/*****************************************************************************/ // Copyright 2008-2009 Adobe Systems Incorporated // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in // accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. /*****************************************************************************/ /* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_gain_map.cpp#1 $ */ /* $DateTime: 2012/05/30 13:28:51 $ */ /* $Change: 832332 $ */ /* $Author: tknoll $ */ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "dng_gain_map.h" #include "dng_exceptions.h" #include "dng_globals.h" #include "dng_host.h" #include "dng_pixel_buffer.h" #include "dng_stream.h" #include "dng_tag_values.h" /*****************************************************************************/ class dng_gain_map_interpolator { private: const dng_gain_map &fMap; dng_point_real64 fScale; dng_point_real64 fOffset; int32 fColumn; int32 fPlane; uint32 fRowIndex1; uint32 fRowIndex2; real32 fRowFract; int32 fResetColumn; real32 fValueBase; real32 fValueStep; real32 fValueIndex; public: dng_gain_map_interpolator (const dng_gain_map &map, const dng_rect &mapBounds, int32 row, int32 column, uint32 plane); real32 Interpolate () const { return fValueBase + fValueStep * fValueIndex; } void Increment () { if (++fColumn >= fResetColumn) { ResetColumn (); } else { fValueIndex += 1.0f; } } private: real32 InterpolateEntry (uint32 colIndex); void ResetColumn (); }; /*****************************************************************************/ dng_gain_map_interpolator::dng_gain_map_interpolator (const dng_gain_map &map, const dng_rect &mapBounds, int32 row, int32 column, uint32 plane) : fMap (map) , fScale (1.0 / mapBounds.H (), 1.0 / mapBounds.W ()) , fOffset (0.5 - mapBounds.t, 0.5 - mapBounds.l) , fColumn (column) , fPlane (plane) , fRowIndex1 (0) , fRowIndex2 (0) , fRowFract (0.0f) , fResetColumn (0) , fValueBase (0.0f) , fValueStep (0.0f) , fValueIndex (0.0f) { real64 rowIndexF = (fScale.v * (row + fOffset.v) - fMap.Origin ().v) / fMap.Spacing ().v; if (rowIndexF <= 0.0) { fRowIndex1 = 0; fRowIndex2 = 0; fRowFract = 0.0f; } else { fRowIndex1 = (uint32) rowIndexF; if ((int32) fRowIndex1 >= fMap.Points ().v - 1) { fRowIndex1 = fMap.Points ().v - 1; fRowIndex2 = fRowIndex1; fRowFract = 0.0f; } else { fRowIndex2 = fRowIndex1 + 1; fRowFract = (real32) (rowIndexF - (real64) fRowIndex1); } } ResetColumn (); } /*****************************************************************************/ real32 dng_gain_map_interpolator::InterpolateEntry (uint32 colIndex) { return fMap.Entry (fRowIndex1, colIndex, fPlane) * (1.0f - fRowFract) + fMap.Entry (fRowIndex2, colIndex, fPlane) * ( fRowFract); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_gain_map_interpolator::ResetColumn () { real64 colIndexF = ((fScale.h * (fColumn + fOffset.h)) - fMap.Origin ().h) / fMap.Spacing ().h; if (colIndexF <= 0.0) { fValueBase = InterpolateEntry (0); fValueStep = 0.0f; fResetColumn = (int32) ceil (fMap.Origin ().h / fScale.h - fOffset.h); } else { uint32 colIndex = (uint32) colIndexF; if ((int32) colIndex >= fMap.Points ().h - 1) { fValueBase = InterpolateEntry (fMap.Points ().h - 1); fValueStep = 0.0f; fResetColumn = 0x7FFFFFFF; } else { real64 base = InterpolateEntry (colIndex); real64 delta = InterpolateEntry (colIndex + 1) - base; fValueBase = (real32) (base + delta * (colIndexF - (real64) colIndex)); fValueStep = (real32) ((delta * fScale.h) / fMap.Spacing ().h); fResetColumn = (int32) ceil (((colIndex + 1) * fMap.Spacing ().h + fMap.Origin ().h) / fScale.h - fOffset.h); } } fValueIndex = 0.0f; } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_gain_map::dng_gain_map (dng_memory_allocator &allocator, const dng_point &points, const dng_point_real64 &spacing, const dng_point_real64 &origin, uint32 planes) : fPoints (points) , fSpacing (spacing) , fOrigin (origin) , fPlanes (planes) , fRowStep (planes * points.h) , fBuffer () { fBuffer.Reset (allocator.Allocate (fPoints.v * fPoints.h * fPlanes * (uint32) sizeof (real32))); } /*****************************************************************************/ real32 dng_gain_map::Interpolate (int32 row, int32 col, uint32 plane, const dng_rect &bounds) const { dng_gain_map_interpolator interp (*this, bounds, row, col, plane); return interp.Interpolate (); } /*****************************************************************************/ uint32 dng_gain_map::PutStreamSize () const { return 44 + fPoints.v * fPoints.h * fPlanes * 4; } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_gain_map::PutStream (dng_stream &stream) const { stream.Put_uint32 (fPoints.v); stream.Put_uint32 (fPoints.h); stream.Put_real64 (fSpacing.v); stream.Put_real64 (fSpacing.h); stream.Put_real64 (fOrigin.v); stream.Put_real64 (fOrigin.h); stream.Put_uint32 (fPlanes); for (int32 rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < fPoints.v; rowIndex++) { for (int32 colIndex = 0; colIndex < fPoints.h; colIndex++) { for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fPlanes; plane++) { stream.Put_real32 (Entry (rowIndex, colIndex, plane)); } } } } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_gain_map * dng_gain_map::GetStream (dng_stream &stream, dng_memory_allocator &allocator) { dng_point mapPoints; mapPoints.v = stream.Get_uint32 (); mapPoints.h = stream.Get_uint32 (); dng_point_real64 mapSpacing; mapSpacing.v = stream.Get_real64 (); mapSpacing.h = stream.Get_real64 (); dng_point_real64 mapOrigin; mapOrigin.v = stream.Get_real64 (); mapOrigin.h = stream.Get_real64 (); uint32 mapPlanes = stream.Get_uint32 (); #if qDNGValidate if (gVerbose) { printf ("Points: v=%d, h=%d\n", (int) mapPoints.v, (int) mapPoints.h); printf ("Spacing: v=%.6f, h=%.6f\n", mapSpacing.v, mapSpacing.h); printf ("Origin: v=%.6f, h=%.6f\n", mapOrigin.v, mapOrigin.h); printf ("Planes: %u\n", (unsigned) mapPlanes); } #endif if (mapPoints.v == 1) { mapSpacing.v = 1.0; mapOrigin.v = 0.0; } if (mapPoints.h == 1) { mapSpacing.h = 1.0; mapOrigin.h = 0.0; } if (mapPoints.v < 1 || mapPoints.h < 1 || mapSpacing.v <= 0.0 || mapSpacing.h <= 0.0 || mapPlanes < 1) { ThrowBadFormat (); } AutoPtr map (new dng_gain_map (allocator, mapPoints, mapSpacing, mapOrigin, mapPlanes)); #if qDNGValidate uint32 linesPrinted = 0; uint32 linesSkipped = 0; #endif for (int32 rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < mapPoints.v; rowIndex++) { for (int32 colIndex = 0; colIndex < mapPoints.h; colIndex++) { for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < mapPlanes; plane++) { real32 x = stream.Get_real32 (); map->Entry (rowIndex, colIndex, plane) = x; #if qDNGValidate if (gVerbose) { if (linesPrinted < gDumpLineLimit) { printf (" Map [%3u] [%3u] [%u] = %.4f\n", (unsigned) rowIndex, (unsigned) colIndex, (unsigned) plane, x); linesPrinted++; } else linesSkipped++; } #endif } } } #if qDNGValidate if (linesSkipped) { printf (" ... %u map entries skipped\n", (unsigned) linesSkipped); } #endif return map.Release (); } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_opcode_GainMap::dng_opcode_GainMap (const dng_area_spec &areaSpec, AutoPtr &gainMap) : dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_GainMap, dngVersion_1_3_0_0, kFlag_None) , fAreaSpec (areaSpec) , fGainMap () { fGainMap.Reset (gainMap.Release ()); } /*****************************************************************************/ dng_opcode_GainMap::dng_opcode_GainMap (dng_host &host, dng_stream &stream) : dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_GainMap, stream, "GainMap") , fAreaSpec () , fGainMap () { uint32 byteCount = stream.Get_uint32 (); uint64 startPosition = stream.Position (); fAreaSpec.GetData (stream); fGainMap.Reset (dng_gain_map::GetStream (stream, host.Allocator())); if (stream.Position () != startPosition + byteCount) { ThrowBadFormat (); } } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_opcode_GainMap::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const { stream.Put_uint32 (dng_area_spec::kDataSize + fGainMap->PutStreamSize ()); fAreaSpec.PutData (stream); fGainMap->PutStream (stream); } /*****************************************************************************/ void dng_opcode_GainMap::ProcessArea (dng_negative & /* negative */, uint32 /* threadIndex */, dng_pixel_buffer &buffer, const dng_rect &dstArea, const dng_rect &imageBounds) { dng_rect overlap = fAreaSpec.Overlap (dstArea); if (overlap.NotEmpty ()) { uint32 cols = overlap.W (); uint32 colPitch = fAreaSpec.ColPitch (); for (uint32 plane = fAreaSpec.Plane (); plane < fAreaSpec.Plane () + fAreaSpec.Planes () && plane < buffer.Planes (); plane++) { uint32 mapPlane = Min_uint32 (plane, fGainMap->Planes () - 1); for (int32 row = overlap.t; row < overlap.b; row += fAreaSpec.RowPitch ()) { real32 *dPtr = buffer.DirtyPixel_real32 (row, overlap.l, plane); dng_gain_map_interpolator interp (*fGainMap, imageBounds, row, overlap.l, mapPlane); for (uint32 col = 0; col < cols; col += colPitch) { real32 gain = interp.Interpolate (); dPtr [col] = Min_real32 (dPtr [col] * gain, 1.0f); for (uint32 j = 0; j < colPitch; j++) { interp.Increment (); } } } } } } /*****************************************************************************/