function processHunting() { // these vars, do they rely on anything between the top and here? // if not could they be put in the var list at the beginning? var hasGtPin = false; var newCallList = Array(); var inversionAlpha = "DD"; var row = "#000000"; var bold = "#000000;font-weight: bold;"; var unconf = "background-clip:padding-box;box-shadow: 0 0 7px 3px inset "; var layeredAlpha = "77"; var layeredInversionAlpha = "66"; var layeredUnconf = "background-clip:padding-box;box-shadow: 0 0 4px 2px inset "; var layeredUnconfAlpha = "AA"; // TODO: Hunting results might be used to filter, based on the "Callsigns: Only Wanted" option, // so maybe we can move this loop first, and add a check to the filtering loop? // Second loop, hunting and highlighting for (var callHash in callRoster) { var entry = callRoster[callHash]; var callObj = entry.callObj; // Special case check for called station if (callObj.qrz == true && entry.tx == false) { // The instance has to be enabled if (window.opener.g_instances[callObj.instance].crEnable == true) { // Calling us, but we wouldn't normally display // If they are not ignored or we're in a QSO with them, var it through // TODO: This is here because it's after the filtering stage if ((!(entry.DEcall in g_blockedCalls) && !(callObj.dxcc in g_blockedDxcc)) || window.opener.g_instances[callObj.instance].status.DXcall == entry.DEcall) { entry.tx = true; } } } // Only render entries with `tx == true`, ignore the rest if (callObj.dxcc != -1 && entry.tx == true) { // In layered mode ("Hunting: mixed") the workHashSuffix becomes a more stricter 'live band', // while the layered suffix is a broader 'mixed band' var workHashSuffix, layeredHashSuffix; if (layeredMode) { workHashSuffix = hashMaker("", callObj, layeredMode); layeredHashSuffix = hashMaker("", callObj, g_rosterSettings.reference); } else { workHashSuffix = hashMaker("", callObj, g_rosterSettings.reference); layeredHashSuffix = false } var workHash = workHashSuffix; // TODO: Remove after replacing all occurrences with Suffix var callsign = entry.DEcall; callObj.hunting = {} callObj.callFlags = {} var colorObject = Object(); var callPointer = callObj.CQ == true ? "cursor:pointer" : ""; var didWork = false; var call = "#FFFF00"; var grid = "#00FFFF"; var calling = "#90EE90"; var dxcc = "#FFA500"; var state = "#90EE90"; var cnty = "#CCDD00"; var cont = "#00DDDD"; var cqz = "#DDDDDD"; var ituz = "#DDDDDD"; var wpx = "#FFFF00"; hasGtPin = false; var shouldAlert = false; var callBg, gridBg, callingBg, dxccBg, stateBg, cntyBg, contBg, cqzBg, ituzBg, wpxBg, gtBg; var callConf, gridConf, callingConf, dxccConf, stateConf, cntyConf, contConf, cqzConf, ituzConf, wpxConf; callBg = gridBg = callingBg = dxccBg = stateBg = cntyBg = contBg = cqzBg = ituzBg = wpxBg = gtBg = row; callConf = gridConf = callingConf = dxccConf = stateConf = cntyConf = contConf = cqzConf = ituzConf = wpxConf = ""; var hash = callsign + workHashSuffix; var layeredHash = layeredHashSuffix && (callsign + layeredHashSuffix) // Call worked in current logbook settings, regardless of hunting mode if (hash in { callObj.callFlags.worked = true; didWork = true; callConf = `${unconf}${call}${inversionAlpha};`; if (hash in { callObj.callFlags.confirmed = true; callPointer = "text-decoration: line-through; "; callConf = ""; } } // Calls that have OAMS chat support