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// Copyright 2006-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_string.h#2 $ */
/* $DateTime: 2012/07/31 22:04:34 $ */
/* $Change: 840853 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */
/** \file
* Text string representation.
#ifndef __dng_string__
#define __dng_string__
#include "dng_types.h"
#include "dng_memory.h"
class dng_string
// Always stored internally as a UTF-8 encoded string.
dng_memory_data fData;
dng_string ();
dng_string (const dng_string &s);
dng_string & operator= (const dng_string &s);
~dng_string ();
const char * Get () const;
bool IsASCII () const;
void Set (const char *s);
void Set_ASCII (const char *s);
void Set_UTF8 (const char *s);
uint32 Get_SystemEncoding (dng_memory_data &buffer) const;
void Set_SystemEncoding (const char *s);
bool ValidSystemEncoding () const;
void Set_JIS_X208_1990 (const char *s);
static uint32 DecodeUTF8 (const char *&s,
uint32 maxBytes = 6,
bool *isValid = NULL);
static bool IsUTF8 (const char *s);
void Set_UTF8_or_System (const char *s);
uint32 Get_UTF16 (dng_memory_data &buffer) const;
void Set_UTF16 (const uint16 *s);
void Clear ();
void Truncate (uint32 maxBytes);
bool TrimTrailingBlanks ();
bool TrimLeadingBlanks ();
bool IsEmpty () const;
bool NotEmpty () const
return !IsEmpty ();
uint32 Length () const;
bool operator== (const dng_string &s) const;
bool operator!= (const dng_string &s) const
return !(*this == s);
// A utility for doing case insensitive comparisons on strings...
static bool Matches (const char *t,
const char *s,
bool case_sensitive = false);
// ...wrapped up for use with dng_string.
bool Matches (const char *s,
bool case_sensitive = false) const;
bool StartsWith (const char *s,
bool case_sensitive = false) const;
bool EndsWith (const char *s,
bool case_sensitive = false) const;
bool Contains (const char *s,
bool case_sensitive = false,
int32 *match_offset = NULL) const;
bool Replace (const char *old_string,
const char *new_string,
bool case_sensitive = true);
bool TrimLeading (const char *s,
bool case_sensitive = false);
void Append (const char *s);
void SetUppercase ();
void SetLowercase ();
void SetLineEndings (char ending);
void SetLineEndingsToNewLines ()
SetLineEndings ('\n');
void SetLineEndingsToReturns ()
SetLineEndings ('\r');
void StripLowASCII ();
void ForceASCII ();
int32 Compare (const dng_string &s) const;
// A utility to convert fields of numbers into comma separated numbers.
void NormalizeAsCommaSeparatedNumbers ();