Added complete stop delay at the end of all motion. Moved grbl preprocessor script into a new repository.

Added a very short (25 ms) user-definable delay before the steppers are
disabled at the motors are disabled and grbl goes idle. This ensures
any residual inertia at the end of the last motion does not cause the
axes to drift and grbl to lose its position when manually entering
g-code or when performing a tool change and starting the next
Sonny Jeon 2011-09-29 16:25:48 -06:00
rodzic 05ed6c122d
commit 59a84c4925
3 zmienionych plików z 13 dodań i 229 usunięć

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@ -56,8 +56,16 @@
// The temporal resolution of the acceleration management subsystem. Higher number
// give smoother acceleration but may impact performance
// This parameter sets the delay time before disabling the steppers after the final block of movement.
// A short delay ensures the steppers come to a complete stop and the residual inertial force in the
// CNC axes don't cause the axes to drift off position. This is particularly important when manually
// entering g-code into grbl, i.e. locating part zero or simple manual machining. If the axes drift,
// grbl has no way to know this has happened, since stepper motors are open-loop control. Depending
// on the machine, this parameter may need to be larger or smaller than the default time.
#define STEPPER_IDLE_LOCK_TIME 25 // (milliseconds)
// The temporal resolution of the acceleration management subsystem. Higher number give smoother
// acceleration but may impact performance.
// NOTE: Increasing this parameter will help any resolution related issues, especially with machines
// requiring very high accelerations and/or very fast feedrates. In general, this will reduce the
// error between how the planner plans the motions and how the stepper program actually performs them.

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@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
G-code preprocessor for grbl (BETA!)
- Converts G02/03 arcs to G01 linear interpolations
- Removes comments, block delete characters, and line numbers
- Removes spaces and capitalizes commands
- Minor input error checking
- OPTIONAL: Remove unsupported grbl G and M commands
- Number precision truncation
- Arc conversion option
- More robust error checking
- Improve interface to command line options
- Improve g-code parsing to NIST standards
- Fix problem with inverse feed rates
- Positioning updates may not be correct on grbl. Need to check.
Based on GRBL 0.7b source code by Simen Svale Skogsrud
By: Sungeun (Sonny) Jeon
Version: 20100825
import re
from math import *
from copy import *
# -= SETTINGS =-
filein = 'test.gcode' # Input file name
fileout = 'grbl.gcode' # Output file name
ndigits_in = 4 # inch significant digits after '.'
ndigits_mm = 2 # mm significant digits after '.'
mm_per_arc_segment = 0.1 # mm per arc segment
inch2mm = 25.4 # inch to mm conversion scalar
verbose = False # Verbose flag to show all progress
remove_unsupported = True # Removal flag for all unsupported statements
# Initialize parser state
gc = { 'current_xyz' : [0,0,0],
'feed_rate' : 0, # F0
'motion_mode' : 'SEEK', # G00
'plane_axis' : [0,1,2], # G17
'inches_mode' : False, # G21
'inverse_feedrate_mode' : False, # G94
'absolute_mode' : True} # G90
def unit_conv(val) : # Converts value to mm
if gc['inches_mode'] : val *= inch2mm
def fout_conv(val) : # Returns converted value as rounded string for output file.
if gc['inches_mode'] : return( str(round(val/inch2mm,ndigits_in)) )
else : return( str(round(val,ndigits_mm)) )
# Open g-code file
fin = open(filein,'r');
fout = open(fileout,'w');
# Iterate through g-code file
l_count = 0
for line in fin:
l_count += 1 # Iterate line counter
# Strip comments/spaces/tabs/new line and capitalize. Comment MSG not supported.
block = re.sub('\s|\(.*?\)','',line).upper()
block = re.sub('\\\\','',block) # Strip \ block delete character
block = re.sub('%','',block) # Strip % program start/stop character
if len(block) == 0 : # Ignore empty blocks
print "Skipping: " + line.strip()
else : # Process valid g-code clean block. Assumes no block delete characters or comments
g_cmd = re.findall(r'[^0-9\.\-]+',block) # Extract block command characters
g_num = re.findall(r'[0-9\.\-]+',block) # Extract block numbers
# G-code block error checks
# if len(g_cmd) != len(g_num) : print block; raise Exception('Invalid block. Unbalanced word and values.')
if 'N' in g_cmd :
if g_cmd[0]!='N': raise Exception('Line number must be first command in line.')