if ( callsign in window.opener.g_gtCallsigns && window.opener.g_gtCallsigns[callsign] in window.opener.g_gtFlagPins && window.opener.g_gtFlagPins[window.opener.g_gtCallsigns[callsign]].canmsg == true ) { callObj.callFlags.oams = true; // grab the CID = window.opener.g_gtCallsigns[callsign]; hasGtPin = true; } else { = 0; } // We only do hunt highlighting when showing all entries // This means "Callsigns: All Traffic", "Callsigns: All Traffic/Only Wanted" and "Logbook: Award Tracker" // There is no highlighting in other modes if (callMode == "all") { // Skip when "only new calls" // Questions: Move to the first loop? Why only skip new calls in "all traffic" and not other modes? if (allOnlyNew.checked == true && didWork && callObj.qrz == false) { entry.tx = false; continue; } // Hunting for callsigns if (huntCallsign.checked == true) { var hash = callsign + workHashSuffix; var layeredHash = layeredMode && (callsign + layeredHashSuffix) if (huntIndex && !(hash in { shouldAlert = true; callObj.reason.push("call"); if (workedIndex && hash in { if (layeredMode && layeredHash in { = "worked-and-mixed"; callConf = `${layeredUnconf}${call}${layeredUnconfAlpha};`; callBg = `${call}${layeredInversionAlpha}`; call = bold; } // /* Currently we don't have a way to figure out // * if the call is worked only in this band or also others, // * so we cannot cover this particular combination // * and have to default to just showing it as plain "worked" // */ // else if (layeredMode && layeredHash in // { // = "worked-and-mixed-worked"; // callConf = `${layeredUnconf}${call}${layeredAlpha};`; // } else { = "worked"; callConf = `${unconf}${call}${inversionAlpha};`; } } else { if (layeredMode && layeredHash in { = "mixed"; callBg = `${call}${layeredAlpha};`; call = bold; } else if (layeredMode && layeredHash in { = "mixed-worked"; callConf = `${unconf}${call}${layeredAlpha};`; } else { = "hunted"; callBg = `${call}${inversionAlpha};`; call = bold; } } } } // Hunting for "stations calling you" if (huntQRZ.checked == true && callObj.qrz == true) { callObj.callFlags.calling = true shouldAlert = true; callObj.reason.push("qrz"); } // Hunting for stations with OAMS if (huntOAMS.checked == true && hasGtPin == true) { callObj.hunting.oams = "hunted"; shouldAlert = true; callObj.reason.push("oams"); } // Hunting for grids if (huntGrid.checked == true && callObj.grid.length > 1) { var hash = callObj.grid.substr(0, 4) + workHashSuffix; var layeredHash = layeredMode && (callObj.grid.substr(0, 4) + layeredHashSuffix) if (huntIndex && !(hash in huntIndex.grid)) { shouldAlert = true; callObj.reason.push("grid"); if (workedIndex && hash in workedIndex.grid) { if (layeredMode && layeredHash in huntIndex.grid) { callObj.hunting.grid = "worked-and-mixed"; gridConf = `${layeredUnconf}${grid}${layeredUnconfAlpha};`; gridBg = `${grid}${layeredInversionAlpha}`; grid = bold; } else { callObj.hunting.grid = "worked"; gridConf = `${unconf}${grid}${inversionAlpha};`; } } else { if (layeredMode && layeredHash in huntIndex.grid) { callObj.hunting.grid = "mixed"; gridBg = `${grid}${layeredAlpha};`; grid = bold; } else if (layeredMode && layeredHash in workedIndex.grid) { callObj.hunting.grid = "mixed-worked"; gridConf = `${unconf}${grid}${layeredAlpha};`; } else { callObj.hunting.grid = "hunted"; gridBg = `${grid}${inversionAlpha};`; grid = bold; } } } } // Hunting for DXCC if (huntDXCC.checked == true) { var hash = String(callObj.dxcc) + workHashSuffix; var layeredHash = layeredMode && (String(callObj.dxcc) + layeredHashSuffix) if (huntIndex && !