
486 wiersze
18 KiB

<div class="component-file-upload">
<div class="ui top attached tabular menu">
<a :class="['item', {active: currentTab === 'summary'}]" @click="currentTab = 'summary'"><translate translate-context="Content/Library/Tab.Title/Short">Summary</translate></a>
<a :class="['item', {active: currentTab === 'uploads'}]" @click="currentTab = 'uploads'">
<translate translate-context="Content/Library/Tab.Title/Short">Uploading</translate>
<div v-if="files.length === 0" class="ui label">
<div v-else-if="files.length > uploadedFilesCount + erroredFilesCount" class="ui warning label">
{{ uploadedFilesCount + erroredFilesCount }}/{{ files.length }}
<div v-else :class="['ui', {'success': erroredFilesCount === 0}, {'danger': erroredFilesCount > 0}, 'label']">
{{ uploadedFilesCount + erroredFilesCount }}/{{ files.length }}
<a :class="['item', {active: currentTab === 'processing'}]" @click="currentTab = 'processing'">
<translate translate-context="Content/Library/Tab.Title/Short">Processing</translate>
<div v-if="processableFiles === 0" class="ui label">
<div v-else-if="processableFiles > processedFilesCount" class="ui warning label">
{{ processedFilesCount }}/{{ processableFiles }}
<div v-else :class="['ui', {'success': uploads.errored === 0}, {'danger': uploads.errored > 0}, 'label']">
{{ processedFilesCount }}/{{ processableFiles }}
<div :class="['ui', 'bottom', 'attached', 'segment', {hidden: currentTab != 'summary'}]">
<h2 class="ui header"><translate translate-context="Content/Library/Title/Verb">Upload new tracks</translate></h2>
<div class="ui message">
<p><translate translate-context="Content/Library/Paragraph">You are about to upload music to your library. Before proceeding, please ensure that:</translate></p>
<li v-if="library.privacy_level != 'me'">
<translate translate-context="Content/Library/List item">You are not uploading copyrighted content in a public library, otherwise you may be infringing the law</translate>
<translate translate-context="Content/Library/List item">The music files you are uploading are tagged properly.</translate>&nbsp;
<a href="" target='_blank'><translate translate-context="Content/Library/Link">We recommend using Picard for that purpose.</translate></a>
<translate translate-context="Content/Library/List item">The uploaded music files are in OGG, Flac or MP3 format</translate>
<form class="ui form" @submit.prevent="currentTab = 'uploads'">
<div class="fields">
<div class="ui field">
<label for="import-reference"><translate translate-context="Content/Library/Input.Label/Noun">Import reference</translate></label>
<p><translate translate-context="Content/Library/Paragraph">This reference will be used to group imported files together.</translate></p>
<input id="import-reference" name="import-ref" type="text" v-model="importReference" />
<button type="submit" class="ui success button"><translate translate-context="Content/Library/Button.Label">Proceed</translate></button>
<template v-if="$store.state.auth.availablePermissions['library']">
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<h2 class="ui header"><translate translate-context="Content/Library/Title/Verb">Import music from your server</translate></h2>
<div v-if="fsErrors.length > 0" role="alert" class="ui negative message">
<h3 class="header"><translate translate-context="Content/*/Error message.Title">Error while launching import</translate></h3>
<ul class="list">
<li v-for="error in fsErrors">{{ error }}</li>
<template v-if="fsStatus && fsStatus.import">
<h3 class="ui header"><translate translate-context="Content/Library/Title/Verb">Import status</translate></h3>
<p v-if="fsStatus.import.reference != importReference">
<translate translate-context="Content/Library/Paragraph">Results of your previous import:</translate>
<p v-else>
<translate translate-context="Content/Library/Paragraph">Results of your import:</translate>
class="ui button"
v-if="fsStatus.import.status === 'started' || fsStatus.import.status === 'pending'">
<translate translate-context="*/*/Button.Label/Verb">Cancel</translate>
<fs-logs :data="fsStatus.import"></fs-logs>
<div :class="['ui', 'bottom', 'attached', 'segment', {hidden: currentTab != 'uploads'}]">