if g_cmd.count('N') > 1: raise Exception('More than one line number in block.')
g_cmd = g_cmd[1:] # Remove line number word
g_num = g_num[1:]
# Block item repeat checks? (0<=n'M'<5, G/M modal groups)
# Initialize block state
blk = { 'next_action' : 'DEFAULT',
'absolute_override' : False,
'target_xyz' : deepcopy(gc['current_xyz']),
'offset_ijk' : [0,0,0],
'radius_mode' : False,
'unsupported': [] }
# Pass 1
for cmd,num in zip(g_cmd,g_num) :
fnum = float(num)
inum = int(fnum)
if cmd is 'G' :
if inum is 0 : gc['motion_mode'] = 'SEEK'
elif inum is 1 : gc['motion_mode'] = 'LINEAR'
elif inum is 2 : gc['motion_mode'] = 'CW_ARC'
elif inum is 3 : gc['motion_mode'] = 'CCW_ARC'
elif inum is 4 : blk['next_action'] = 'DWELL'
elif inum is 17 : gc['plane_axis'] = [0,1,2] # Select XY Plane
elif inum is 18 : gc['plane_axis'] = [0,2,1] # Select XZ Plane
elif inum is 19 : gc['plane_axis'] = [1,2,0] # Select YZ Plane
elif inum is 20 : gc['inches_mode'] = True
elif inum is 21 : gc['inches_mode'] = False
elif inum in [28,30] : blk['next_action'] = 'GO_HOME'
elif inum is 53 : blk['absolute_override'] = True
elif inum is 80 : gc['motion_mode'] = 'MOTION_CANCEL'
elif inum is 90 : gc['absolute_mode'] = True
elif inum is 91 : gc['absolute_mode'] = False
elif inum is 92 : blk['next_action'] = 'SET_OFFSET'
elif inum is 93 : gc['inverse_feedrate_mode'] = True
elif inum is 94 : gc['inverse_feedrate_mode'] = False
else :
print 'Unsupported command ' + cmd + num + ' on line ' + str(l_count)
if remove_unsupported : blk['unsupported'].append(zip(g_cmd,g_num).index((cmd,num)))
elif cmd is 'M' :
if inum in [0,1] : pass # Program Pause
elif inum in [2,30,60] : pass # Program Completed
elif inum is 3 : pass # Spindle Direction 1
elif inum is 4 : pass # Spindle Direction -1
elif inum is 5 : pass # Spindle Direction 0
else :
print 'Unsupported command ' + cmd + num + ' on line ' + str(l_count)
if remove_unsupported : blk['unsupported'].append(zip(g_cmd,g_num).index((cmd,num)))
elif cmd is 'T' : pass # Tool Number
# Pass 2
for cmd,num in zip(g_cmd,g_num) :
fnum = float(num)
if cmd is 'F' : gc['feed_rate'] = unit_conv(fnum) # Feed Rate
elif cmd in ['I','J','K'] : blk['offset_ijk'][ord(cmd)-ord('I')] = unit_conv(fnum) # Arc Center Offset
elif cmd is 'P' : p = fnum # Misc value parameter
elif cmd is 'R' : r = unit_conv(fnum); blk['radius_mode'] = True # Arc Radius Mode
elif cmd is 'S' : pass # Spindle Speed
elif cmd in ['X','Y','Z'] : # Target Coordinates
if (gc['absolute_mode'] | blk['absolute_override']) :
blk['target_xyz'][ord(cmd)-ord('X')] = unit_conv(fnum)
else :
blk['target_xyz'][ord(cmd)-ord('X')] += unit_conv(fnum)
# Execute actions
if blk['next_action'] is 'GO_HOME' :
gc['current_xyz'] = deepcopy(blk['target_xyz']) # Update position
elif blk['next_action'] is 'SET_OFFSET' :
elif blk['next_action'] is 'DWELL' :
if p < 0 : raise Exception('Dwell time negative.')
else : # 'DEFAULT'
if gc['motion_mode'] is 'SEEK' :
gc['current_xyz'] = deepcopy(blk['target_xyz']) # Update position
elif gc['motion_mode'] is 'LINEAR' :
gc['current_xyz'] = deepcopy(blk['target_xyz']) # Update position
elif gc['motion_mode'] in ['CW_ARC','CCW_ARC'] :
axis = gc['plane_axis']
# Convert radius mode to ijk mode
if blk['radius_mode'] :
x = blk['target_xyz'][axis[0]]-gc['current_xyz'][axis[0]]
y = blk['target_xyz'][axis[1]]-gc['current_xyz'][axis[1]]
if not (x==0 and y==0) : raise Exception('Same target and current XYZ not allowed in arc radius mode.')