(hash in huntIndex.dxcc)) { shouldAlert = true; callObj.reason.push("dxcc"); if (workedIndex && hash in workedIndex.dxcc) { if (layeredMode && layeredHash in huntIndex.dxcc) { callObj.hunting.dxcc = "worked-and-mixed"; dxccConf = `${layeredUnconf}${dxcc}${layeredUnconfAlpha};`; dxccBg = `${dxcc}${layeredInversionAlpha}`; dxcc = bold; } else { callObj.hunting.dxcc = "worked"; dxccConf = `${unconf}${dxcc}${inversionAlpha};`; } } else { if (layeredMode && layeredHash in huntIndex.dxcc) { callObj.hunting.dxcc = "mixed"; dxccBg = `${dxcc}${layeredAlpha};`; dxcc = bold; } else if (layeredMode && layeredHash in workedIndex.dxcc) { callObj.hunting.dxcc = "mixed-worked"; dxccConf = `${unconf}${dxcc}${layeredAlpha};`; } else { callObj.hunting.dxcc = "hunted"; dxccBg = `${dxcc}${inversionAlpha};`; dxcc = bold; } } } } // Hunting for US States if (huntState.checked == true && window.opener.g_callsignLookups.ulsUseEnable == true) { var stateSearch = callObj.state; var finalDxcc = callObj.dxcc; if (finalDxcc == 291 || finalDxcc == 110 || finalDxcc == 6) { if (stateSearch in window.opener.g_StateData) { var hash = stateSearch + workHashSuffix; var layeredHash = layeredMode && (stateSearch + layeredHashSuffix) if (huntIndex && !(hash in huntIndex.state)) { shouldAlert = true; callObj.reason.push("state"); if (workedIndex && hash in workedIndex.state) { if (layeredMode && layeredHash in huntIndex.state) { callObj.hunting.state = "worked-and-mixed"; stateConf = `${layeredUnconf}${state}${layeredUnconfAlpha};`; stateBg = `${state}${layeredInversionAlpha}`; state = bold; } else { callObj.hunting.state = "worked"; stateConf = `${unconf}${state}${inversionAlpha};`; } } else { if (layeredMode && layeredHash in huntIndex.state) { callObj.hunting.state = "mixed"; stateBg = `${state}${layeredAlpha};`; state = bold; } else if (layeredMode && layeredHash in workedIndex.state) { callObj.hunting.state = "mixed-worked"; stateConf = `${unconf}${state}${layeredAlpha};`; } else { callObj.hunting.state = "hunted"; stateBg = `${state}${inversionAlpha};`; state = bold; } } } } } } // Hunting for US Counties if (huntCounty.checked == true && window.opener.g_callsignLookups.ulsUseEnable == true) { var finalDxcc = callObj.dxcc; if ( callObj.cnty && (finalDxcc == 291 || finalDxcc == 110 || finalDxcc == 6 || finalDxcc == 202) && callObj.cnty.length > 0 ) { var hash = callObj.cnty + (layeredMode ? layeredHashSuffix : workHashSuffix); if ((huntIndex && !(hash in huntIndex.cnty)) || callObj.qual == false) { if (callObj.qual == false) { var counties = window.opener.g_zipToCounty[callObj.zipcode]; var foundHit = false; for (var cnt in counties) { var hh = counties[cnt] + workHash; callObj.cnty = counties[cnt]; if (huntIndex && !