function sendAlerts(callRoster, rosterSettings) { var dirPath = window.opener.g_scriptDir; var scriptExists = false; var script = ""; var shouldAlert = 0; for (entry in callRoster) { var callObj = callRoster[entry].callObj; // chrbayer: what does the tx field mean? no alerts are generated (at all) if this is in place... // if (!callObj.tx) continue; // TODO: Get rid of realtime if (g_rosterSettings.realtime == false) { var call = callObj.DEcall; g_scriptReport[call] = Object.assign({}, callObj); g_scriptReport[call].dxccName = window.opener.g_dxccToAltName[callObj.dxcc]; g_scriptReport[call].distance = parseInt( callObj.distance * MyCircle.validateRadius(window.opener.distanceUnit.value) ); delete g_scriptReport[call].DEcall; g_scriptReport[call].rect = null; delete g_scriptReport[call].rect; delete g_scriptReport[call].style; delete g_scriptReport[call].wspr; delete g_scriptReport[call].qso; delete g_scriptReport[call].instance; if (rosterSettings.callMode != "all") { g_scriptReport[call].shouldAlert = true; g_scriptReport[call].reason.push(g_rosterSettings.hunting); } } if ( callObj.alerted == false && rosterSettings.callMode == "all" && callObj.shouldAlert == true ) { callObj.alerted = true; shouldAlert++; } else if (callObj.alerted == false && rosterSettings.callMode != "all") { callObj.alerted = true; shouldAlert++; } callObj.shouldAlert = false; } // NOTE: Ring alerts if needed try { if (fs.existsSync(dirPath)) { if (window.opener.g_platform == "windows") { script = "cr-alert.bat"; } if ( fs.existsSync(dirPath + script) && g_rosterSettings.realtime == false ) { scriptExists = true; scriptIcon.innerHTML = "
" + (window.opener.g_crScript == 1 ? "Script Enabled" : "Script Disabled") + "
"; = "block"; } else { = "none"; } } } catch (e) {} if (shouldAlert > 0) { if (window.opener.g_classicAlerts.huntRoster == true) { var notify = window.opener.huntRosterNotify.value; if (notify == "0") { var media = window.opener.huntRosterNotifyMedia.value; if (media != "none") window.opener.playAlertMediaFile(media); } else if (notify == "1") { window.opener.speakAlertString( window.opener.huntRosterNotifyWord.value ); } } if ( g_rosterSettings.realtime == false && scriptExists && window.opener.g_crScript == 1 ) { try { fs.writeFileSync( dirPath + "cr-alert.json", JSON.stringify(g_scriptReport, null, 2) ); var thisProc = dirPath + script; var cp = require("child_process"); var child = cp.spawn(thisProc, [], { detached: true, cwd: dirPath.slice(0, -1), stdio: ["ignore", "ignore", "ignore"] }); child.unref(); } catch (e) { conosle.log(e); } g_scriptReport = Object(); } else g_scriptReport = Object(); } }