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package contracts
import . ""
var ActivityPubFollowerPassThroughFilter = func(IActivityPubFollower) bool { return true }
type (
ActivityPubFollowers []IActivityPubFollower
ActivityPubFollowerIterator func(IActivityPubFollower)
ActivityPubFollowerCondition func(IActivityPubFollower) bool
ActivityPubFollowerFilterPredicate func(IActivityPubFollower) bool
ActivityPubFollowerMapPredicate func(IActivityPubFollower) IActivityPubFollower
ActivityPubFollowerCacheCallback func()
IActivityPubFollower interface {
// Handle returns 'Handle' of this 'ActivityPubFollower' instance.
Handle() string
// UpdateHandle directly updates 'Handle' into persistent data store and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful update.
UpdateHandle(handle string, editor Identity)
// UpdateHandleAtomic updates 'Handle' into persistent data store through a transaction and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful commit.
UpdateHandleAtomic(transaction ITransaction, handle string, editor Identity)
// Inbox returns 'Inbox' of this 'ActivityPubFollower' instance.
Inbox() string
// UpdateInbox directly updates 'Inbox' into persistent data store and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful update.
UpdateInbox(inbox string, editor Identity)
// UpdateInboxAtomic updates 'Inbox' into persistent data store through a transaction and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful commit.
UpdateInboxAtomic(transaction ITransaction, inbox string, editor Identity)
// Subject returns 'Subject' of this 'ActivityPubFollower' instance.
Subject() string
// UpdateSubject directly updates 'Subject' into persistent data store and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful update.
UpdateSubject(subject string, editor Identity)
// UpdateSubjectAtomic updates 'Subject' into persistent data store through a transaction and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful commit.
UpdateSubjectAtomic(transaction ITransaction, subject string, editor Identity)
// Activity returns 'Activity' of this 'ActivityPubFollower' instance.
Activity() string
// UpdateActivity directly updates 'Activity' into persistent data store and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful update.
UpdateActivity(activity string, editor Identity)
// UpdateActivityAtomic updates 'Activity' into persistent data store through a transaction and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful commit.
UpdateActivityAtomic(transaction ITransaction, activity string, editor Identity)
// Accepted returns 'Accepted' of this 'ActivityPubFollower' instance.
Accepted() bool
// UpdateAccepted directly updates 'Accepted' into persistent data store and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful update.
UpdateAccepted(accepted bool, editor Identity)
// UpdateAcceptedAtomic updates 'Accepted' into persistent data store through a transaction and
// refreshes the in-memory cache after successful commit.
UpdateAcceptedAtomic(transaction ITransaction, accepted bool, editor Identity)
IActivityPubFollowerCollection interface {
Count() int
IsEmpty() bool
IsNotEmpty() bool
HasExactlyOneItem() bool
HasAtLeastOneItem() bool
First() IActivityPubFollower
Append(activityPubFollower IActivityPubFollower)
Reverse() IActivityPubFollowerCollection
Array() ActivityPubFollowers
IActivityPubFollowerManager interface {
Count() int
Exists(id int64) bool
ExistsWhich(condition ActivityPubFollowerCondition) bool
ListActivityPubFollowers(pageIndex uint32, pageSize uint32, criteria string, editor Identity) IActivityPubFollowerCollection
GetActivityPubFollower(id int64, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
AddActivityPubFollower(handle string, inbox string, subject string, activity string, accepted bool, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
AddActivityPubFollowerWithCustomId(id int64, handle string, inbox string, subject string, activity string, accepted bool, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
AddActivityPubFollowerObject(activityPubFollower IActivityPubFollower, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
AddActivityPubFollowerAtomic(transaction ITransaction, handle string, inbox string, subject string, activity string, accepted bool, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
AddActivityPubFollowerWithCustomIdAtomic(id int64, transaction ITransaction, handle string, inbox string, subject string, activity string, accepted bool, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
AddActivityPubFollowerObjectAtomic(transaction ITransaction, activityPubFollower IActivityPubFollower, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
Log(handle string, inbox string, subject string, activity string, accepted bool, source string, editor Identity, payload string)
UpdateActivityPubFollower(id int64, handle string, inbox string, subject string, activity string, accepted bool, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
UpdateActivityPubFollowerObject(id int64, activityPubFollower IActivityPubFollower, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
UpdateActivityPubFollowerAtomic(transaction ITransaction, id int64, handle string, inbox string, subject string, activity string, accepted bool, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
UpdateActivityPubFollowerObjectAtomic(transaction ITransaction, id int64, activityPubFollower IActivityPubFollower, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
AddOrUpdateActivityPubFollowerObject(id int64, activityPubFollower IActivityPubFollower, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
AddOrUpdateActivityPubFollowerObjectAtomic(transaction ITransaction, id int64, activityPubFollower IActivityPubFollower, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
RemoveActivityPubFollower(id int64, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
RemoveActivityPubFollowerAtomic(transaction ITransaction, id int64, editor Identity) (IActivityPubFollower, error)
Find(id int64) IActivityPubFollower
ForEach(iterator ActivityPubFollowerIterator)
Filter(predicate ActivityPubFollowerFilterPredicate) IActivityPubFollowerCollection
Map(predicate ActivityPubFollowerMapPredicate) IActivityPubFollowerCollection