// ================================================================================================= // Copyright 2004 Adobe Systems Incorporated // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms // of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. // ================================================================================================= #include "public/include/XMP_Environment.h" // ! This must be the first include! #include "public/include/XMP_Const.h" #include "public/include/client-glue/WXMPIterator.hpp" #include "XMPCore_Impl.hpp" #include "XMPIterator.hpp" #if XMP_WinBuild #pragma warning ( disable : 4101 ) // unreferenced local variable #pragma warning ( disable : 4189 ) // local variable is initialized but not referenced #pragma warning ( disable : 4800 ) // forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) #if XMP_DebugBuild #pragma warning ( disable : 4297 ) // function assumed not to throw an exception but does #endif #endif #if __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // ================================================================================================= // CTor/DTor Wrappers // ================== void WXMPIterator_PropCTor_1 ( XMPMetaRef xmpRef, XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_OptionBits options, WXMP_Result * wResult ) { XMP_ENTER_Static ( "WXMPIterator_PropCTor_1" ) // No lib object yet, use the static entry. if ( schemaNS == 0 ) schemaNS = ""; if ( propName == 0 ) propName = ""; const XMPMeta & xmpObj = WtoXMPMeta_Ref ( xmpRef ); XMP_AutoLock metaLock ( &xmpObj.lock, kXMP_ReadLock ); XMPIterator * iter = new XMPIterator ( xmpObj, schemaNS, propName, options ); ++iter->clientRefs; XMP_Assert ( iter->clientRefs == 1 ); wResult->ptrResult = XMPIteratorRef ( iter ); XMP_EXIT } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WXMPIterator_TableCTor_1 ( XMP_StringPtr schemaNS, XMP_StringPtr propName, XMP_OptionBits options, WXMP_Result * wResult ) { XMP_ENTER_Static ( "WXMPIterator_TableCTor_1" ) // No lib object yet, use the static entry. if ( schemaNS == 0 ) schemaNS = ""; if ( propName == 0 ) propName = ""; XMPIterator * iter = new XMPIterator ( schemaNS, propName, options ); ++iter->clientRefs; XMP_Assert ( iter->clientRefs == 1 ); wResult->ptrResult = XMPIteratorRef ( iter ); XMP_EXIT } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WXMPIterator_IncrementRefCount_1 ( XMPIteratorRef xmpObjRef ) { WXMP_Result * wResult = &void_wResult; // ! Needed to "fool" the EnterWrapper macro. XMP_ENTER_ObjWrite ( XMPIterator, "WXMPIterator_IncrementRefCount_1" ) ++thiz->clientRefs; XMP_Assert ( thiz->clientRefs > 1 ); XMP_EXIT_NoThrow } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WXMPIterator_DecrementRefCount_1 ( XMPIteratorRef xmpObjRef ) { WXMP_Result * wResult = &void_wResult; // ! Needed to "fool" the EnterWrapper macro. XMP_ENTER_ObjWrite ( XMPIterator, "WXMPIterator_DecrementRefCount_1" ) XMP_Assert ( thiz->clientRefs > 0 ); --thiz->clientRefs; if ( thiz->clientRefs <= 0 ) { objLock.Release(); delete ( thiz ); } XMP_EXIT_NoThrow } // ================================================================================================= // Class Method Wrappers // ===================== void WXMPIterator_Next_1 ( XMPIteratorRef xmpObjRef, void * schemaNS, void * propPath, void * propValue, XMP_OptionBits * propOptions, SetClientStringProc SetClientString, WXMP_Result * wResult ) { XMP_ENTER_ObjWrite ( XMPIterator, "WXMPIterator_Next_1" ) XMP_StringPtr schemaPtr = 0; XMP_StringLen schemaLen = 0; XMP_StringPtr pathPtr = 0; XMP_StringLen pathLen = 0; XMP_StringPtr valuePtr = 0; XMP_StringLen valueLen = 0; if ( propOptions == 0 ) propOptions = &voidOptionBits; XMP_Assert( thiz->info.xmpObj != NULL ); XMP_AutoLock metaLock ( &thiz->info.xmpObj->lock, kXMP_ReadLock, (thiz->info.xmpObj != 0) ); XMP_Bool found = thiz->Next ( &schemaPtr, &schemaLen, &pathPtr, &pathLen, &valuePtr, &valueLen, propOptions ); wResult->int32Result = found; if ( found ) { if ( schemaNS != 0 ) (*SetClientString) ( schemaNS, schemaPtr, schemaLen ); if ( propPath != 0 ) (*SetClientString) ( propPath, pathPtr, pathLen ); if ( propValue != 0 ) (*SetClientString) ( propValue, valuePtr, valueLen ); } XMP_EXIT } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WXMPIterator_Skip_1 ( XMPIteratorRef xmpObjRef, XMP_OptionBits options, WXMP_Result * wResult ) { XMP_ENTER_ObjWrite ( XMPIterator, "WXMPIterator_Skip_1" ) XMP_Assert( thiz->info.xmpObj != NULL ); XMP_AutoLock metaLock ( &thiz->info.xmpObj->lock, kXMP_ReadLock, (thiz->info.xmpObj != 0) ); thiz->Skip ( options ); XMP_EXIT } // ================================================================================================= #if __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif