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You can signup on another pod using the link below." } }, "AboutPod": { "title": "About", "notApplicable": "N/A", "header": { "about": "About this pod", "rules": "Rules", "terms": "Terms and privacy policy", "features": "Features", "contact": "Contact", "statistics": "Statistics" }, "placeholder": { "noDescription": "No description available", "noRules": "No rules available", "noTerms": "No terms available" }, "message": { "contact": "Send us an email: {contactEmail}" }, "link": { "about": "About this pod", "rules": "Rules", "terms": "Terms and privacy policy", "features": "Features", "statistics": "Statistics", "introduction": "Introduction" }, "feature": { "version": "Funkwhale version", "federation": "Federation", "allowList": "Allow-list", "anonymousAccess": "Anonymous access", "registrations": "Registrations", "quota": "Upload quota", "status": { "enabled": "Enabled", "disabled": "Disabled", "open": "Open", "closed": "Closed" } }, "stat": { "activeUsers": "{users} active user | {users} active users", "hoursOfMusic": "{hours} hour of music | {hours} hours of music", "artistsCount": "{artists} artist | {artists} artists", "albumsCount": "{albums} album | {albums} albums", "tracksCount": "{tracks} track | {tracks} tracks", "listeningsCount": "{listenings} listening | {listenings} listenings" } }, "Home": { "title": "Home", "header": { "welcome": "Welcome to {podName}!", "about": "About this Funkwhale pod", "statistics": "Statistics", "contact": "Contact", "aboutFunkwhale": "About Funkwhale", "login": "Log in", "signup": "Sign up", "links": "Useful links", "newAlbums": "Recently added albums", "newChannels": "New channels" }, "description": { "signup": "Sign up now to keep a track of your favorites, create playlists, discover new content and much more!", "quota": "Users on this pod also get {quota} of free storage to upload their own content!", "funkwhale": { "paragraph1": "This pod runs Funkwhale, a community-driven project that lets you listen and share music and audio within a decentralized, open network.", "paragraph2": "Funkwhale is free and developed by a friendly community of volunteers." } }, "placeholder": { "noDescription": "No description available" }, "link": { "learnMore": "Learn more", "rules": "Server rules", "funkwhale": "Visit funkwhale.audio", "findOtherPod": "Find another pod", "viewMore": "View more…", "publicContent": { "label": "Browse public content", "description": "Listen to public albums and playlists shared on this pod." }, "mobileApps": { "label": "Mobile apps", "description": "Use Funkwhale on other devices with our apps" }, "userGuides": { "label": "User guides", "description": "Discover everything you need to know about Funkwhale and its features" } }, "stat": { "activeUsers": "{users} active user | {users} active users", "hoursOfMusic": "{hours} hour of music | {hours} hours of music" }, "help": { "registrationsClosed": "Registrations are closed on this pod. You can signup on another pod using the link below." } }, "PageNotFound": { "title": "Page not found", "header": { "pageNotFound": "Page not found!" }, "message": { "pageNotFound": "Sorry, the page you asked for does not exist:" }, "link": { "home": "Go to home page" } }, "Queue": { "label": { "queue": "Queue", "populatingRadio": "Fetching radio track...", "duration": "Duration", "addArtistContentFilter": "Hide content from this artist…", "restart": "Restart track", "previous": "Previous track", "next": "Next track", "pause": "Pause", "play": "Play", "remove": "Remove", "selectTrack": "Select track", "favorite": "Favorite track", "enterFullscreen": "Enter fullscreen mode", "exitFullscreen": "Exit fullscreen mode", "showCoverArt": "Show Cover Art", "showVisualizer": "Show MoonDrop visualizer" }, "header": { "failure": "The track cannot be loaded", "radio": "You have a radio playing", "noSources": "The track has no available sources." }, "message": { "automaticPlay": "The next track will play automatically in a few seconds…", "radio": "New tracks will be appended here automatically." }, "warning": { "connectivity": "You may have a connectivity issue." }, "button": { "close": "Close", "clear": "Clear", "stopRadio": "Stop radio" }, "meta": { "queuePosition": "Track {index} of {length}", "startTime": "00:00" } }, "RemoteSearchForm": { "label": { "rss": { "title": "Subscribe to a podcast RSS feed", "fieldLabel": "RSS feed location", "fieldPlaceholder": "https://website.example.com/rss.xml" }, "fediverse": { "title": "Fediverse object", "fieldLabel": "Fediverse object", "fieldPlaceholder": "{'@'}username{'@'}example.com" } }, "header": { "fetchFailed": "Error while fetching object" }, "description": { "rss": "Use this form to subscribe to an RSS feed from its URL.", "fediverse": "Use this form to subscribe to a channel hosted somewhere else on the Fediverse." }, "button": { "search": "Search", "rss": "RSS", "fediverse": "Fediverse" }, "error": { "fetchFailed": "This object cannot be retrieved" }, "warning": { "unsupported": "This kind of object isn't supported yet" } }, "SetInstanceModal": { "header": { "chooseInstance": "Choose your instance", "failure": "It is not possible to connect to the given URL", "suggestions": "Suggested choices" }, "message": { "newUrl": "You are now using the Funkwhale instance at {url}", "currentConnection": "You are currently connected to { 0 }. If you continue, you will be disconnected from your current instance and all your local data will be deleted." }, "help": { "serverDown": "The server might be down", "notFunkwhaleServer": "The given address is not a Funkwhale server", "selectPod": "To continue, please select the Funkwhale instance you want to connect to. Enter the address directly, or select one of the suggested choices." }, "button": { "submit": "Submit", "cancel": "Cancel" }, "label": { "url": "Instance URL" } }, "ShortcutsModal": { "header": { "modal": "Keyboard shortcuts" }, "button": { "close": "Close" }, "shortcut": { "general": { "label": "General shortcuts", "show": "Show available keyboard shortcuts", "focus": "Focus searchbar", "unfocus": "Unfocus searchbar" }, "audio": { "label": "Audio player shortcuts", "playPause": "Pause/play the current track", "seekBack5": "Seek backwards 5s", "seekForward5": "Seek forwards 5s", "seekBack30": "Seek backwards 30s", "seekForward30": "Seek forwards 30s", "playPrevious": "Play previous track", "playNext": "Play next track", "increaseVolume": "Increase volume", "decreaseVolume": "Decrease volume", "toggleMute": "Toggle mute", "expandQueue": "Expand queue/player view", "toggleLoop": "Toggle queue looping", "shuffleQueue": "Shuffle queue", "clearQueue": "Clear queue", "toggleFavorite": "Toggle favorite" } } }, "Sidebar": { "label": { "main": "Main menu", "play": "Play this track", "follows": "Pending follow requests", "edits": "Pending review edits", "reports": "Pending review reports", "language": "Language", "theme": "Theme", "add": "Add content", "administration": "Administration" }, "header": { "main": "Main navigation", "explore": "Explore", "more": "More", "library": "My library", "administration": "Administration" }, "link": { "home": "Home", "search": "Search", "browse": "Browse", "podcasts": "Podcasts", "albums": "Albums", "artists": "Artists", "playlists": "Playlists", "radios": "Radios", "favorites": "Favorites", "channels": "Channels", "about": "About this pod", "switchInstance": "Switch instance", "moderation": "Moderation", "users": "Users", "library": "Library", "settings": "Settings", "login": "Login", "createAccount": "Create account" } }, "admin": { "SettingsGroup": { "header": { "error": "Error while saving settings.", "image": "Current image" }, "message": { "success": "Settings updated successfully." }, "button": { "save": "Save" } }, "SignupFormBuilder": { "label": { "delete": "Delete", "moveUp": "Move up", "moveDown": "Move down", "additionalField": "Additional field", "helpText": "Help text", "additionalFields": "Additional fields" }, "button": { "edit": "Edit form", "preview": "Preview Form", "add": "Add a new field" }, "help": { "helpText": "An optional text to be displayed at the start of the sign-up form.", "additionalFields": "Additional form fields to be displayed in the form. Only shown if manual sign-up validation is enabled." }, "table": { "additionalFields": { "header": { "label": "Field label", "type": "Field type", "required": "Required", "actions": "Actions" }, "type": { "short": "Short text", "long": "Long text" }, "required": { "true": "True", "false": "False" } } } } }, "audio": { "ChannelCard": { "title": "Updated