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package contracts
import . ""
var CategoryPassThroughFilter = func(ICategory) bool { return true }
type (
Categories []ICategory
CategoryIterator func(ICategory)
CategoryCondition func(ICategory) bool
CategoryFilterPredicate func(ICategory) bool
CategoryMapPredicate func(ICategory) ICategory
CategoryCacheCallback func()
ICategory interface {
// DependenciesAreUnknown scans all dependencies to make sure a valid parent is set for all of them.
DependenciesAreUnknown() bool
// CategoryTypeId returns parent 'CategoryTypeId' of this 'Category' instance.
CategoryTypeId() int64
// AssertBelongsToCategoryType checks whether this 'Category' instance is a child of the specified 'CategoryType'
AssertBelongsToCategoryType(categoryType ICategoryType)
// CategoryTypeIsUnknown checks whether a valid parent 'CategoryTypeId' is provided for this 'Category' instance or not.
CategoryTypeIsUnknown() bool
// AssertCategoryTypeIsProvided asserts that a valid 'CategoryTypeId' is provided for this 'Category' instance. A panic will occur if the assertion is not valid.
// AssertCategoryType asserts the given 'CategoryTypeId' is in fact the parent of this 'Category' instance. A panic will occur if the assertion is not valid.
AssertCategoryType(categoryTypeId int64)
// CategoryId returns parent 'CategoryId' of this 'Category' instance.
CategoryId() int64
// AssertBelongsToCategory checks whether this 'Category' instance is a child of the specified 'Category'
AssertBelongsToCategory(category ICategory)
// CategoryIsUnknown checks whether a valid parent 'CategoryId' is provided for this 'Category' instance or not.
CategoryIsUnknown() bool
// AssertCategoryIsProvided asserts that a valid 'CategoryId' is provided for this 'Category' instance. A panic will occur if the assertion is not valid.
// AssertCategory asserts the given 'CategoryId' is in fact the parent of this 'Category' instance. A panic will occur if the assertion is not valid.
AssertCategory(categoryId int64)
// Title returns 'Title' of this 'Category' instance.
Title() string
// UpdateTitle directly updates 'Title' into persistent data store and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful update.
UpdateTitle(title string, editor Identity)
// UpdateTitleAtomic updates 'Title' into persistent data store through a transaction and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful commit.
UpdateTitleAtomic(transaction ITransaction, title string, editor Identity)
// Description returns 'Description' of this 'Category' instance.
Description() string
// UpdateDescription directly updates 'Description' into persistent data store and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful update.
UpdateDescription(description string, editor Identity)
// UpdateDescriptionAtomic updates 'Description' into persistent data store through a transaction and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful commit.
UpdateDescriptionAtomic(transaction ITransaction, description string, editor Identity)
// SortOrder returns 'SortOrder' of this 'Category' instance.
SortOrder() float32
// UpdateSortOrder directly updates 'SortOrder' into persistent data store and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful update.
UpdateSortOrder(sortOrder float32, editor Identity)
// UpdateSortOrderAtomic updates 'SortOrder' into persistent data store through a transaction and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful commit.
UpdateSortOrderAtomic(transaction ITransaction, sortOrder float32, editor Identity)
ICategoryCollection interface {
Count() int
IsEmpty() bool
IsNotEmpty() bool
HasExactlyOneItem() bool
HasAtLeastOneItem() bool
First() ICategory
Append(category ICategory)
Reverse() ICategoryCollection
Array() Categories
ICategoryManager interface {
Count() int
Exists(id int64) bool
ExistsWhich(condition CategoryCondition) bool
ListCategories(pageIndex uint32, pageSize uint32, criteria string, editor Identity) ICategoryCollection
GetCategory(id int64, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
AddCategory(categoryTypeId int64, categoryId int64, title string, description string, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
AddCategoryWithCustomId(id int64, categoryTypeId int64, categoryId int64, title string, description string, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
AddCategoryObject(category ICategory, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
AddCategoryAtomic(transaction ITransaction, categoryTypeId int64, categoryId int64, title string, description string, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
AddCategoryWithCustomIdAtomic(id int64, transaction ITransaction, categoryTypeId int64, categoryId int64, title string, description string, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
AddCategoryObjectAtomic(transaction ITransaction, category ICategory, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
Log(categoryTypeId int64, categoryId int64, title string, description string, source string, editor Identity, payload string)
UpdateCategory(id int64, categoryTypeId int64, categoryId int64, title string, description string, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
UpdateCategoryObject(id int64, category ICategory, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
UpdateCategoryAtomic(transaction ITransaction, id int64, categoryTypeId int64, categoryId int64, title string, description string, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
UpdateCategoryObjectAtomic(transaction ITransaction, id int64, category ICategory, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
AddOrUpdateCategoryObject(id int64, category ICategory, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
AddOrUpdateCategoryObjectAtomic(transaction ITransaction, id int64, category ICategory, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
RemoveCategory(id int64, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
RemoveCategoryAtomic(transaction ITransaction, id int64, editor Identity) (ICategory, error)
Find(id int64) ICategory
ForEach(iterator CategoryIterator)
Filter(predicate CategoryFilterPredicate) ICategoryCollection
Map(predicate CategoryMapPredicate) ICategoryCollection
ListCategoriesByCategoryType(categoryTypeId int64, pageIndex uint32, pageSize uint32, criteria string, editor Identity) ICategoryCollection
ForEachByCategoryType(categoryTypeId int64, iterator CategoryIterator)
ListCategoriesByCategory(categoryId int64, pageIndex uint32, pageSize uint32, criteria string, editor Identity) ICategoryCollection
ForEachByCategory(categoryId int64, iterator CategoryIterator)