
280 wiersze
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import html.parser
import unicodedata
import urllib.parse
import re
from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db.models import CharField, Q, Value
from funkwhale_api.common import session
from funkwhale_api.moderation import mrf
from . import exceptions
from . import signing
def full_url(path):
Given a relative path, return a full url usable for federation purpose
if path.startswith("http://") or path.startswith("https://"):
return path
root = settings.FUNKWHALE_URL
if path.startswith("/") and root.endswith("/"):
return root + path[1:]
elif not path.startswith("/") and not root.endswith("/"):
return root + "/" + path
return root + path
def clean_wsgi_headers(raw_headers):
Convert WSGI headers from CONTENT_TYPE to Content-Type notation
cleaned = {}
non_prefixed = ["content_type", "content_length"]
for raw_header, value in raw_headers.items():
h = raw_header.lower()
if not h.startswith("http_") and h not in non_prefixed:
words = h.replace("http_", "", 1).split("_")
cleaned_header = "-".join([w.capitalize() for w in words])
cleaned[cleaned_header] = value
return cleaned
def slugify_username(username):
Given a username such as "hello M. world", returns a username
suitable for federation purpose (hello_M_world).
Preserves the original case.
Code is borrowed from django's slugify function.
value = str(username)
value = (
unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", value).encode("ascii", "ignore").decode("ascii")
value = re.sub(r"[^\w\s-]", "", value).strip()
return re.sub(r"[-\s]+", "_", value)
def retrieve_ap_object(
fid, actor, serializer_class=None, queryset=None, apply_instance_policies=True
# we have a duplicate check here because it's less expensive to do those checks
# twice than to trigger a HTTP request
payload, updated = mrf.inbox.apply({"id": fid})
if not payload:
raise exceptions.BlockedActorOrDomain()
if queryset:
# queryset can also be a Model class
existing = queryset.filter(fid=fid).first()
except AttributeError:
existing = queryset.objects.filter(fid=fid).first()
if existing:
return existing
auth = (
None if not actor else signing.get_auth(actor.private_key, actor.private_key_id)
response = session.get_session().get(
"Accept": "application/activity+json",
"Content-Type": "application/activity+json",
data = response.json()
# we match against mrf here again, because new data may yield different
# results
data, updated = mrf.inbox.apply(data)
if not data:
raise exceptions.BlockedActorOrDomain()
if not serializer_class:
return data
serializer = serializer_class(data=data, context={"fetch_actor": actor})
except NotImplementedError:
return serializer.validated_data
def get_domain_query_from_url(domain, url_field="fid"):
Given a domain name and a field, will return a Q() object
to match objects that have this domain in the given field.
query = Q(**{"{}__startswith".format(url_field): "http://{}/".format(domain)})
query = query | Q(
**{"{}__startswith".format(url_field): "https://{}/".format(domain)}
return query
def local_qs(queryset, url_field="fid", include=True):
query = get_domain_query_from_url(
domain=settings.FEDERATION_HOSTNAME, url_field=url_field
if not include:
query = ~query
return queryset.filter(query)
def is_local(url):
if not url:
return True
return url.startswith("http://{}/".format(d)) or url.startswith(
def get_actor_data_from_username(username):
parts = username.split("@")
return {
"username": parts[0],
"domain": parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else settings.FEDERATION_HOSTNAME,
def get_actor_from_username_data_query(field, data):
if not data:
return Q(**{field: None})
if field:
return Q(
"{}__preferred_username__iexact".format(field): data["username"],
"{}__domain__name__iexact".format(field): data["domain"],
return Q(
"preferred_username__iexact": data["username"],
"domain__name__iexact": data["domain"],
class StopParsing(Exception):
class AlternateLinkParser(html.parser.HTMLParser):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.result = None
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag != "link":
attrs_dict = dict(attrs)
if attrs_dict.get("rel") == "alternate" and attrs_dict.get(
"type", "application/activity+json"
self.result = attrs_dict.get("href")
raise StopParsing()
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if tag == "head":
raise StopParsing()
def find_alternate(response_text):
if not response_text:
parser = AlternateLinkParser()
except StopParsing:
return parser.result
def should_redirect_ap_to_html(accept_header, default=True):
if not accept_header:
return False
redirect_headers = [
no_redirect_headers = [
"*/*", # XXX backward compat with older Funkwhale instances that don't send the Accept header
parsed_header = [ct.lower().strip() for ct in accept_header.split(",")]
for ct in parsed_header:
if ct in redirect_headers:
return True
if ct in no_redirect_headers:
return False
return default
def get_object_by_fid(fid, local=None):
if local is True:
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(fid)
if parsed.netloc != settings.FEDERATION_HOSTNAME:
raise ObjectDoesNotExist()
models = [apps.get_model(*l.split(".")) for l in FID_MODEL_LABELS]
def get_qs(model):
return (
.annotate(__type=Value(model._meta.label, output_field=CharField()))
.values("fid", "__type")
qs = get_qs(models[0])
for m in models[1:]:
qs = qs.union(get_qs(m))
result = qs.order_by("fid").first()
if not result:
raise ObjectDoesNotExist()
model = apps.get_model(*result["__type"].split("."))
instance = model.objects.get(fid=fid)
if model._meta.label == "federation.Actor":
channel = instance.get_channel()
if channel:
return channel
return instance