on {date}", "meta": { "episodes": "No episodes | {episode_count} episode | {episode_count} episodes", "tracks": "No tracks | {tracks_count} track | {tracks_count} tracks" } }, "ChannelEntries": { "help": { "subscribe": "You may need to subscribe to this channel to see its content." } }, "ChannelForm": { "label": { "podcast": "Podcasts", "discography": "Artist Discography", "name": "Name", "username": "Fediverse handle", "image": "Channel Picture", "tags": "Tags", "language": "Language", "description": "Description", "category": "Category", "subcategory": "Subcategory", "email": "Owner e-mail address", "owner": "Owner name" }, "help": { "podcast": "Host your episodes and keep your community updated.", "discography": "Publish music you make as a nice discography of albums and singles.", "username": "Used in URLs and to follow this channel in the Fediverse. It cannot be changed later.", "podcastFields": "Used for the itunes:email and itunes:name field required by certain platforms such as Spotify or iTunes." }, "placeholder": { "name": "Awesome channel name", "username": "awesomechannelname" }, "header": { "error": "Error while saving channel." }, "legend": { "purpose": "What will this channel be used for?" }, "loader": { "loading": "Loading" } }, "ChannelSerieCard": { "meta": { "episodes": "No episodes | {episode_count} episode | {episode_count} episodes" } }, "ChannelSeries": { "button": { "showMore": "Show more" }, "help": { "subscribe": "You may need to subscribe to this channel to see its contents." } }, "ChannelsWidget": { "button": { "showMore": "Show more" } }, "EmbedWizard": { "warning": { "anonymous": "Sharing will not work because this pod doesn't allow anonymous users to access content." }, "help": { "anonymous": "Please contact your admins and ask them to update the corresponding setting.", "embed": "Copy/paste this code in your website HTML", "width": "Leave empty for a responsive widget" }, "label": { "width": "Widget width", "height": "Widget height", "embed": "Embed code" }, "button": { "copy": "Copy" }, "header": { "preview": "Preview" }, "message": { "copy": "Text copied to clipboard!" } }, "LibraryFollowButton": { "button": { "unfollow": "Unfollow", "cancel": "Cancel follow request", "follow": "Follow" } }, "PlayButton": { "button": { "playNow": "Play now", "addToQueue": "Add to current queue", "playNext": "Play next", "startRadio": "Play similar songs", "report": "Report…", "addToPlaylist": "Add to playlist", "hideArtist": "Hide content from this artist", "playTrack": "Play track", "playAlbum": "Play album", "playArtist": "Play artist", "playPlaylist": "Play playlist", "playTracks": "Play tracks", "episodeDetails": "Episode details", "trackDetails": "Track details", "discretePlay": "Play" }, "title": { "more": "More…", "unavailable": "This track is not available in any library you have access to" } }, "Player": { "label": { "audioPlayer": "Media player", "previousTrack": "Previous track", "play": "Play", "pause": "Pause", "nextTrack": "Next track", "unmute": "Unmute", "mute": "Mute", "expandQueue": "Expand queue", "loopingDisabled": "Looping disabled. Click to switch to single-track looping.", "loopingSingle": "Looping on a single track. Click to switch to whole queue looping.", "loopingWholeQueue": "Looping on whole queue. Click to disable looping.", "shuffleQueue": "Shuffle your queue", "clearQueue": "Clear your queue", "addArtistContentFilter": "Hide content from this artist…" }, "header": { "player": "Audio player and controls" }, "meta": { "position": "{index} of {length}" } }, "Search": { "header": { "search": "Search for some music", "artists": "Artists", "albums": "Albums" }, "empty": { "noArtists": "No artist matched your query", "noAlbums": "No album matched your query" }, "placeholder": { "search": "Artist, album, track…" } }, "SearchBar": { "placeholder": { "search": "Search for artists, albums, tracks…" }, "label": { "search": "Search for content", "artist": "Artist", "album": "Album", "track": "Track", "tag": "Tag", "category": { "federation": "Federation", "podcasts": "Podcasts" } }, "link": { "rss": "Subscribe to podcast via RSS", "fediverse": "Search on the fediverse", "more": "More results 🡒" }, "header": { "noResults": "No