<div :class="['ui', {loading: isLoadingQuota}, 'container']">
<div :class="['ui', {red: remainingSpace === 0}, {warning: remainingSpace > 0 && remainingSpace <= 50}, 'small', 'statistic']">
<div class="label">
<translate translate-context="Content/Library/Paragraph">Remaining storage space</translate>
<div class="value">
{{ remainingSpace * 1000 * 1000 | humanSize}}
:class="['ui', 'icon', 'basic', 'button']"
<i class="upload icon"></i>&nbsp;
<translate translate-context="Content/Library/Paragraph/Call to action">Click to select files to upload or drag and drop files or directories</translate>
<br />
<br />
<i><translate translate-context="Content/Library/Paragraph" :translate-params="{extensions: supportedExtensions.join(', ')}">Supported extensions: %{ extensions }</translate></i>
<div v-if="files.length > 0" class="table-wrapper">
<div class="ui hidden divider"></div>
<table class="ui unstackable table">
<th class="ten wide"><translate translate-context="Content/Library/Table.Label">Filename</translate></th>
<th><translate translate-context="Content/*/*/Noun">Size</translate></th>
<th><translate translate-context="*/*/*">Status</translate></th>
<th><translate translate-context="*/*/*">Actions</translate></th>
<tr v-if="retryableFiles.length > 1">
<th class="ten wide"></th>
<button class="ui right floated small basic button" @click.prevent="retry(retryableFiles)">
<translate translate-context="Content/Library/Table">Retry failed uploads</translate>
<tr v-for="(file, index) in sortedFiles" :key="">
<td :title="">{{ | truncate(60) }}</td>
<td>{{ file.size | humanSize }}</td>
<span v-if="file.error" class="ui tooltip" :data-tooltip="labels.tooltips[file.error]">
<span class="ui danger icon label">
<i class="question circle outline icon" /> {{ file.error }}
<span v-else-if="file.success" class="ui success label">
<translate translate-context="Content/Library/Table" key="1">Uploaded</translate>
<span v-else-if="" class="ui warning label">
<translate translate-context="Content/Library/Table" key="2">Uploading…</translate>
({{ parseInt(file.progress) }}%)
<span v-else class="ui label"><translate translate-context="Content/Library/*/Short" key="3">Pending</translate></span>
<template v-if="file.error">
class="ui tiny basic icon right floated button"
v-if="retryableFiles.indexOf(file) > -1">
<i class="redo icon"></i>
<template v-else-if="!file.success">
<button class="ui tiny basic danger icon right floated button" @click.prevent="$refs.upload.remove(file)"><i class="delete icon"></i></button>
<div :class="['ui', 'bottom', 'attached', 'segment', {hidden: currentTab != 'processing'}]">
@fetch-start="needsRefresh = false"
:filters="{import_reference: importReference}"
import _ from "@/lodash"
import $ from "jquery";
import axios from "axios";
import logger from "@/logging";
import FileUploadWidget from "./FileUploadWidget";
import FsBrowser from "./FsBrowser";
import FsLogs from "./FsLogs";
import LibraryFilesTable from "@/views/content/libraries/FilesTable";
import moment from "moment";
export default {
props: ["library", "defaultImportReference"],
components: {
data() {
let importReference = this.defaultImportReference || moment().format();
this.$router.replace({ query: { import: importReference } });
return {
files: [],
needsRefresh: false,
currentTab: "summary",
uploadUrl: this.$store.getters['instance/absoluteUrl']("/api/v1/uploads/"),
isLoadingQuota: false,
quotaStatus: null,
uploads: {
pending: 0,
finished: 0,
skipped: 0,
errored: 0,
objects: {}
processTimestamp: new Date(),
fsStatus: null,
fsPath: [],
isLoadingFs: false,
fsInterval: null,
fsErrors: []
created() {
if (this.$store.state.auth.availablePermissions['library']) {
setInterval(() => {
}, 5000);
this.$store.commit("ui/addWebsocketEventHandler", {
eventName: "import.status_updated",
id: "fileUpload",
handler: this.handleImportEvent
window.onbeforeunload = e => this.onBeforeUnload(e);
destroyed() {
this.$store.commit("ui/removeWebsocketEventHandler", {
eventName: "import.status_updated",
id: "fileUpload"
window.onbeforeunload = null;
if (this.fsInterval) {
methods: {
onBeforeUnload(e = {}) {
