// GridTracker ©2020 N0TTL document.oncontextmenu = function() { return false; } document.addEventListener("dragover", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }); document.addEventListener("drop", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }); function openInfoTab(evt, tabName, callFunc, callObj) { // Declare all variables var i, infoTabcontent, infoTablinks; // Get all elements with class="infoTabcontent" and hide them infoTabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("infoTabcontent"); for (i = 0; i < infoTabcontent.length; i++) { infoTabcontent[i].style.display = "none"; } // Get all elements with class="infoTablinks" and remove the class "active" infoTablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("infoTablinks"); for (i = 0; i < infoTablinks.length; i++) { infoTablinks[i].className = infoTablinks[i].className.replace(" active", ""); } // Show the current tab, and add an "active" class to the button that opened the tab document.getElementById(tabName).style.display = "block"; if (typeof evt.currentTarget != 'undefined') evt.currentTarget.className += " active"; else evt.className += " active"; if (callFunc) { if ( typeof window.opener.window[callFunc] != 'undefined' ) { var caller = window.opener.window[callFunc]; if ( caller ) { if (callObj) caller(callObj); else caller(); } } } } function resetSearch() { window.opener.resetSearch(); } function lookupCallsign( callsign ) { window.opener.lookupCallsign(callsign); } function appendToChild( elementString , object, onInputString , defaultValue) { window[elementString].appendChild(object); object.oninput = window.opener[onInputString]; object.value = defaultValue; } function statsFocus( selection ) { var which = document.getElementById(selection); if ( which != null ) { which.focus(); which.selectionStart = which.selectionEnd = which.value.length; } } function ValidateCallsign(inputText, validDiv) { if ((inputText.value.length > 0)) { var passed = false; inputText.value = inputText.value.toUpperCase(); if (/\d/.test(inputText.value) || /[A-Z]/.test(inputText.value)) { passed = true; } if (passed) { inputText.style.color = "#FF0"; inputText.style.backgroundColor = "green"; if (validDiv) validDiv.innerHTML = "Valid!"; return true; } else { inputText.style.color = "#000"; inputText.style.backgroundColor = "yellow"; if (validDiv) validDiv.innerHTML = "Invalid!"; return false; } } else { inputText.style.color = "#000"; inputText.style.backgroundColor = "yellow"; if (validDiv) validDiv.innerHTML = "Invalid!"; return false; } } function validateCallByElement( elementString ) { ValidateCallsign( window[elementString] , null); } function init() { openInfoTab(event, 'workedBoxDiv', 'showWorkedBox'); } function addTextToClipboard(data) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(data); } function setClipboardFromLookup() { if ( window.opener.g_lastLookupAddress ) { addTextToClipboard(window.opener.g_lastLookupAddress); } } function resizeWorked() { workedListDiv.style.height = ((window.innerHeight - 63) - 6) + "px" ; } function Resize() { if ( statBoxDiv.style.display == "block" ) { window.opener.showStatBox(true); } if (workedBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { resizeWorked(); } if (callsignBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { window.opener.showCallsignBox(true); } if (dxccBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { window.opener.showDXCCsBox(); } if (cqzoneBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { window.opener.showCQzoneBox(); } if (ituzoneBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { window.opener.showITUzoneBox(); } if (waswaczoneBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { window.opener.showWASWACzoneBox(); } if (wpxBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { window.opener.showWPXBox(true); } if ( decodeLastDiv.style.display == "block" ) { decodeLastListDiv.style.height = ((window.innerHeight - 63) + 26) + "px" ; } } function reloadInfo( bandOrMode ) { if ( statBoxDiv.style.display == "block" ) { window.opener.showStatBox(false); } if (callsignBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { window.opener.showCallsignBox(false); } if (dxccBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { window.opener.showDXCCsBox(); } if (wpxBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { window.opener.showWPXBox(); } if (cqzoneBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { window.opener.showCQzoneBox(); } if (ituzoneBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { window.opener.showITUzoneBox(); } if (waswaczoneBoxDiv.style.display == "block") { window.opener.showWASWACzoneBox(); } }