# webUI ![HabBoy](../docs/HabBoy_Habdec.jpg) ```webUI``` is a HabBoy GUI in a web browser: * connects to ```data_server``` for payload telemetry * displays any nuber HabDec interfaces * displays OSM map with payload and HabBoy location * displays google map with navigation route * displays graphs and gauges with telemetry using [highcharts.js](https://www.highcharts.com/) * Displays Habitat SSDV # Installation ```webUI``` should be server with any web server, ie. apache. Opening ```index.html``` directly from disk might not work due to CORS restrictions. For testing, you can start simple python server: ``` cd webUI/code python -m http.server 80 ``` Then open browser and go to http://localhost For example, if you use apache: ```ln -s ~/habboy/webUI/code /var/www/html/habboy``` Web UI is then available under URL ```http://habboy/habboy``` # User Interface User Interface is divided in two parts. At the bottom is ```status bar```. Rest of the UI area is many tabs(Habdec, maps, etc.) that can be switched with buttons at right side of screen. ## Status Bar ```status bar``` is located at the bottom of the screen. First line displays payload information: * callsign * altitude [max altitude] * ascent rate m/s * horizontal speed km/h * GPS fix age (time since last GPS fix) * last payload sentence age Color of the payload line has meaning: * green - 0-60 seconds age * orange - 60-120 seconds age * red - more than 120 seconds age Second line displays information about HabBoy device: * distance to payload * payload elevation * azimuth to payload * HabBoy vehuicle speed km/h * GPS fix age * GPS packet age ## Tabs Right side of screen is a column of buttons. Each button is a tab. Custom tabs can be added by editing ```HABBOY.js``` file. ## Tab - HabDec HabBoy can display multiple HabDec interfaces, one per radio/connection. Each instance will have it's own TAB named ```Radio XXX```, where XXX is last octed of HabDec IP address. To install HabDec into HabBoy, create symlink (or copy): ``` cd ./habboy_sw/webUI ln -s ~/habdec/code/webClient ./habdec_gui ``` To add new habBoy TAB, open URL: ```http://habboy:8888/habboy/api/v1/habdec/add/``` Where is addr:port oh running habdec websocketServer. ## Tab - Map ```Tab Map``` is OpenStreetMap vetor tiles map with location of payload, HabBoy device and predicted land spot. To work correctly you must: * install cusf and wind data as described in [data_server](../data_server/README.md) * prepare and install vector tiles as described [here](../docs/VECTOR_TILES.md) ## Tab - Google Maps To enable, edit ```webUI\code\js\HB_google_map.js``` file and fill your google API key in ```GMAPS_API_KEY``` variable. You can uncomment ```HG_GoogleMap_NavigationUpdate()``` function call to enable google navigation. This needs more work however and is a mere experiment now. ## Tab - Control Various HabBoy settings. ### Nav Copy payload lat,lon to clipboard ### Chase Car Upload HabBoy GPS position to Habitat (as chasecar) ### Payloads... Select payload to track. These are payloads saved in ```data_server``` DB. ### Device -> habdec_start / habdec_stop start/stop HabDec daemon ### Device -> spy_start / spy_stop start/stop SpyServer daemon ### Device -> restart restart all daemons (habboy and habdec) ### Device -> reboot reboot computer ### Device -> halt stop computer ## Directory Structure Below is a dir structure of ```/var/www/html``` ``` ~ www tree -d -l -L 4 . . └── html ├── habboy -> /home/pi/share/dev/habboy/habboy_sw/webUI/code │   ├── css │   ├── habdec_gui -> /home/pi/share/dev/habdec/habdec/code/webClient │   │   ├── css │   │   └── js │   ├── img │   └── js │   └── highcharts ├── osm │   ├── font -> /home/pi/share/data/osm/font/klokantech/font │   │   ├── Klokantech Noto Sans Bold │   │   ├── ... │   │   └── Roboto Thin-Italic │   └── tiles -> /home/pi/share/data/osm/poland_layered/3 │   ├── admin │   ├── aeroway │   ├── buildings │   ├── labels │   ├── landuse │   ├── roads │   └── water └── ssdv └── gallery ```