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Docker installation
Docker is the easiest way to get a Funkwhale instance up and running.
We support two types of Docker deployments:
- :ref:`Mono-container <docker-mono-container>`: all processes live in the same container (database, nginx, redis, etc.). It's easier to deploy and to integrate with container management systems like Portainer. However, it's not possible to scale this type of deployment on multiple servers.
- :ref:`Multi-container <docker-multi-container>`: each process lives in a dedicated container. This setup is more involved but also more flexible and scalable.
.. note::
We do not distribute Docker images for non-amd64 architectures yet. However, :doc:`you can easily build
those images yourself following our instructions <non_amd64_architectures>`, and come back to this installation guide once
the build is over.
.. _docker-mono-container:
Mono-container installation
.. note::
This installation method was contributed by @thetarkus, at
First, ensure you have `Docker <>`_ installed.
Create the user and the directory:
.. code-block:: shell
sudo useradd -r -s /usr/bin/nologin -m -d /srv/funkwhale -U -G docker funkwhale
cd /srv/funkwhale
Log in as the newly created user from now on:
.. code-block:: shell
sudo -u funkwhale -H bash
Export the `version you want <>`_ to deploy (e.g., ``0.19.1``):
.. parsed-literal::
export FUNKWHALE_VERSION="|version|"
Create an env file to store a few important configuration options:
.. code-block:: shell
touch .env
chmod 600 .env # reduce permissions on the .env file since it contains sensitive data
cat > .env <<EOD
# Replace 'your.funkwhale.example' with your actual domain
# Protocol may also be: http
# This limits the upload size
# Bind to localhost
# Container port you want to expose on the host
# Generate and store a secure secret key for your instance
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 45)
# Remove this if you expose the container directly on ports 80/443
Then start the container:
.. code-block:: shell
docker run \
--name=funkwhale \
--restart=unless-stopped \
--env-file=/srv/funkwhale/.env \
-v /srv/funkwhale/data:/data \
-v /path/to/your/music/dir:/music:ro \
-e PUID=$UID \
-e PGID=$GID \
-p 5000:80 \
-d \
.. note::
- ``-e PUID`` and ``-e PGID`` are optional but useful to prevent permission issues with docker volumes
- ``-v /path/to/your/music/dir`` should point to a path on your host were is located music you want to import in your Funkwhale instance. You can safely remove the volume if you don't want to import music that way.
Your container should start in the background, and your instance be available at ``yourip:5000`` shortly.
You will need an admin account to login and manage your account, create one using the following command: ``docker exec -it funkwhale manage createsuperuser``
Useful commands:
- You can examine the logs by running ``docker logs -f --tail=50 funkwhale``
- You can start and stop your instance using ``docker start funkwhale`` and ``docker stop funkwhale``, respectively
- To have a better idea of the resource usage of your instance (CPU, memory), run ``docker stats funkwhale``
.. note::
The container will not pick up changes made in .env file automatically.
In order to load new configuration, run:
.. parsed-literal::
export FUNKWHALE_VERSION="|version|"
.. code-block:: shell
# stop and remove the existing container
docker stop funkwhale
docker rm funkwhale
# relaunch a new container
docker run \
--name=funkwhale \
--restart=unless-stopped \
--env-file=/srv/funkwhale/.env \
-v /srv/funkwhale/data:/data \
-v /path/to/your/music/dir:/music:ro \
-e PUID=$UID \
-e PGID=$GID \
-p 5000:80 \
-d \
You can use the following docker-compose file to make the management process easier:
.. code-block:: yaml
version: "3"
container_name: funkwhale
restart: unless-stopped
# add the version number in your .env file, or hardcode it
image: funkwhale/all-in-one:${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}
env_file: .env
# adapt to the pid/gid that own /srv/funkwhale/data
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- /srv/funkwhale/data:/data
- /path/to/your/music/dir:/music:ro
- "5000:80"
.. _docker-multi-container:
Multi-container installation
First, ensure you have `Docker <>`_ and `docker-compose <>`_ installed.
Export the `version you want <>`_ to deploy (e.g., ``0.19.1``):
.. parsed-literal::
export FUNKWHALE_VERSION="|version|"
Download the sample docker-compose file:
.. parsed-literal::
mkdir /srv/funkwhale
cd /srv/funkwhale
mkdir nginx
curl -L -o nginx/funkwhale.template "${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}/deploy/docker.nginx.template"
curl -L -o nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf "${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}/deploy/docker.funkwhale_proxy.conf"
curl -L -o docker-compose.yml "${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}/deploy/docker-compose.yml"
At this point, the architecture of ``/srv/funkwhale`` should look like that:
├── docker-compose.yml
└── nginx
├── funkwhale_proxy.conf
└── funkwhale.template
Create your env file:
.. parsed-literal::
curl -L -o .env "${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}/deploy/"
chmod 600 .env # reduce permissions on the .env file since it contains sensitive data
sudo nano .env
Ensure to edit it to match your needs (this file is heavily commented), in particular ``DJANGO_SECRET_KEY`` and ``FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME``.
You should take a look at the `configuration reference <>`_ for more detailed information regarding each setting.
Then, you should be able to pull the required images:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose pull
Run the database container and the initial migrations:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose up -d postgres
docker-compose run --rm api python migrate
.. warning::
You may sometimes get the following warning while applying migrations::
"Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied."
This is a warning, not an error, and it can be safely ignored.
Never run the ``makemigrations`` command yourself.
Create your admin user:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose run --rm api python createsuperuser
Then launch the whole thing:
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose up -d
Now, you just need to configure your :ref:`reverse-proxy <reverse-proxy-setup>`. Don't worry, it's quite easy.
About music acquisition
If you want to :doc:`import music located on the server <../admin/importing-music>`, you can put it in the ``data/music`` directory and it will become readable by the importer.