// GridTracker Copyright © 2023 GridTracker.org // All rights reserved. // See LICENSE for more information. GT.pota = { parks: {}, locations: {}, parksTimeout: null, callSchedule: {}, parkSchedule: {}, scheduleTimeout: null, callSpots: {}, parkSpots: {}, spotsTimeout: null, mapParks: {}, rbnReportTimes: {}, rbnFrequency: 600000 }; GT.potaSpotTemplate = { activator: "", frequency: 0, mode: "", band: "", reference: "", spotTime: 0, expire: 0, spotter: "", comments: "", source: "GT", count: 1, activatorGrid: "", spotterGrid: "" }; GT.parkTemplate = { feature: null } GT.potaUnknownPark = { name: "Unknown park (not yet spotted)", active: "0", entityId: "-1", locationDesc: "??-??", latitude: "0.0", longitude: "0.0", grid: "" }; GT.gtParkIconActive = new ol.style.Icon({ src: "./img/pota_icon_active.png", anchorYUnits: "pixels", anchorXUnits: "pixels", anchor: [10, 19] }); GT.gtParkIconInactive = new ol.style.Icon({ src: "./img/pota_icon_inactive.png", anchorYUnits: "pixels", anchorXUnits: "pixels", anchor: [10, 19] }); function initPota() { potaEnabled.checked = (GT.appSettings.potaEnabled == 1); potaMenu.checked = GT.appSettings.potaShowMenu; potaButton.style.display = (GT.appSettings.potaEnabled == 1 && GT.appSettings.potaShowMenu && GT.mapSettings.offlineMode == false) ? "" : "none"; potaImg.style.filter = GT.appSettings.potaMapEnabled ? "" : "grayscale(1)"; GT.layerSources.pota.clear(); GT.pota.mapParks = {}; if (GT.appSettings.potaEnabled == 1) { getPotaParks(); } } function changePotaEnable() { GT.appSettings.potaEnabled = (potaEnabled.checked == true) ? 1 : 0; potaButton.style.display = (GT.appSettings.potaEnabled == 1 && GT.appSettings.potaShowMenu && GT.mapSettings.offlineMode == false) ? "" : "none"; if (!GT.appSettings.potaEnabled) { GT.layerSources.pota.clear(); } else { getPotaParks(); } saveAppSettings(); goProcessRoster(); } function changePotaMenu() { GT.appSettings.potaShowMenu = potaMenu.checked; potaButton.style.display = (GT.appSettings.potaEnabled == 1 && GT.appSettings.potaShowMenu && GT.mapSettings.offlineMode == false) ? "" : "none"; potaImg.style.filter = GT.appSettings.potaMapEnabled ? "" : "grayscale(1)"; saveAppSettings(); } function togglePotaMap() { GT.appSettings.potaMapEnabled = !GT.appSettings.potaMapEnabled; potaImg.style.filter = GT.appSettings.potaMapEnabled ? "" : "grayscale(1)"; saveAppSettings(); redrawParks(); } function redrawParks() { GT.layerSources.pota.clear(); if (GT.appSettings.potaEnabled == 1 && GT.appSettings.potaMapEnabled) { GT.pota.mapParks = {}; makeParkFeatures(); } } function makeParkFeatures() { try { for (const park in GT.pota.parkSpots) { if (park in GT.pota.parks) { var parkObj = Object.assign({}, GT.parkTemplate); for (const call in GT.pota.parkSpots[park]) { var report = GT.pota.parkSpots[park][call]; if (parkObj.feature == null && validateMapBandAndMode(report.band, report.mode)) { parkObj.feature = iconFeature(ol.proj.fromLonLat([Number(GT.pota.parks[park].longitude), Number(GT.pota.parks[park].latitude)]), GT.gtParkIconActive, 1); parkObj.feature.key = park; parkObj.feature.size = 22; GT.pota.mapParks[park] = parkObj; GT.layerSources.pota.addFeature(parkObj.feature); } } } } } catch (e) { console.log("exception: makeParkFeature " + park); console.log(e.message); } } function potaSpotFromDecode(callObj) { if (GT.appSettings.myCall != "" && GT.appSettings.myCall != "NOCALL") { var park = callObj.pota; if (callObj.DEcall in GT.pota.callSpots && park in GT.pota.parkSpots) { // update spot var newObj = spotFromCallObj(callObj, park, GT.pota.parkSpots[park][callObj.DEcall].count); GT.pota.parkSpots[park][callObj.DEcall] = fillObjectFromTemplate(GT.pota.parkSpots[park][callObj.DEcall], newObj); // may or may not be on screen, so try if (GT.appSettings.potaMapEnabled) { addParkSpotFeature(park, GT.pota.parkSpots[park][callObj.DEcall]); } var hash = park + callObj.DEcall; if (!