(hh in huntIndex.cnty)) { foundHit = true; break; } } if (foundHit) shouldAlert = true; } else { shouldAlert = true; } if (shouldAlert) { callObj.reason.push("cnty"); if (workedIndex && hash in workedIndex.cnty) { callObj.hunting.cnty = "worked"; cntyConf = `${unconf}${cnty}${inversionAlpha};`; } else { callObj.hunting.cnty = "hunted"; cntyBg = `${cnty}${inversionAlpha}`; cnty = bold; } } } } } // Hunting for CQ Zones if (huntCQz.checked == true) { var huntTotal = callObj.cqza.length; var huntFound = 0, layeredFound = 0, workedFound = 0, layeredWorkedFound = 0; for (index in callObj.cqza) { var hash = callObj.cqza[index] + workHashSuffix; var layeredHash = layeredMode && (callObj.cqza[index] + layeredHashSuffix) if (huntIndex && hash in huntIndex.cqz) huntFound++; if (layeredMode && layeredHash in huntIndex.cqz) layeredFound++; if (workedIndex && hash in workedIndex.cqz) workedFound++; if (layeredMode && layeredHash in workedIndex.cqz) layeredWorkedFound++; } if (huntFound != huntTotal) { shouldAlert = true; callObj.reason.push("cqz"); if (workedIndex && workedFound == huntTotal) { if (layeredMode && layeredFound == huntTotal) { callObj.hunting.cqz = "worked-and-mixed"; cqzConf = `${layeredUnconf}${cqz}${layeredUnconfAlpha};`; cqzBg = `${cqz}${layeredInversionAlpha}`; cqz = bold; } else { callObj.hunting.cqz = "worked"; cqzConf = `${unconf}${cqz}${inversionAlpha};`; } } else { if (layeredMode && layeredFound == huntTotal) { callObj.hunting.cqz = "mixed"; cqzBg = `${cqz}${layeredAlpha};`; cqz = bold; } else if (layeredMode && layeredWorkedFound == huntTotal) { callObj.hunting.cqz = "mixed-worked"; cqzConf = `${unconf}${cqz}${layeredAlpha};`; } else { callObj.hunting.cqz = "hunted"; cqzBg = `${cqz}${inversionAlpha};`; cqz = bold; } } } } // Hunting for ITU Zones if (huntITUz.checked == true) { var huntTotal = callObj.ituza.length; var huntFound = 0, layeredFound = 0, workedFound = 0, layeredWorkedFound = 0; for (index in callObj.ituza) { var hash = callObj.ituza[index] + workHashSuffix; var layeredHash = layeredMode && (callObj.ituza[index] + layeredHashSuffix) if (huntIndex && hash in huntIndex.ituz) huntFound++; if (layeredMode && layeredHash in huntIndex.ituz) layeredFound++; if (workedIndex && hash in workedIndex.ituz) workedFound++; if (layeredMode && layeredHash in workedIndex.ituz) layeredWorkedFound++; } if (huntFound != huntTotal) { shouldAlert = true; callObj.reason.push("ituz"); if (workedIndex && workedFound == huntTotal) { if (layeredMode && layeredFound == huntTotal) { callObj.hunting.ituz = "worked-and-mixed"; ituzConf = `${layeredUnconf}${ituz}${layeredUnconfAlpha};`; ituzBg = `${ituz}${layeredInversionAlpha}`; ituz = bold; } else { callObj.hunting.ituz = "worked"; ituzConf = `${unconf}${ituz}${inversionAlpha};`; } } else { if (layeredMode && layeredFound == huntTotal) { callObj.hunting.ituz = "mixed"; ituzBg = `${ituz}${layeredAlpha};`; ituz = bold; } else if (layeredMode && layeredWorkedFound == huntTotal) { callObj.hunting.ituz = "mixed-worked"; ituzConf = `${unconf}${ituz}${layeredAlpha};`; } else { callObj.hunting.ituz = "hunted"; ituzBg = `${ituz}${inversionAlpha};`; ituz = bold; } } } } // Hunting for WPX (Prefixes) if (huntPX.checked == true && callObj.px) { var hash = String(callObj.px) + workHashSuffix; var layeredHash = layeredMode && (String(callObj.px) + layeredHashSuffix) if (huntIndex && !