/* Copyright 2011 (C) Daniel Richman. License: GNU GPL 3; see COPYING. */ #include "habitat/UKHASExtractor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "jsoncpp.h" using namespace std; namespace habitat { void UKHASExtractor::reset_buffer() { buffer.resize(0); buffer.clear(); buffer.reserve(256); } void UKHASExtractor::skipped(int n) { if (extracting) { skipped_count += n; /* If radio goes silent for too long (~10s at 50baud, * ~1.5s at 300baud) */ if (skipped_count > 50) { mgr->status("UKHAS Extractor: giving up (silence)"); reset_buffer(); extracting = false; } } } void UKHASExtractor::push(char b, enum push_flags flags) { if (b == '\r') b = '\n'; if (last == '$' && b == '$') { /* Start delimiter: "$$" */ reset_buffer(); buffer.push_back(last); buffer.push_back(b); garbage_count = 0; skipped_count = 0; extracting = true; mgr->status("UKHAS Extractor: found start delimiter"); } else if (extracting && b == '\n') { /* End delimiter: "\n" */ buffer.push_back(b); mgr->uthr.payload_telemetry(buffer); mgr->status("UKHAS Extractor: extracted string"); try { mgr->data(crude_parse()); } catch (runtime_error &e) { mgr->status("UKHAS Extractor: crude parse failed: " + string(e.what())); Json::Value bare(Json::objectValue); bare["_sentence"] = buffer; mgr->data(bare); } reset_buffer(); extracting = false; } else if (extracting) { /* baudot doesn't support '*', so we use '#'. */ if ((flags & PUSH_BAUDOT_HACK) && b == '#') b = '*'; buffer.push_back(b); if (b < 0x20 || b > 0x7E) garbage_count++; /* Sane limits to avoid uploading tonnes of garbage */ if (buffer.length() > 1000 || garbage_count > 32) { mgr->status("UKHAS Extractor: giving up"); reset_buffer(); extracting = false; } } last = b; } static void inplace_toupper(char &c) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') c -= 32; } static string checksum_xor(const string &s) { uint8_t checksum = 0; for (string::const_iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++) checksum ^= (*it); char temp[3]; snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%.02X", checksum); return string(temp); } static string checksum_crc16_ccitt(const string &s) { /* From avr-libc docs: Modified BSD (GPL, BSD, DFSG compatible) */ uint16_t crc = 0xFFFF; for (string::const_iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++) { crc = crc ^ ((uint16_t (*it)) << 8); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { bool s = crc & 0x8000; crc <<= 1; crc ^= (s ? 0x1021 : 0); } } char temp[5]; snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%.04X", crc); return string(temp); } static vector split(const string &input, const char c) { vector parts; size_t pos = 0, lastpos = 0; do { /* pos returns npos? substr will grab to end of string. */ pos = input.find_first_of(c, lastpos); if (pos == string::npos) parts.push_back(input.substr(lastpos)); else parts.push_back(input.substr(lastpos, pos - lastpos)); lastpos = pos + 1; } while (pos != string::npos); return parts; } static void split_string(const string &buffer, string *data, string *checksum) { if (buffer.substr(0, 2) != "$$") throw runtime_error("String does not begin with $$"); if (buffer[buffer.length() - 1] != '\n') throw runtime_error("String does not end with '\\n'"); size_t pos = buffer.find_last_of('*'); if (pos == string::npos) throw runtime_error("No checksum"); size_t check_start = pos + 1; size_t check_end = buffer.length() - 1; size_t check_length = check_end - check_start; if (check_length != 2 && check_length != 4) throw runtime_error("Invalid checksum length"); size_t data_start = 2; size_t data_length = pos - data_start; *data = buffer.substr(data_start, data_length); *checksum = buffer.substr(check_start, check_length); } static string examine_checksum(const string &data, const string &checksum_o) { string checksum = checksum_o; for_each(checksum.begin(), checksum.end(), inplace_toupper); string expect, name; if (checksum.length() == 2) { expect = checksum_xor(data); name = "xor"; } else if (checksum.length() == 4) { expect = checksum_crc16_ccitt(data); name = "crc16-ccitt"; } else { throw runtime_error("Invalid checksum length"); } if (expect != checksum) throw runtime_error("Invalid checksum: expected " + expect); return name; } static bool is_ddmmmm_field(const Json::Value &field) { if (field["sensor"] != "stdtelem.coordinate") return false; if (!field["format"].isString()) return false; string format = field["format"].asString(); /* does it match d+m+\.m+ ? */ size_t pos; pos = format.find_first_not_of('d'); if (pos == string::npos || format[pos] != 'm') return false; pos = format.find_first_not_of('m', pos); if (pos == string::npos || format[pos] != '.') return false; pos++; pos = format.find_first_not_of('m', pos); if (pos != string::npos) return false; return true; } static string convert_ddmmmm(const string &value) { size_t split = value.find('.'); if (split == string::npos || split <= 2) throw runtime_error("invalid '.' pos when converting ddmm"); string left = value.substr(0, split - 2); string right = value.substr(split - 2); istringstream lis(left), ris(right); double left_val, right_val; lis >> left_val; ris >> right_val; if (lis.fail() || ris.fail() || lis.peek() != EOF || ris.peek() != EOF) throw runtime_error("couldn't parse left or right parts (ddmm)"); if (right_val >= 60 || right_val < 0) throw runtime_error("invalid right part (ddmm)"); double dd = left_val + (right_val / 60); ostringstream os; os.precision(value.length() - value.find_first_not_of("0+-") - 2); os << dd; return os.str(); } static bool is_numeric_field(const Json::Value &field) { return field["sensor"] == "base.ascii_int" || field["sensor"] == "base.ascii_float"; } static double convert_numeric(const string &value) { istringstream is(value); double val; is >> val; if (is.fail()) throw runtime_error("couldn't parse numeric value"); return val; } static void extract_fields(Json::Value &data, const Json::Value &fields, const vector &parts) { vector::const_iterator part = parts.begin() + 1; Json::Value::const_iterator field = fields.begin(); while (field != fields.end() && part != parts.end()) { if (!