(hash in GT.pota.rbnReportTimes) || Date.now() > GT.pota.rbnReportTimes[hash]) { GT.pota.rbnReportTimes[hash] = Date.now() + GT.pota.rbnFrequency; reportPotaRBN(GT.pota.parkSpots[park][callObj.DEcall]); } } else if (callObj.DEcall in GT.pota.callSchedule) { // Looks like it's scheduled, so it's new GT.pota.callSpots[callObj.DEcall] = park; if (!(park in GT.pota.parkSpots)) { GT.pota.parkSpots[park] = {}; } var newObj = spotFromCallObj(callObj, park, 0); newObj.expire = newObj.spotTime + 300000; GT.pota.parkSpots[park][callObj.DEcall] = newObj; if (GT.appSettings.potaMapEnabled) { addParkSpotFeature(park, GT.pota.parkSpots[park][callObj.DEcall]); } var hash = park + callObj.DEcall; if (!(hash in GT.pota.rbnReportTimes) || Date.now() > GT.pota.rbnReportTimes[hash]) { GT.pota.rbnReportTimes[hash] = Date.now() + GT.pota.rbnFrequency; reportPotaRBN(GT.pota.parkSpots[park][callObj.DEcall]); } } else { if (!(callObj.DEcall in GT.pota.callSpots)) { console.log("No call spot: " + callObj.DEcall); } if (!(park in GT.pota.parkSpots)) { console.log("No park spot: " + park); } } } } function reportPotaRBN(callSpot) { if (Date.now() < callSpot.expire) { var report = { activator: callSpot.activator, spotter: GT.appSettings.myCall + "-#", frequency: String(parseInt(callSpot.frequency * 1000)), reference: callSpot.reference, mode: callSpot.mode, source: "RBN", comments: callSpot.comments, activatorGrid: callSpot.activatorGrid, spotterGrid: callSpot.spotterGrid }; if (Number(report.frequency) > 0) { getPostJSONBuffer( "https://api.pota.app/spot", rbnReportResult, null, "https", 443, report, 10000, null, null ); } } } function reportPotaQSO(record) { var report = { activator: record.CALL, spotter: record.STATION_CALLSIGN, frequency: record.FREQ, reference: record.POTA, mode: record.MODE, source: "GT", comments: record.COMMENT ? record.COMMENT : "", activatorGrid: record.GRIDSQUARE ? record.GRIDSQUARE : "", spotterGrid: record.MY_GRIDSQUARE ? record.MY_GRIDSQUARE : "" }; if ("SUBMODE" in record) { report.mode = record.SUBMODE; } getPostJSONBuffer( "https://api.pota.app/spot", rbnReportResult, null, "https", 443, report, 10000, null, null ); } function rbnReportResult(buffer, flag, cookies) { // It worked! process latest spots! if (GT.pota.spotsTimeout) { nodeTimers.clearTimeout(GT.pota.spotsTimeout); GT.pota.spotsTimeout = null; } processPotaSpots(String(buffer)); GT.pota.spotsTimeout = nodeTimers.setTimeout(getPotaSpots, 300000); } function spotFromCallObj(callObj, park, inCount, rbnTime) { var callSpot = { activator: callObj.DEcall, activatorGrid: callObj.grid, spotter: GT.appSettings.myCall + "-#", spotterGrid: GT.appSettings.myGrid, frequency: Number((GT.instances[callObj.instance].status.Frequency / 1000000).toFixed(3)), reference: park, mode: callObj.mode, band: callObj.band, spotTime: Date.now(), source: "GT", count: inCount + 1, comments: "GT " + callObj.RSTsent + " dB " + GT.appSettings.myGrid + " via " + GT.appSettings.myCall + "-#" }; return callSpot; } function addParkSpotFeature(park, report) { var parkObj = Object.assign({}, GT.parkTemplate); if (park in GT.pota.mapParks) { parkObj = GT.pota.mapParks[park]; } else { GT.pota.mapParks[park] = parkObj; } if (parkObj.feature == null && validateMapBandAndMode(report.band, report.mode)) { parkObj.feature = iconFeature(ol.proj.fromLonLat([Number(GT.pota.parks[park].longitude), Number(GT.pota.parks[park].latitude)]), GT.gtParkIconActive, 1); parkObj.feature.key = park; parkObj.feature.size = 22; GT.layerSources.pota.addFeature(parkObj.feature); } } function processPotaParks(buffer) { if (GT.appSettings.potaEnabled == 1) { try { var data = JSON.parse(buffer); var newParks = data.parks; for (const park in newParks) { var locations = newParks[park].locationDesc.split(","); for (const i in locations) { if (locations[i] in data.locations) { locations[i] = data.locations[locations[i]]; } } newParks[park].locationDesc = locations.join(", "); } newParks["?-????"] = GT.potaUnknownPark; GT.pota.parks = newParks; GT.pota.locations = data.locations; getPotaSchedule(); getPotaSpots(); } catch (e) { // can't write, somethings broke console.log("Failed to load parks!"); console.log(e.message); } } } function getPotaParks() { if (GT.pota.parksTimeout) { nodeTimers.clearTimeout(GT.pota.parksTimeout); GT.pota.spotsTimeout = null; } if (GT.mapSettings.offlineMode == false && GT.appSettings.potaEnabled == 1) { getBuffer( "https://storage.googleapis.com/gt_app/pota.json?cb=" + Date.now(), processPotaParks, null, "https", 443 ); } GT.pota.parksTimeout = nodeTimers.setTimeout(getPotaParks, 86400000) } // This is a shallow copy, don't use with objects that contain other objects or arrays function fillObjectFromTemplate(template, input) { var object = {}; for (const key in template) { if (key in input) { object[key] = input[key]; } else { // missing, use the template value object[key] = template[key]; } } return object; } function uniqueArrayFromArray(input) { return [...new Set(input)]; } function processPotaSpots(buffer) { if (GT.appSettings.potaEnabled == 1) { try { var spots = JSON.parse(buffer); GT.pota.callSpots = {}; GT.pota.parkSpots = {}; for (const spot in spots) { if (spots[spot].reference in GT.pota.parks) { var newSpot = fillObjectFromTemplate(GT.potaSpotTemplate, spots[spot]); newSpot.spotTime = Date.parse(newSpot.spotTime + "Z"); newSpot.frequency = parseInt(newSpot.frequency) / 1000; newSpot.expire = newSpot.spotTime + (Number(newSpot.expire) * 1000); newSpot.band = formatBand(newSpot.frequency); if (newSpot.spotter == newSpot.activator && newSpot.comments.match(/qrt/gi)) { // don't add the spot, they have self-QRT'ed } else if (Date.now() > newSpot.expire) { // Spot is expired! } else { GT.pota.callSpots[newSpot.activator] = newSpot.reference; if (!(newSpot.reference in GT.pota.parkSpots)) { GT.pota.parkSpots[newSpot.reference] = {}; } GT.pota.parkSpots[newSpot.reference][newSpot.activator] = newSpot; } } else { console.log("PotaSpots: unknown park id: " + spots[spot].reference); } } redrawParks(); } catch (e) { // can't write, somethings broke } } } function getPotaSpots() { if (GT.pota.spotsTimeout) { nodeTimers.clearTimeout(GT.pota.spotsTimeout); GT.pota.spotsTimeout = null; } if (GT.mapSettings.offlineMode == false && GT.appSettings.potaEnabled == 1) { getBuffer( "https://api.pota.app/spot/activator", processPotaSpots, null, "https", 443 ); } GT.pota.spotsTimeout = nodeTimers.setTimeout(getPotaSpots, 300000); } function processPotaSchedule(buffer) { if (GT.appSettings.potaEnabled == 1) { try { var schedules = JSON.parse(buffer); GT.pota.callSchedule = {}; GT.pota.parkSchedule = {}; for (const i in schedules) { var newObj = {}; newObj.id = schedules[i].reference; newObj.start = Date.parse(schedules[i].startDate + "T" + schedules[i].startTime + "Z"); newObj.end = Date.parse(schedules[i].endDate + "T" + schedules[i].endTime + "Z"); newObj.frequencies = schedules[i].frequencies; newObj.comments = schedules[i].comments; if (Date.now() < newObj.end) { if (newObj.id in GT.pota.parks) { (GT.pota.callSchedule[schedules[i].activator] = GT.pota.callSchedule[schedules[i].activator] || []).push(newObj); newObj = Object.assign({}, newObj); newObj.id = schedules[i].activator; (GT.pota.parkSchedule[schedules[i].reference] = GT.pota.parkSchedule[schedules[i].reference] || []).push(newObj); } else { console.log("PotaSchedule: unknown park id: " + newObj.id); } } // else it is expired and no longer relevant } // Sanity dedupe checks for (const key in GT.pota.callSchedule) { GT.pota.callSchedule[key] = uniqueArrayFromArray(GT.pota.callSchedule[key]); } for (const key in GT.pota.parkSchedule) { GT.pota.parkSchedule[key] = uniqueArrayFromArray(GT.pota.parkSchedule[key]); } } catch (e) { // can't write, somethings broke } } } function getPotaSchedule() { if (GT.pota.scheduleTimeout) { nodeTimers.clearTimeout(GT.pota.scheduleTimeout); GT.pota.scheduleTimeout = null; } if (GT.mapSettings.offlineMode == false && GT.appSettings.potaEnabled == 1) { getBuffer( "https://api.pota.app/activation", processPotaSchedule, null, "https", 443 ); } GT.pota.scheduleTimeout = nodeTimers.setTimeout(getPotaSchedule, 900000); } GT.lastPark = null; function mouseOverPark(feature) { if (GT.lastPark && GT.lastPark == feature) { mouseParkMove(); return; } GT.lastPark = feature; createParkTipTable(feature); mouseParkMove(); myParktip.style.zIndex = 499; myParktip.style.display = "block"; } function mouseOutPark(mouseEvent) { GT.lastPark = null; myParktip.style.zIndex = -1; } function mouseParkMove() { var positionInfo = myParktip.getBoundingClientRect(); var windowWidth = window.innerWidth; myParktip.style.left = getMouseX() - (positionInfo.width / 2) + "px"; if (windowWidth - getMouseX() < (positionInfo.width / 2)) { myParktip.style.left = getMouseX() - (10 + positionInfo.width) + "px"; } if (getMouseX() - (positionInfo.width / 2) < 0) { myParktip.style.left = getMouseX() + 10 + "px"; } myParktip.style.top = getMouseY() - positionInfo.height - 12 + "px"; } function createParkTipTable(toolElement) { var worker = ""; var key = toolElement.key; var now = Date.now(); worker += "
" + key + " : " + GT.pota.parks[key].name + "" + " (" + GT.dxccToAltName[Number(GT.pota.parks[key].entityId)] + ")" + "
" + GT.pota.parks[key].locationDesc + "
"; worker += ""; worker += ""; for (const i in GT.pota.parkSpots[key]) { if (validateMapBandAndMode(GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].band, GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].mode)) { worker += ""; worker += ""; worker += ""; worker += ""; worker += ""; worker += ""; worker += ""; worker += ""; worker += ""; worker += ""; } } worker += "
" + GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].activator + "" + ((GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].spotter == GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].activator) ? "Self" : GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].spotter) + "" + formatMhz(GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].frequency, 3, 3) + " (" + GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].band + ")" + GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].mode + "" + GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].count + "" + toDHMS(parseInt((now - GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].spotTime) / 1000)) + "" + GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].source + "" + GT.pota.parkSpots[key][i].comments + "
"; myParktip.innerHTML = worker; }