
27 wiersze
940 B

from dynamic_preferences import types
from dynamic_preferences.registries import global_preferences_registry
moderation = types.Section("moderation")
class AllowListEnabled(types.BooleanPreference):
section = moderation
name = "allow_list_enabled"
verbose_name = "Enable allow-listing"
help_text = "If enabled, only interactions with explicitely allowed domains will be authorized."
default = False
class AllowListPublic(types.BooleanPreference):
section = moderation
name = "allow_list_public"
verbose_name = "Publish your allowed-domains list"
help_text = (
"If enabled, everyone will be able to retrieve the list of domains you allowed. "
"This is useful on open setups, to help people decide if they want to join your pod, or to "
"make your moderation policy public."
default = False