habitat cpp uploader (see habitat.uploader.Uploader) ==================================================== Directories ----------- - jsoncpp: bundled library - habitat: headers (i.e., #include "habitat/CouchDB.h") - src: sources License ------- habitat-cpp-uploader is GNU GPL 3 (this excludes the bundled JsonCPP, see below). The full GNU GPL 3 text can be found in LICENSE Building dependencies --------------------- You will need these dependencies: - [libcURL](http://curl.haxx.se/) - habitat (for habitat.utils.rfc3339, to test the Uploader.) You can build them from source or find install the libcurl4-openssl-dev package on Debian based systems. JsonCPP ------- JsonCPP has an 'amalgamated' release where all the sources are combined into two files, one jsoncpp.cpp and a json/json.h, which is renamed to jsoncpp.h here to avoid conflicts with libjson's json.h. It's in the jsoncpp/ directory of this repository. JsonCPP is Public Domain or MIT License and full information can be found at jsoncpp/LICENSE