matches found" }, "empty": { "noResults": "Sorry, there are no results for this search" } }, "VolumeControl": { "button": { "mute": "Mute", "unmute": "Unmute" }, "label": { "slider": "Adjust volume" } }, "album": { "Card": { "meta": { "tracks": "No tracks | {tracks_count} track | {tracks_count} tracks" } }, "Widget": { "button": { "more": "Show more" } } }, "artist": { "Card": { "meta": { "tracks": "No tracks | {tracks_count} track | {tracks_count} tracks", "episodes": "No episodes | {episode_count} episode | {episode_count} episodes" } }, "Widget": { "button": { "more": "Show more" } } }, "podcast": { "MobileRow": { "button": { "actions": "Show track actions" } }, "Modal": { "button": { "addToFavorites": "Add to favorites", "removeFromFavorites": "Remove from favorites", "episodeDetails": "Episode details", "trackDetails": "Track details", "seriesDetails": "View series", "albumDetails": "View album", "channelDetails": "View channel", "artistDetails": "View artist", "startRadio": "Play radio", "playNow": "Play now", "addToQueue": "Add to queue", "playNext": "Play next", "addToPlaylist": "Add to playlist" } } }, "track": { "MobileRow": { "button": { "actions": "Show track actions" } }, "Modal": { "button": { "addToFavorites": "Add to favorites", "removeFromFavorites": "Remove from favorites", "episodeDetails": "Episode details", "trackDetails": "Track details", "seriesDetails": "View series", "albumDetails": "View album", "channelDetails": "View channel", "artistDetails": "View artist", "startRadio": "Play radio", "playNow": "Play now", "addToQueue": "Add to queue", "playNext": "Play next", "addToPlaylist": "Add to playlist" } }, "Table": { "table": { "header": { "title": "Title", "album": "Album", "artist": "Artist" } } }, "Widget": { "button": { "more": "Show more" }, "empty": { "noResults": "Nothing found" } } }, "PlayerControls": { "labels": { "previous": "Previous track", "next": "Next track", "pause": "Pause", "play": "Play" } } }, "auth": { "ApplicationEdit": { "title": "Edit application", "link": { "settings": "Back to settings" }, "header": { "appDetails": "Application Details", "editApp": "Edit application", "appSecretWarning": "Keep a copy of this token in a safe place." }, "message": { "appSecretWarning": "You won't be able to see it again once you leave this screen." }, "help": { "appDetails": "Application ID and secret are really sensitive values and must be treated like passwords. Do not share those with anyone else." }, "label": { "appId": "Application ID", "appSecret": "Application secret", "accessToken": "Access token" }, "button": { "regenerateToken": "Regenerate token" } }, "ApplicationForm": { "header": { "failure": "We cannot save your changes" }, "label": { "name": "Name", "redirectUri": "Redirect URI", "scopes": { "label": "Scopes", "description": "Checking the parent \"Read\" or \"Write\" scopes implies access to all the corresponding children scopes.", "read": { "label": "Read", "description": "Read-only access to user data" }, "write": { "label": "Write", "description": "Write-only access to user data" } } }, "button": { "update": "Update application", "create": "Create application" }, "help": { "redirectUri": "Use \"urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob\" as a redirect URI if your application is not served on the web." } }, "ApplicationNew": { "title": "Create a new application", "link": { "settings": "Back to settings" } }, "Authorize": { "title": "Allow application", "header": { "authorize": "Authorize third-party app", "authorizeFailure": "Error while fetching application data", "fetchFailure": "Error while fetching application data", "access": "{app_name} wants to access your Funkwhale account", "writeOnly": "Write-only", "readOnly": "Read-only", "allScopes": "Full access" }, "message": { "unknownPermissions": "The application is also requesting the following unknown permissions:" }, "button": { "authorize": "Authorize {app}" }, "help": { "copyCode": "You will be shown a code to copy-past in the application", "redirect": "You will be redirected to { 0 }", "pasteCode": "Copy-paste the following code in the application:" } }, "LoginForm": { "placeholder": { "username": "Enter your username or e-mail address" }, "header": { "loginFailure": "We cannot log you