#!/usr/bin/env python3 import lora import socket import pmt import time import collections import datetime import os.path import os import json import binascii import signal import argparse from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest, blocks, filter from gnuradio.filter import firdes from gnuradio.fft import window from sigmf.sigmffile import SigMFFile from lora.loraconfig import LoRaConfig from lora.lorasocket import LoRaUDPServer Test = collections.namedtuple('Test', ['payload', 'times']) TestResult = collections.namedtuple('TestResult', ['decoded_data', 'lora_config', 'test']) def signal_handler(signal, frame): exit(0) def trunc(target, max_len=30): result = "" if len(target) > max_len: result += target[0:int(max_len/2)-1] result += ".." result += target[-int(max_len/2)+1:] else: result = target assert(len(result) <= max_len) return result class TestSummary(): def __init__(self, suite, pause=False): self.pause = pause self.suite = suite self._summary = [] self._summary_text = "-------- Test suite '{:s}' results on {:s} ---------\n".format(suite, str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())) self._summary_markdown = "# Test suite: '{:s}'\n\n*Results on {:s}*\n".format(suite, str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())) self._num_total_correct_payloads = 0 self._num_total_payloads = 0 self._num_tests = 0 self._last_config = None def add(self, test_result, print_intermediate=False): if type(test_result) == TestResult: self._summary.append(test_result) self._evaluate_result(test_result, print_intermediate) else: raise Exception("Test result must be of type TestResult") def export_summary(self, path, print_output=True, write_output=True): self._summary_text += "\nRan a total of {:n} tests, together containing {:n} payloads.\n".format( self._num_tests, self._num_total_payloads ) self._summary_text += "====== Total payloads passed: {:>5n} out of {:<5n} ({:.2%}) ======\n".format( self._num_total_correct_payloads, self._num_total_payloads, float(self._num_total_correct_payloads) / self._num_total_payloads ) self._summary_markdown += "\n### Summary for suite '{:s}'\n\n".format(self.suite) self._summary_markdown += "Total payloads passed: {:n} out of {:n} ({:.2%})\n\n".format( self._num_total_correct_payloads, self._num_total_payloads, float(self._num_total_correct_payloads) / self._num_total_payloads ) if print_output: print(self._summary_text) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) with open(os.path.join(path, self.suite + '.md'), 'w') as f: f.write(self._summary_markdown) def _evaluate_result(self, test_result, print_intermediate): """ Given a test result, evaluate it and generate text / markdown for the report. """ self._num_tests += 1 evaluation_text = "" evaluation_markdown = "" # Shorter names decoded_data = test_result.decoded_data lora_config = test_result.lora_config test = test_result.test expected_data = [test.payload] * test.times # Don't reprint configuration if it is the same as before if(self._last_config != vars(lora_config)): evaluation_text += "{:s}:\n".format(lora_config.string_repr()) evaluation_markdown += "\n### {:s}\n\nTransmitted payload | :heavy_check_mark: | :hash: | :heavy_division_sign:\n--- | --- | --- | ---\n".format(lora_config.string_repr()) self._last_config = vars(lora_config) # Determine number of correct payloads num_payloads = 0 num_correct_payloads = 0 for i in range(0, test.times): num_payloads += 1 self._num_total_payloads += 1 try: decoded = decoded_data[i].decode('utf-8') except IndexError: decoded = "?" try: expected = expected_data[i] except IndexError: expected = "?" if decoded == expected: num_correct_payloads += 1 self._num_total_correct_payloads += 1 else: if self.pause: _ = input("Expected %s but got %s for %s. Press enter to continue..." % (expected, decoded, lora_config.string_repr())) # Append to text report evaluation_text += "\tTest {:>3n}: {:<30s} * {:<3n} :: passed {:>3n} out of {:<3n} ({:.2%})\n".format( self._num_tests, trunc(test.payload), test.times, num_correct_payloads, num_payloads, float(num_correct_payloads)/num_payloads ) self._summary_text += evaluation_text # Append to markdown report evaluation_markdown += "`{:<30s}` | {:>3n} | {:>3n} | {:>.2%}\n".format( trunc(test.payload), num_correct_payloads, num_payloads, float(num_correct_payloads)/num_payloads ) self._summary_markdown += evaluation_markdown if(print_intermediate): print(evaluation_text) class qa_testsuite(): def __init__(self, path=None): """ Determine installed test suites and setup socket server for receiving payloads decoded by gr-lora. """ # Setup UDP server to capture decoded data self.server = LoRaUDPServer(ip="", port=40868) # Determine test suites directory if needed if path is None: current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/" self.test_suites_directory = os.path.abspath(current_dir + '../apps/test-suites') self.reports_directory = os.path.abspath(current_dir + '../docs/test-results') else: self.test_suites_directory = os.path.abspath(path) self.reports_directory = os.path.abspath(path + '/../test-results') # List test suites self.test_suites = [] if os.path.exists(self.test_suites_directory): self.test_suites = [x for x in os.listdir(self.test_suites_directory) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.test_suites_directory, x))] else: print("No test suites found! Skipping...") def run(self, suites_to_run, pause=False, write_output=True): for test_suite in self.test_suites: # Skip test suites that we don't want to run if suites_to_run != [] and (not test_suite in suites_to_run): continue print("[+] Testing suite: '%s'" % test_suite) summary = TestSummary(suite=test_suite, pause=pause) # Get all metadata files associated with the suite get_mtime = lambda f: os.stat(os.path.join(self.test_suites_directory, test_suite, f)).st_mtime metadata_files = [os.path.join(self.test_suites_directory, test_suite, x) for x in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.test_suites_directory, test_suite)), key=get_mtime) if x.endswith('.sigmf-meta')] # Parse metadata files for metadata_file in metadata_files: print("[+] %s" % metadata_file) data_file = os.path.splitext(metadata_file)[0] + '.sigmf-data' # Load sigmf data TODO abstract f = open(metadata_file, 'r') sigmf = SigMFFile(metadata=f.read()) if not sigmf.validate(): raise Exception("Invalid SigMF format") global_meta = sigmf.get_global_info() capture_meta = sigmf.get_capture_info(0) f.close() # Initialize test parameters sample_rate = global_meta["core:sample_rate"] # Get LoRa configuration capture_freq = capture_meta["core:frequency"] if "lora:frequency_offset" in capture_meta: frequency_offset = capture_meta["lora:frequency_offset"] else: frequency_offset = 0 transmit_freq = capture_meta["lora:frequency"] sf = capture_meta["lora:sf"] cr = capture_meta["lora:cr"] bw = int(capture_meta["lora:bw"]) prlen = capture_meta["lora:prlen"] crc = capture_meta["lora:crc"] implicit = capture_meta["lora:implicit"] lora_config = LoRaConfig(transmit_freq, sf, cr, bw, prlen, crc, implicit) # Get test case configuration payload = capture_meta["test:expected"] times = capture_meta["test:times"] test = Test(payload, times) # Build flowgraph tb = gr.top_block() file_source = blocks.file_source(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, data_file, False) if sf > 10: # The devices used in the test suites use reduced rate mode for SF > 10 TODO this should be calculated based on symbol time exceeding 16ms per symbol lora_receiver = lora.lora_receiver(sample_rate, capture_freq, [868100000], bw, sf, False, 4, True, reduced_rate=True, decimation=1) else: lora_receiver = lora.lora_receiver(sample_rate, capture_freq, [868100000], bw, sf, False, 4, True, reduced_rate=False, decimation=1) throttle = blocks.throttle(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, sample_rate, True) message_socket_sink = lora.message_socket_sink("", 40868, 2) freq_xlating_fir_filter = filter.freq_xlating_fir_filter_ccc(1, (firdes.low_pass(1, sample_rate, 200000, 100000, window.win_type.WIN_HAMMING, 6.67)), frequency_offset, sample_rate) # Make connections tb.connect((file_source, 0), (throttle, 0)) tb.connect((throttle, 0), (freq_xlating_fir_filter, 0)) tb.connect((freq_xlating_fir_filter, 0), (lora_receiver, 0)) tb.msg_connect((lora_receiver, 'frames'), (message_socket_sink, 'in')) tb.start() tb.wait() decoded_data = self.server.get_payloads(times) # Output from the flowgraph summary.add(TestResult(decoded_data=decoded_data, lora_config=lora_config, test=test), print_intermediate=True) # Finally, export the result for the suite summary.export_summary(path=self.reports_directory, write_output=write_output) if __name__ == '__main__': """ Tool to evaluate decoding test suites """ # Parse args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Tool to evaluate decoding test suites for gr-lora.") parser.add_argument('suites', type=str, nargs="*", help='Names of the test suites to execute.') parser.add_argument('--pause', action="store_true", default=False, help='Pause upon encountering an error.') parser.add_argument('--path', type=str, default=None, help='Path of the test suites') parser.add_argument('--nowrite', action="store_true", default=False, help='Do not write anything.') args = parser.parse_args() # Make sure CTRL+C exits the whole test suite instead of only the current GNU Radio top block signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) suite = qa_testsuite(args.path) suite.run(args.suites, args.pause, not args.nowrite)