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2022-05-02 04:34:32 +00:00
Name: {{{ git_name name=gridtracker }}}
Summary: GridTracker: An amateur radio companion to WSJT-X or JTDX
Version: {{{ git_version lead=1.22.0903 }}}
Release: 1%{?dist}
BuildArch: noarch
2022-05-02 04:34:32 +00:00
Source0: {{{ git_dir_pack }}}
License: BSD 3-Clause License
Group: Science & Math
Packager: Matthew Chambers <>
2022-03-22 00:55:28 +00:00
Requires: nwjs
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils make nodejs
GridTracker listens to traffic from WSJT-X/JTDX, displays it on a map,
and has a sophisticated alerting and filtering system for finding and
working interesting stations. It also will upload QSO records to multiple
logging frameworks including Logbook of the World.
2022-05-02 04:34:32 +00:00
{{{ git_dir_setup_macro }}}
%license %{_docdir}/%{name}/
* Sat Sep 03 2022 Matthew Chambers <> - 1.22.0903-1
- Fixed a bug that displayed 1.25m band QSOs incorrectly.
- Fixed broken DXCC CQ highlighting and Statistics CQ highlighting.
- Fixed an exception that occurs when the OAMS server is restarting.
- Resolved #159 where the Wade Hampton Census area should be the Kusilvak Census Area.
2022-09-03 16:06:13 +00:00
- Fixed where using the Award Tracker didn't override and hide the Wanted select of the call roster. This was the behavior prior to the call roster refactor.
2022-07-24 19:42:41 +00:00
* Sun Jul 24 2022 Matthew Chambers <> - 1.22.0725-1
- Resolved #9 Call roster columns order can be changed
- Resolved $95 Puts calling/called stations at the top of the call roster if sorting by Wanted
- Resolved #118 Introduce POTA hunting in the call roster
- Resolved #133 Fixes missing CloudLog Station Profile ID
- Resolved #150 Highlights RR73/73 the same as a station calling CQ
- Fixes pattern match for US 1x1 callsigns to match actual FCC rules around them.
- Add WSJT-X/JTDX active instance name to roster window title when operating with multiple instances.
* Mon May 02 2022 Matthew Chambers <> - 1.22.0503-1
- Increment version number for build with correct vesion of NWJS
2022-05-02 02:47:01 +00:00
* Mon May 02 2022 Matthew Chambers <> - 1.22.0502-1
- [Bug Fixes]
- Fixed broken Call Roster due to online assets being moved from a web server to Google Storage Bucket.
- Don't highlight "CQ" rows if filtering by "CQ Only".
- Resolved #126 Windows Installer script updated to fix issues with install location and missing registry keys
- Resolved #124 removing IP-Geolocation when no all other means of locating failed, we now tell the user to
start WSJT-X or enter a location as Geo-Location services are costly and unreliable
- Resolved #137 missing libatomic dependency in Linux DEB and RPM spec files
- [Enhancements]
- Include version number in main window title
- Call Roster colums refactored and wanted column added
2021-12-17 20:58:00 +00:00
* Fri Dec 17 2021 Matthew Chambers <> - 1.21.1217-1
- Changed to newer NWJS to fix upstream bug that caused media playback to fail.
2021-12-15 17:52:08 +00:00
* Sun Dec 12 2021 Matthew Chambers <> - 1.21.1212-1
- Release build with the call roster refactor code that's been in the works for some time.
- [Bug Fixes]
- Fix #76, unfinished ignore CQ and ITU zones.
- Improved handling of stations that are not in a valid DXCC (ie; /MM stations)
- Improved handling of free text decodes that don't contain valid callsigns (ie "HI BOB" and "MERRY XMAS")
- Fix how the Call Roster title bar counts are calculated.
- [Enhancements]
- More clarity when a ULS Zip code falls in more then one county, replacing ~ with ? symbols and better tool tip message.
- Fix #107, where the call roster timeout was longer then a single FT4 cycle.
- Fix #91, CQ is always highlighted, no matter status of CQ Only.
- Performance improvement by changing how call roster vars are handled ('let' vs 'var')
- Build system improved to push to Arch AUR, building of Debian (.deb) packages and triggering
of COPR RPM builds for Fedora/Cent/RHEL and their cousins.
* Thu Sep 30 2021 Matthew Chambers <> - 1.21.0928-1
- First attempt at repo grade RPM builds