h_x2_div_d = -sqrt(4 * r*r - x*x - y*y)/hypot(x,y)
if isnan(h_x2_div_d) : raise Exception('Floating point error in arc conversion')
if gc['motion_mode'] is 'CCW_ARC' : h_x2_div_d = -h_x2_div_d
if r < 0 : h_x2_div_d = -h_x2_div_d
blk['offset_ijk'][axis[0]] = (x-(y*h_x2_div_d))/2;
blk['offset_ijk'][axis[1]] = (y+(x*h_x2_div_d))/2;
# Compute arc center, radius, theta, and depth parameters
theta_start = atan2(-blk['offset_ijk'][axis[0]], -blk['offset_ijk'][axis[1]])
theta_end = atan2(blk['target_xyz'][axis[0]] - blk['offset_ijk'][axis[0]] - gc['current_xyz'][axis[0]], \
blk['target_xyz'][axis[1]] - blk['offset_ijk'][axis[1]] - gc['current_xyz'][axis[1]])
if theta_end < theta_start : theta_end += 2*pi
radius = hypot(blk['offset_ijk'][axis[0]], blk['offset_ijk'][axis[1]])
depth = blk['target_xyz'][axis[2]]-gc['current_xyz'][axis[2]]
center_x = gc['current_xyz'][axis[0]]-sin(theta_start)*radius
center_y = gc['current_xyz'][axis[1]]-cos(theta_start)*radius
# Compute arc incremental linear segment parameters
angular_travel = theta_end-theta_start
if gc['motion_mode'] is 'CCW_ARC' : angular_travel = angular_travel-2*pi
millimeters_of_travel = hypot(angular_travel*radius, fabs(depth))
if millimeters_of_travel is 0 : raise Exception('G02/03 arc travel is zero')
segments = int(round(millimeters_of_travel/mm_per_arc_segment))
if segments is 0 : raise Exception('G02/03 zero length arc segment')
# ??? # if gc['inverse_feedrate_mode'] : gc['feed_rate'] *= segments
theta_per_segment = angular_travel/segments
depth_per_segment = depth/segments
# Generate arc linear segments
if verbose: print 'Converting: '+ block + ' : ' + str(l_count)
if not gc['absolute_mode'] : fout.write('G90')
arc_target = [0,0,0]
for i in range(1,segments+1) :
if i < segments :
arc_target[axis[0]] = center_x + radius * sin(theta_start + i*theta_per_segment)
arc_target[axis[1]] = center_y + radius * cos(theta_start + i*theta_per_segment)
arc_target[axis[2]] = gc['current_xyz'][axis[2]] + i*depth_per_segment
else :
arc_target = deepcopy(blk['target_xyz']) # Last segment at target_xyz
# Write only changed variables.
if arc_target[0] != gc['current_xyz'][0] : fout.write('X'+fout_conv(arc_target[0]))
if arc_target[1] != gc['current_xyz'][1] : fout.write('Y'+fout_conv(arc_target[1]))
if arc_target[2] != gc['current_xyz'][2] : fout.write('Z'+fout_conv(arc_target[2]))
gc['current_xyz'] = deepcopy(arc_target) # Update position
if not gc['absolute_mode'] : fout.write('G91\n')
# Rebuild original gcode block sans line numbers, extra characters, and unsupported commands
if gc['motion_mode'] not in ['CW_ARC','CCW_ARC'] :
if remove_unsupported and len(blk['unsupported']) :
for i in blk['unsupported'][::-1] : del g_cmd[i]; del g_num[i]
out_block = "".join([i+j for (i,j) in zip(g_cmd,g_num)])
if len(out_block) :
if verbose : print "Writing: " + out_block + ' : ' + str(l_count)
fout.write(out_block + '\n')
print 'Done!'
# Close files

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@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ void st_wake_up() {
static void st_go_idle() {
// Force stepper dwell to lock axes for a defined amount of time to ensure the axes come to a complete
// stop and not drift from residual inertial forces at the end of the last movement.
// Disable steppers by setting stepper disable
// Disable stepper driver interrupt