(*field).isObject()) throw runtime_error("Invalid configuration (field not an object)"); const string key = (*field)["name"].asString(); const string value = (*part); if (!key.length()) throw runtime_error("Invalid configuration (empty field name)"); if (value.length()) { if (is_ddmmmm_field(*field)) data[key] = convert_ddmmmm(value); else if (is_numeric_field(*field)) data[key] = convert_numeric(value); else data[key] = value; } field++; part++; } } static void numeric_scale(Json::Value &data, const Json::Value &config) { const string source = config["source"].asString(); string destination = source; if (!config["destination"].isNull()) { if (!config["destination"].isString()) throw runtime_error("Invalid (numeric scale) configuration " "(non string destination)"); destination = config["destination"].asString(); } if (destination == "payload" || (destination.size() && destination[0] == '_')) throw runtime_error("Invalid (numeric scale) configuration " "(forbidden destination)"); if (!data[source].isNumeric()) throw runtime_error("Attempted to apply numeric scale to " "(non numeric source value)"); if (!config["factor"].isNumeric()) throw runtime_error("Invalid (numeric scale) configuration " "(non numeric factor)"); if (!config["source"].isString()) throw runtime_error("Invalid (numeric scale) configuration " "(non string source)"); double value = data[source].asDouble(); double factor = config["factor"].asDouble(); value *= factor; if (!config["offset"].isNull()) { if (!config["offset"].isNumeric()) throw runtime_error("Invalid (numeric scale) configuration " "(non numeric offset)"); double offset = config["offset"].asDouble(); value += offset; } if (!config["round"].isNull()) { if (!config["round"].isNumeric()) throw runtime_error("Invalid (numeric scale) configuration " "(non numeric round)"); double round_d = config["round"].asDouble(); int round_i = int(round_d); if (fabs(double(round_i) - round_d) > 0.001) throw runtime_error("Invalid (numeric scale) configuration " "(non integral round)"); if (value != 0) { int position = round_i - int(ceil(log10(fabs(value)))); double m = pow(10.0, position); value = round(value * m) / m; } } data[destination] = value; } static void post_filters(Json::Value &data, const Json::Value &sentence) { if (!sentence["filters"].isObject()) return; const Json::Value post_filters = sentence["filters"]["post"]; if (!post_filters.isArray()) return; for (Json::Value::const_iterator it = post_filters.begin(); it != post_filters.end(); it++) { if ((*it)["type"] == "normal" && (*it)["filter"] == "common.numeric_scale") numeric_scale(data, *it); } } static void cook_basic(Json::Value &basic, const string &buffer, const string &callsign) { basic["_sentence"] = buffer; basic["_protocol"] = "UKHAS"; basic["_parsed"] = true; basic["payload"] = callsign; } static void attempt_settings(Json::Value &data, const Json::Value &sentence, const string &checksum_name, const vector &parts) { if (!sentence.isObject() || !sentence["callsign"].isString() || !sentence["fields"].isArray() || !sentence["fields"].size()) throw runtime_error("Invalid configuration " "(missing callsign or fields)"); if (sentence["callsign"] != parts[0]) throw runtime_error("Incorrect callsign"); if (sentence["checksum"] != checksum_name) throw runtime_error("Wrong checksum type"); const Json::Value &fields = sentence["fields"]; if (fields.size() != (parts.size() - 1)) throw runtime_error("Incorrect number of fields"); extract_fields(data, fields, parts); post_filters(data, sentence); } /* crude_parse is based on the parse() method of * habitat.parser_modules.ukhas_parser.UKHASParser */ Json::Value UKHASExtractor::crude_parse() { const Json::Value *settings_ptr = mgr->payload(); if (!settings_ptr) settings_ptr = &(Json::Value::null); else if (!settings_ptr->isObject()) throw runtime_error("Invalid configuration: " "settings is not an object"); const Json::Value &settings = *settings_ptr; string data, checksum; split_string(buffer, &data, &checksum); /* Warning: cpp_connector only supports xor and crc16-ccitt, which * conveninently are different lengths, so this works. */ string checksum_name = examine_checksum(data, checksum); vector parts = split(data, ','); if (!parts.size() || !parts[0].size()) throw runtime_error("Empty callsign"); Json::Value basic(Json::objectValue); cook_basic(basic, buffer, parts[0]); const Json::Value &sentences = settings["sentences"]; if (!sentences.isNull()) { if (!sentences.isArray()) throw runtime_error("Invalid configuration: " "sentences is not an array"); /* Silence errors, and only log them if all attempts fail */ vector errors; for (Json::Value::const_iterator it = sentences.begin(); it != sentences.end(); it++) { try { Json::Value data(basic); attempt_settings(data, (*it), checksum_name, parts); return data; } catch (runtime_error &e) { errors.push_back(e.what()); } } /* Couldn't parse using any of the settings... */ mgr->status("UKHAS Extractor: full parse failed:"); for (vector::const_iterator it = errors.begin(); it != errors.end(); it++) { mgr->status("UKHAS Extractor: " + (*it)); } } basic["_basic"] = true; return basic; } } /* namespace habitat */