#!/usr/bin/env python # # Project Horus - Rotator Abstraction Layers # # Copyright (C) 2022 Mark Jessop # Released under GNU GPL v3 or later # import socket import time import logging import traceback from threading import Thread class ROTCTLD(object): """ rotctld (hamlib) communication class """ # Note: This is a massive hack. def __init__(self, hostname, port=4533, poll_rate=5, timeout=10, az_180 = False, threshold=5.0): """ Open a connection to rotctld, and test it for validity """ self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.settimeout(timeout) self.hostname = hostname self.port = port def connect(self): """ Connect to rotctld instance """ self.sock.connect((self.hostname,self.port)) model = self.get_model() print(model) if model == None: # Timeout! self.close() raise Exception("Timeout!") else: return model def close(self): self.sock.close() def send_command(self, command, check_response = False): """ Send a command to the connected rotctld instance, and return the return value. """ command = command.encode('ascii') self.sock.sendall(command+b'\n') if check_response: try: return self.sock.recv(1024).decode('ascii') except: return None else: return "RPRT 0" def get_model(self): """ Get the rotator model from rotctld """ model = self.send_command('_') return model def set_azel(self,azimuth,elevation, check_response=False): """ Command rotator to a particular azimuth/elevation """ # Sanity check inputs. if elevation > 90.0: elevation = 90.0 elif elevation < 0.0: elevation = 0.0 if azimuth > 360.0: azimuth = azimuth % 360.0 command = "P %3.1f %2.1f" % (azimuth,elevation) response = self.send_command(command, check_response=check_response) if "RPRT 0" in response: return True else: return False def get_azel(self): """ Poll rotctld for azimuth and elevation """ # Send poll command and read in response. response = self.send_command('p') # Attempt to split response by \n (az and el are on separate lines) try: response_split = response.split('\n') _current_azimuth = float(response_split[0]) _current_elevation = float(response_split[1]) return (_current_azimuth, _current_elevation) except: logging.error("Could not parse position: %s" % response) return (None,None) class PSTRotator(object): """ PSTRotator communication class """ # Local store of current azimuth/elevation current_azimuth = None current_elevation = None azel_thread_running = False last_poll_time = 0 def __init__(self, hostname='localhost', port=12000, poll_rate=1, threshold=5.0): """ Start a PSTRotator connection instance """ self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.poll_rate = poll_rate self.azel_thread_running = True self.t_rx = Thread(target=self.azel_rx_loop) self.t_rx.start() self.t_poll = Thread(target=self.azel_poll_loop) self.t_poll.start() def close(self): self.azel_thread_running = False def set_azel(self,azimuth,elevation, check_response=False): """ Send an Azimuth/Elevation move command to PSTRotator """ # Sanity check inputs. if elevation > 90.0: elevation = 90.0 elif elevation < 0.0: elevation = 0.0 if azimuth > 360.0: azimuth = azimuth % 360.0 # Generate command pst_command = "0%.1f%.1f" % (azimuth,elevation) logging.debug("Sent command: %s" % pst_command) # Send! udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) udp_socket.sendto(pst_command.encode('ascii'), (self.hostname,self.port)) udp_socket.close() return True def poll_azel(self): """ Poll PSTRotator for an Azimuth/Elevation Update """ az_poll_command = "AZ?" el_poll_command = "EL?" try: udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) udp_socket.sendto(az_poll_command.encode('ascii'), (self.hostname,self.port)) time.sleep(0.2) udp_socket.sendto(el_poll_command.encode('ascii'), (self.hostname,self.port)) udp_socket.close() except: pass def azel_poll_loop(self): while self.azel_thread_running: self.poll_azel() logging.debug("Poll sent to PSTRotator.") time.sleep(self.poll_rate) def azel_rx_loop(self): """ Listen for Azimuth and Elevation reports from PSTRotator""" s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.settimeout(1) s.bind(('',(self.port+1))) logging.debug("Started PST Rotator Listener Thread.") while self.azel_thread_running: try: m = s.recvfrom(512) except socket.timeout: m = None if m != None: # Attempt to parse Azimuth / Elevation logging.debug("Received: %s" % m[0]) data = m[0].decode('ascii') if data[:2] == 'EL': self.current_elevation = float(data[3:]) elif data[:2] == 'AZ': self.current_azimuth = float(data[3:]) logging.debug("Closing UDP Listener") s.close() def get_azel(self): return (self.current_azimuth, self.current_elevation) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) # rot = PSTRotator() # time.sleep(10) # rot.set_azel(45.0,45.0) # time.sleep(10) # rot.close() rot = ROTCTLD(hostname="") rot.connect() time.sleep(10) rot.set_azel(45.0,45.0) time.sleep(10) rot.set_azel(0.0,0.0) rot.close()