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try a lookup!", + "COMMENT_gt_popup.html": "", + "popup.title": "Data Breakout", + "COMMENT_gt_roster.html": "", + "roster.title": "Call Roster", + "roster.haltTX": "Halt TX", + "roster.controls.more": "More Controls", + "roster.controls.fewer": "Fewer Controls", + "roster.controls.logbook.label": "Logbook", + "roster.controls.logbook.awardTracker": "Award Tracker", + "roster.controls.logbook.liveBandMode": "Live Band & Mode", + "roster.controls.logbook.liveBandMixMode": "Live Band, Mix Modes", + "roster.controls.logbook.liveBandDigiMode": "Live Band, Digi Modes", + "roster.controls.logbook.mixBandLiveMode": "Mix Band, Live Mode", + "roster.controls.logbook.mixBandMode": "Mix Band & Modes", + "roster.controls.logbook.mixBandDigiMode": "Mix Band & Digi Modes", + "roster.controls.callsigns.label": "Callsigns", + "roster.controls.callsigns.worked": "New", + "roster.controls.callsigns.confirmed": "New+Unconfirmed", + "roster.controls.callsigns.all": "All Traffic", + "roster.controls.callsigns.hits": "All Traffic/Only Winted", + "roster.controls.hunting.label": "Hunting", + "roster.controls.hunting.callsign": "Callsign", + "roster.controls.hunting.grid": "Grid", + "roster.controls.hunting.dxcc": "DXCC", + "roster.controls.hunting.dxccSingle": "DXCC (Single)", + "roster.controls.hunting.cqZone": "CQ Zone", + "roster.controls.hunting.ituZone": "ITU Zone", + "roster.controls.hunting.usStates": "US State (WAS)", + "roster.controls.hunting.usState": "US State (Single)", + "roster.controls.hunting.wpx": "Prefix (WPX)", + "roster.controls.huntNeed.worked": "New", + "roster.controls.huntNeed.confirmed": "New+Unconfirmed", + "roster.controls.huntNeed.mixed": "Mixed", + "roster.controls.huntState.label": "Select Territory", + "roster.controls.huntDXCC.label": "Select DXCC", + "roster.controls.awardTracker.new": "New Award Tracker", + "roster.controls.awardTracker.sponsor": "Sponosor", + "roster.controls.awardTracker.name": "Name", + "roster.controls.awardTracker.add": "Done", + "roster.secondary.wanted.label": "Wanted", + "roster.secondary.wanted.callsign": "Callsign", + "roster.secondary.wanted.grid": "Grid", + "roster.secondary.wanted.dxcc": "DXCC", + "roster.secodnary.wanted.qrz": "QRZ", + "roster.secondary.wanted.wpx": "WPX", + "roster.secondary.wanted.OAMS": "OAMS", + "roster.secondary.wanted.cqzone": "CQz", + "roster.secondary.wanted.ituzone": "ITUz", + "roster.secondary.wanted.state": "State", + "roster.secondary.wanted.county": "County", + "roster.secondary.wanted cont": "Cont", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.label": "Exceptions", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.cqOnly": "CQ Only", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.hasGrid": "Has Grid", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.minDB": "Min dB", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.maxDT": "Max DT", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.minFreq": "Min Freq", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.maxFreq": "Max Freq", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.usesLoTW": "Uses LoTW", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.spottedMe": "Spotted Me", + "roster.secondary.execptions.noMyDXCC": "Not My Dxcc", + "roster.secondary.execptions.onlyMyDXCC": "Only My DXCC", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.useseQSL":" Uses eQSL", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.usesOQRS": "Uses OQRS", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.allOnlyNew": "Only New Calls", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.noMsg.label": "No", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.noMsg.hover": "No Decodes Containing...", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.onlyMsg.label": "Only", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.onlyMsg.hover": "Only Decodes Containing...", + "roster.secondary.excpetions.regex.label": "Regex", + "roster.secondary.exceptions.regex.hover": "Callsign Regular Expression", + "roster.secondary.instances.label": "Instances", + "roster.ignoresTable.title": "Callsign, CQ and DXCC Ignores", + "roster.ignoresTable.close": "Close", + "COMMENT_gt_stats.html": "", + "stats.title": "Statistics", + "stats.tabs.logbook": "Logbook", + "stats.tabs.scores": "Scores", + "stats.tabs.DXCCs": "DXCCs", + "stats.tabs.CQZones": "CQ Zones", + "stats.tabs.ITUZones": "ITU Zones", + "stats.tabs.WASWAC": "WAC / WAS", + "stats.tabs.live": "Live", + "stats.noDecodes": "No decodes yet" } \ No newline at end of file