
174 wiersze
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from django.forms import widgets
from django.core.validators import FileExtensionValidator
from dynamic_preferences import types
from dynamic_preferences.registries import global_preferences_registry
instance = types.Section("instance")
ui = types.Section("ui")
class InstanceName(types.StringPreference):
show_in_api = True
section = instance
name = "name"
default = ""
verbose_name = "Public name"
help_text = "The public name of your instance, displayed in the about page."
field_kwargs = {"required": False}
class InstanceShortDescription(types.StringPreference):
show_in_api = True
section = instance
name = "short_description"
default = ""
verbose_name = "Short description"
help_text = "Instance succinct description, displayed in the about page."
field_kwargs = {"required": False}
class InstanceLongDescription(types.StringPreference):
show_in_api = True
section = instance
name = "long_description"
verbose_name = "Long description"
default = ""
help_text = "Instance long description, displayed in the about page."
widget = widgets.Textarea
field_kwargs = {"required": False}
class InstanceTerms(types.StringPreference):
show_in_api = True
section = instance
name = "terms"
verbose_name = "Terms of service"
default = ""
help_text = "Terms of service and privacy policy for your instance."
widget = widgets.Textarea
field_kwargs = {"required": False}
class InstanceRules(types.StringPreference):
show_in_api = True
section = instance
name = "rules"
verbose_name = "Rules"
default = ""
help_text = "Rules/Code of Conduct."
widget = widgets.Textarea
field_kwargs = {"required": False}
class InstanceContactEmail(types.StringPreference):
show_in_api = True
section = instance
name = "contact_email"
verbose_name = "Contact email"
default = ""
help_text = "A contact e-mail address for visitors who need to contact an admin or moderator"
field_kwargs = {"required": False}
class InstanceSupportMessage(types.StringPreference):
show_in_api = True
section = instance
name = "support_message"
verbose_name = "Support message"
default = ""
help_text = (
"A short message that will be displayed periodically to local users. "
"Use it to ask for financial support or anything else you might need. "
"(markdown allowed)."
widget = widgets.Textarea
field_kwargs = {"required": False}
class InstanceFunkwhaleSupportMessageEnabled(types.BooleanPreference):
show_in_api = True
section = instance
name = "funkwhale_support_message_enabled"
verbose_name = "Funkwhale Support message"
default = True
help_text = (
"If this is enabled, we will periodically display a message to encourage "
"local users to support Funkwhale."
class InstanceNodeinfoPrivate(types.BooleanPreference):
show_in_api = False
section = instance
name = "nodeinfo_private"
default = False
verbose_name = "Private mode in nodeinfo"
help_text = (
"Indicate in the nodeinfo endpoint that you do not want your instance "
"to be tracked by third-party services. "
"There is no guarantee these tools will honor this setting though."
class InstanceNodeinfoStatsEnabled(types.BooleanPreference):
show_in_api = False
section = instance
name = "nodeinfo_stats_enabled"
default = True
verbose_name = "Enable usage and library stats in nodeinfo endpoint"
help_text = (
"Disable this if you don't want to share usage and library statistics "
"in the nodeinfo endpoint but don't want to disable it completely."
class CustomCSS(types.StringPreference):
show_in_api = True
section = ui
name = "custom_css"
verbose_name = "Custom CSS code"
default = ""
help_text = (
"Custom CSS code, to be included in a <style> tag on all pages. "
"Loading third-party resources such as fonts or images can affect the performance "
"of the app and the privacy of your users."
widget = widgets.Textarea
field_kwargs = {"required": False}
class ImageWidget(widgets.ClearableFileInput):
class ImagePreference(types.FilePreference):
widget = ImageWidget
field_kwargs = {
"validators": [
FileExtensionValidator(allowed_extensions=["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "webp"])
class Banner(ImagePreference):
show_in_api = True
section = instance
name = "banner"
verbose_name = "Banner image"
default = None
help_text = "This banner will be displayed on your pod's landing and about page. At least 600x100px recommended."
field_kwargs = {"required": False}