/* Copyright 2011-2012 (C) Daniel Richman. License: GNU GPL 3; see LICENSE. */ #ifndef HABITAT_UPLOADER_H #define HABITAT_UPLOADER_H #include #include #include #include #include "jsoncpp.h" #include "habitat/EZ.h" #include "habitat/CouchDB.h" using namespace std; namespace habitat { class UnmergeableError : public runtime_error { public: UnmergeableError() : runtime_error("habitat::UnmergeableError") {}; UnmergeableError(const string &what) : runtime_error(what) {}; }; class Uploader { EZ::Mutex mutex; const string callsign; CouchDB::Server server; CouchDB::Database database; const int max_merge_attempts; string latest_listener_information; string latest_listener_telemetry; string listener_doc(const char *type, const Json::Value &data, long long int time_created); public: Uploader(const string &callsign, const string &couch_uri="http://habitat.habhub.org", const string &couch_db="habitat", int max_merge_attempts=20); ~Uploader() {}; string payload_telemetry(const string &data, const Json::Value &metadata=Json::Value::null, long long int time_created=-1); /* note that latitude, longitude are required properties of data */ string listener_telemetry(const Json::Value &data, long long int time_created=-1); string listener_information(const Json::Value &data, long long int time_created=-1); vector *flights(); vector *payloads(); }; } /* namespace habitat */ #endif /* HABITAT_UPLOADER_H */