# HABDEC - RTTY decoder for High Altitude Balloons ![alt text](./webClientScreenshot.png) Habdec is a C++17 software to decode RTTY telemetry from High Altitude Balloons and upload it to ~~UKHAS Habitat~~ [sondehub.org](https://amateur.sondehub.org) Some facts: - builds and runs on Windows/Linux and x64/RaspberryPI/OdroixXU4 platforms - Uses [SoapySDR](https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDR) to consume IQ stream from your SDR - runs in command line (headless) - provides websocket server so can be controlled from any web browser [even on your phone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dli8FEFy5tM) - can be easily integrated into your own code - has example python client - decodes [SSDV](https://ukhas.org.uk/doku.php?id=guides:ssdv) images Original motivation for habdec was to have a portable tracking device you could take to a chasecar or into a field. Fatty laptop with dl-fldigi, full-fledged SDR app and required internet connection is not too comfortable. Ultimatelly habdec is intended for integration into bigger app, based on OpenStreetmap and running on portable RaspberryPI or OdroidXU4 - see [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuoNf171e_A), [here](https://twitter.com/froszu/status/1274308780923269120) or [here](https://twitter.com/froszu/status/1271166163993661440) It was successfully used to track and recover several HAB payloads. Below is an altitude graph from ARY5 flight - you can see amount of valid telemetry sentences received. One receiver was a stationary antenna, the other is car roof magmount. ![alt text](./chart_alt_mobile.svg) ![alt text](./chart_alt_stationary.svg) ## Getting habdec To get habdec you can download precompiled exec or build it from source. #### Getting Binary: - Install SoapySDR binaries from [here](https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDR/wiki#installation) - Download habdec executable for your platform from [here](https://github.com/ogre/habdec/wiki) There's also raspberryPi 3 image with ready to use binary and build env. Go to [Wiki](https://github.com/ogre/habdec/wiki) #### Building from source: To build habdec you need a C++17 compiler and CMake version 3.8.2 You also need to build or install some dependencies: - basic decoder: [FFTW](http://www.fftw.org/) - websocket server: [SoapySDR](https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDR), [boost 1.68](https://www.boost.org/) (any version with boost-beast) Instructions how to build habdec and it's dependencies are described in [BuildInstructions.md](./BuildInstructions.md) ## Usage `habdecWebsocketServer.exe --help` ``` Command Line Interface options: --config arg Last run config file. Autosaved on every successful decode. CLI opts: --help Display help message --device arg SDR Device Number. -1 to list --sampling_rate arg (=0) Sampling Rate, as supported by device --no_exit arg Constantly retry on missing device instead of exit. --port arg Command Port, example: --port --station arg HABHUB station callsign. Omitting this flag disables HABHUB upload. --latlon arg station GPS location (decimal) --alt arg station altitude in meters --freq arg frequency in MHz --ppm arg frequency correction in PPM --gain arg gain --print arg live print received chars, values: 0, 1 --rtty arg rtty: baud bits stops, example: --rtty 300 8 2 --biast arg biasT, values: 0, 1 --bias_t arg biasT, values: 0, 1 --afc arg Auto Frequency Correction, values: 0, 1 --usb_pack arg AirSpy USB bit packing --dc_remove arg DC remove --dec arg decimation: 2^dec, range: 0-8 --lowpass arg lowpass bandwidth in Hertz --lp_trans arg lowpass transition width. (0-1) --sentence_cmd arg Call external command with sentence as parameter --sondehub arg (=https://api.v2.sondehub.org) sondehub API url ``` ### Examples: Print available devices ``` habdecWebsocketServer.exe --device -1 Reading config from file ./habdecWebsocketServer.opts Current options: device: -1 sampling_rate: 2.048e+06 command_host: command_port: 5,555 station: habdec freq: 4.3435e+08 gain: 15 live_print: 1 baud: 300 rtty_ascii_bits: 8 rtty_ascii_stops: 2 biast: 0 Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner [INFO] [UHD] Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0; Boost_106700; UHD_3.13.0.2-1-g78745bda Available devices: 0: device_id 0 driver airspy label AIRSPY [440464c8:39627b4f] serial 440464c8:39627b4f Sampling Rates: 2.5e+06 1e+07 1: available Yes driver rtlsdr label Generic RTL2832U OEM :: 00000001 manufacturer Realtek product RTL2838UHIDIR rtl 0 serial 00000001 tuner Rafael Micro R820T Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner Sampling Rates: 250,000 1.024e+06 1.536e+06 1.792e+06 1.92e+06 2.048e+06 2.16e+06 2.56e+06 2.88e+06 3.2e+06 No SDR device specified. Select one by specifying it's NUMBER Failed Device Setup. EXIT. ``` Run with AirSpy habdecWebsocketServer.exe --device 0 --sampling_rate 2.5e6 Specify websocket address and port habdecWebsocketServer.exe --device 0 --sampling_rate 2.5e6 -port Some more options ``` habdecWebsocketServer.exe --device 0 --sampling_rate 2.5e6 --port --station Fred --rtty 300 8 2 --print 1 --freq 434.5 --gain 20 --biast 1 --afc 1 ``` ### Web Client To control habdec parameters from your browser: - start browser - open `habdec/code/webClient/index.html` file from disk - set server field ip:port and Connect Do not try connecting directly to `http://ip:port ` - habdec is not an HTTP server and you will see this error: `The WebSocket handshake Connection field is missing the upgrade token` ## Known Limitations - RTTY Modes **NOT** supported: 5bit baudot, 1.5 bit stop - SSDV images are not uploaded to http://ssdv.habhub.org - Automatic Frequency Correction needs more work. Use consciously. dc_remove=on can help if AFC is confused by center spike. - Connecting from browser is not very reliable yet, sometimes you need to refresh and wait. ## Reporting Problems Use bugtracker. ## Authors * **Michał Frątczak** - *parts of code from* - [GQRX](https://github.com/csete/gqrx) ## License This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License