_nin}") self.nin = new_nin def demodulate(self, demod_in: bytes) -> Frame: """ Demodulates audio in, into bytes output. Parameters ---------- demod_in : bytes 16bit, signed for audio in. You'll need .nin frames in to work correctly. """ # resample to 48khz (demod_in, self.resampler_state) = audioop.ratecv(demod_in, 2, 1+int(self.stereo_iq), self.audio_sample_rate, self.modem_sample_rate, self.resampler_state) # from_buffer_copy requires exact size so we pad it out. buffer = bytearray( len(self.DemodIn()) * sizeof(c_short) ) # create empty byte array buffer[: len(demod_in)] = demod_in # copy across what we have modulation = self.DemodIn # get an empty modulation array modulation = modulation.from_buffer_copy( buffer ) # copy buffer across and get a pointer to it. data_out = self.DataOut() # initilize a pointer to where bytes will be outputed self.c_lib.horus_rx(self.hstates, data_out, modulation, int(self.stereo_iq)) stats = MODEM_STATS() self.c_lib.horus_get_modem_extended_stats(self.hstates, byref(stats)) crc = bool(self.c_lib.horus_crc_ok(self.hstates)) data_out = bytes(data_out) self._update_nin() # strip the null terminator out data_out = data_out[:-1] if data_out == bytes(len(data_out)): data_out = ( b"" # check if bytes is just null and return an empty bytes instead ) elif self.mode != Mode.RTTY_7N2: try: data_out = bytes.fromhex(data_out.decode("ascii")) except ValueError: logging.debug(data_out) logging.error("Couldn't decode the hex from the modem") return bytes() else: # Ascii data_out = data_out.decode("ascii") # Strip of all null characters. data_out = data_out.rstrip('\x00') frame = Frame( data=data_out, snr=float(stats.snr_est), sync=bool(stats.sync), crc_pass=crc, extended_stats=stats, ) return frame def add_samples(self, samples: bytes): """ Add samples to a input buffer, to pass on to demodulate when we have nin samples """ # Add samples to input buffer self.input_buffer.extend(samples) _processing = True _frame = None while _processing: # Process data until we have less than _nin samples. _nin = int(self.nin*(self.audio_sample_rate/self.modem_sample_rate)) if len(self.input_buffer) > (_nin * 2): # Demodulate _frame = self.demodulate(self.input_buffer[:(_nin*2)]) # Advance sample buffer. self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer[(_nin*2):] # If we have decoded a packet, send it on to the callback if len(_frame.data) > 0: if self.callback: self.callback(_frame) else: _processing = False return _frame if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv) != 2: raise ArgumentError("Usage python3 -m horuslib filename") filename = sys.argv[1] def frame_callback(frame): print(f"Callback: {frame.data.hex()} SNR: {frame.snr}") # Setup Logging logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG ) with HorusLib(libpath=".", mode=Mode.BINARY, verbose=False, callback=frame_callback, sample_rate=8000) as horus: with open(filename, "rb") as f: while True: # Fixed read size - 2000 samples data = f.read(2000 * 2) if horus.nin != 0 and data == b"": # detect end of file break output = horus.add_samples(data) if output: print(f"Sync: {output.sync} SNR: {output.snr}")