const returnValue = ('This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved.');
if (!this.hasActiveUploads) return null;
Object.assign(e, {
return returnValue;
fetchQuota () {
let self = this
self.isLoadingQuota = true
axios.get('users/me/').then((response) => {
self.quotaStatus =
self.isLoadingQuota = false
fetchFs (updateLoading) {
let self = this
if (updateLoading) {
self.isLoadingFs = true
axios.get('libraries/fs-import', {params: {path: this.fsPath.join('/')}}).then((response) => {
self.fsStatus =
if (updateLoading) {
self.isLoadingFs = false
importFs () {
let self = this
self.isLoadingFs = true
let payload = {
path: this.fsPath.join('/'),
library: this.library.uuid,
import_reference: this.importReference,
}'libraries/fs-import', payload).then((response) => {
self.fsStatus =
self.isLoadingFs = false
}, error => {
self.isLoadingFs = false
self.fsErrors = error.backendErrors
async cancelFsScan () {
await axios.delete('libraries/fs-import')
inputFile(newFile, oldFile) {
if (!newFile) {
if (this.remainingSpace < newFile.size / (1000 * 1000)) {
newFile.error = 'denied'
} else {
this.$ = true;
fetchStatus() {
let self = this;
let statuses = ["pending", "errored", "skipped", "finished"];
statuses.forEach(status => {
.get("uploads/", {
params: {
import_reference: self.importReference,
import_status: status,
page_size: 1
.then(response => {
self.uploads[status] =;
handleImportEvent(event) {
let self = this;
if (event.upload.import_reference != self.importReference) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
self.uploads[event.old_status] -= 1;
self.uploads[event.new_status] += 1;
self.uploads.objects[event.upload.uuid] = event.upload;
self.needsRefresh = true
retry (files) {
files.forEach((file) => {
this.$refs.upload.update(file, {error: '', progress: '0.00'})
this.$ = true;
computed: {
supportedExtensions () {
return this.$store.state.ui.supportedExtensions
labels() {
let denied = this.$pgettext('Content/Library/Help text',
"Upload denied, ensure the file is not too big and that you have not reached your quota"
let server = this.$pgettext('Content/Library/Help text',
"Cannot upload this file, ensure it is not too big"
let network = this.$pgettext('Content/Library/Help text',
"A network error occurred while uploading this file"
let timeout = this.$pgettext('Content/Library/Help text', "Upload timeout, please try again");
let extension = this.$pgettext('Content/Library/Help text',
"Invalid file type, ensure you are uploading an audio file. Supported file extensions are %{ extensions }"
return {
tooltips: {
retry: this.$pgettext('*/*/*/Verb', "Retry"),
extension: this.$gettextInterpolate(extension, {
extensions: this.supportedExtensions.join(", ")
uploadedFilesCount() {
return this.files.filter(f => {
return f.success;
uploadingFilesCount() {
return this.files.filter(f => {
return !f.success && !f.error;
erroredFilesCount() {
return this.files.filter(f => {
return f.error;
retryableFiles () {
return this.files.filter(f => {
return f.error;
processableFiles() {
return (
this.uploads.pending +
this.uploads.skipped +
this.uploads.errored +
this.uploads.finished +
processedFilesCount() {
return (
this.uploads.skipped + this.uploads.errored + this.uploads.finished
uploadData: function() {
return {
library: this.library.uuid,
import_reference: this.importReference
sortedFiles() {
// return errored files on top
return _.sortBy( => {
let statusIndex = 0
if (f.errored) {
statusIndex = -1
if (f.success) {
statusIndex = 1
f.statusIndex = statusIndex
return f
}), ['statusIndex', 'name'])
hasActiveUploads () {
return this.sortedFiles.filter((f) => { return }).length > 0
remainingSpace () {
if (!this.quotaStatus) {
return 0
return Math.max(0, this.quotaStatus.remaining - (this.uploadedSize / (1000 * 1000)))
uploadedSize () {
let uploaded = 0
this.files.forEach((f) => {
if (!f.error) {
uploaded += f.size * (f.progress / 100)
return uploaded
watch: {
importReference: _.debounce(function() {
this.$router.replace({ query: { import: this.importReference } });
}, 500),
remainingSpace (newValue) {
if (newValue <= 0) {
this.$ = false;
'uploads.finished' (v, o) {
if (v > o) {
this.$emit('uploads-finished', v - o)
"fsPath" () {