(hash in huntIndex.px)) { shouldAlert = true; callObj.reason.push("wpx"); if (workedIndex && hash in workedIndex.px) { if (layeredMode && layeredHash in huntIndex.px) { callObj.hunting.wpx = "worked-and-mixed"; wpxConf = `${layeredUnconf}${wpx}${layeredUnconfAlpha};`; wpxBg = `${wpx}${layeredInversionAlpha}`; wpx = bold; } else { callObj.hunting.wpx = "worked"; wpxConf = `${unconf}${wpx}${inversionAlpha};`; } } else { if (layeredMode && layeredHash in huntIndex.px) { callObj.hunting.wpx = "mixed"; wpxBg = `${wpx}${layeredAlpha};`; wpx = bold; } else if (layeredMode && layeredHash in workedIndex.px) { callObj.hunting.wpx = "mixed-worked"; wpxConf = `${unconf}${wpx}${layeredAlpha};`; } else { callObj.hunting.wpx = "hunted"; wpxBg = `${wpx}${inversionAlpha};`; wpx = bold; } } } } // Hunting for Continents if (huntCont.checked == true && callObj.cont) { var hash = String(callObj.cont) + workHashSuffix; var layeredHash = layeredMode && (String(callObj.cont) + layeredHashSuffix) if (huntIndex && !(hash in huntIndex.cont)) { shouldAlert = true; callObj.reason.push("cont"); if (workedIndex && hash in workedIndex.cont) { if (layeredMode && layeredHash in huntIndex.cont) { callObj.hunting.cont = "worked-and-mixed"; contConf = `${layeredUnconf}${cont}${layeredUnconfAlpha};`; contBg = `${cont}${layeredInversionAlpha}`; cont = bold; } else { callObj.hunting.cont = "worked"; contConf = `${unconf}${cont}${inversionAlpha};`; } } else { if (layeredMode && layeredHash in huntIndex.cont) { callObj.hunting.cont = "mixed"; contBg = `${cont}${layeredAlpha};`; cont = bold; } else if (layeredMode && layeredHash in workedIndex.cont) { callObj.hunting.cont = "mixed-worked"; contConf = `${unconf}${cont}${layeredAlpha};`; } else { callObj.hunting.cont = "hunted"; contBg = `${cont}${inversionAlpha};`; cont = bold; } } } } } // Station is calling us if (callObj.DXcall == window.opener.myDEcall) { callingBg = "#0000FF" + inversionAlpha; calling = "#FFFF00;text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #FFFF00"; } else if (callObj.CQ == true && g_rosterSettings.cqOnly == false) { callingBg = calling + inversionAlpha; calling = bold; } // Assemble all styles = "style='" + callConf + "background-color:" + callBg + ";color:" + call + ";" + callPointer + "'"; colorObject.grid = "style='" + gridConf + "background-color:" + gridBg + ";color:" + grid + ";cursor:pointer'"; colorObject.calling = "style='" + callingConf + "background-color:" + callingBg + ";color:" + calling + "'"; colorObject.dxcc = "style='" + dxccConf + "background-color:" + dxccBg + ";color:" + dxcc + "'"; colorObject.state = "style='" + stateConf + "background-color:" + stateBg + ";color:" + state + "'"; colorObject.cnty = "style='" + cntyConf + "background-color:" + cntyBg + ";color:" + cnty + "'"; colorObject.cont = "style='" + contConf + "background-color:" + contBg + ";color:" + cont + "'"; colorObject.cqz = "style='" + cqzConf + "background-color:" + cqzBg + ";color:" + cqz + "'"; colorObject.ituz = "style='" + ituzConf + "background-color:" + ituzBg + ";color:" + ituz + "'"; colorObject.px = "style='" + wpxConf + "background-color:" + wpxBg + ";color:" + wpx + "'"; // Just in case, don't alert if we worked this callsign alread if (didWork && shouldAlert) shouldAlert = false; callObj.shouldAlert = shouldAlert; = colorObject; if (g_rosterSettings.columns.Spot) { = window.opener.getSpotTime( callObj.DEcall + callObj.mode + + callObj.grid ); if ( == null) { = { when: 0, snr: 0 }; } } else { = { when: 0, snr: 0 }; } modes[callObj.mode] = true; bands[] = true; // NOTE: This is where calls that were filtered are passed into an array that will be used for the rendering loop newCallList.push(callObj); } } return newCallList; }