in" }, "help": { "approvalRequired": "If you signed-up recently, you may need to wait before our moderation team review your account, or verify your e-mail address.", "invalidCredentials": "Please double-check that your username and password combination is correct and make sure you verified your e-mail address." }, "label": { "username": "Username or e-mail address", "password": "Password" }, "button": { "login": "Login" }, "link": { "resetPassword": "Reset your password", "createAccount": "Create an account" }, "message": { "redirect": "You will be redirected to {domain} to authenticate" } }, "Logout": { "title": "Log out", "header": { "confirm": "Are you sure you want to log out?", "unauthenticated": "You aren't currently logged in" }, "button": { "logout": "Yes, log me out!" }, "link": { "login": "Log in!" }, "message": { "loggedIn": "You are currently logged in as {username}" } }, "Plugin": { "header": { "failure": "Error while saving plugin" }, "link": { "documentation": "Documentation" }, "button": { "save": "Save", "scan": "Scan" }, "label": { "library": "Library", "pluginEnabled": "Enabled" }, "description": { "library": "Library where files should be imported." } }, "Settings": { "title": "Account Settings", "message": { "confirmDelete": "Your deletion request was submitted, your account and content will be deleted shortly", "currentEmail": "Your current e-mail address is {email}" }, "header": { "accountSettings": "Account settings", "settingsUpdated": "Settings updated", "updateFailure": "Your settings can't be updated", "avatar": "Avatar", "avatarFailure": "Your avatar cannot be saved", "changePassword": "Change my password", "passwordFailure": "Your password cannot be changed", "contentFilters": "Content filters", "hiddenArtists": "Hidden artists", "authorizedApps": "Authorized apps", "noApps": "You don't have any application connected with your account.", "yourApps": "Your applications", "noPersonalApps": "You don't have registered any application yet.", "plugins": "Plugins", "changeEmail": "Change my e-mail address", "emailFailure": "We cannot change your e-mail address", "deleteAccount": "Delete my account", "accountFailure": "We cannot delete your account" }, "description": { "changePassword": { "paragraph1": "Changing your password will also change your Subsonic API password if you have requested one.", "paragraph2": "You will have to update your password on your clients that use this password." }, "contentFilters": "Content filters help you hide content you don't want to see on the service.", "authorizedApps": "This is the list of applications that have access to your account data.", "yourApps": "This is the list of applications that you have registered.", "plugins": "Use plugins to extend Funkwhale and get additional features.", "changeEmail": "Change the e-mail address associated with your account. We will send a confirmation to the new address.", "deleteAccount": "You can permanently and irreversibly delete your account and all the associated data using the form below. You will be asked for confirmation." }, "button": { "update": "Update", "updateSettings": "Update settings", "password": "Change password", "disableSubsonic": "Disable access", "refresh": "Refresh", "delete": "Delete", "revoke": "Revoke", "revokeAccess": "Revoke access", "edit": "Edit", "remove": "Remove", "removeApp": "Remove application", "deleteAccount": "Delete my account…", "deleteAccountConfirm": "Delete my account" }, "help": { "changePassword": "Please double-check your password is correct", "noApps": "If you authorize third-party applications to access your data, those applications will be listed here.", "noPersonalApps": "Register one to integrate Funkwhale with third-party applications." }, "warning": { "deleteAccount": "Your account will be deleted from our servers within a few minutes. We will also notify other servers who may have a copy of some of your data so they can proceed to deletion. Please note that some of these servers may be offline or unwilling to comply though." }, "link": { "newApp": "Register a new application", "managePlugins": "Manage plugins" }, "label": { "avatar": "Avatar", "password": "Password", "currentPassword": "Current password", "newPassword": "New password", "newEmail": "New e-mail address" }, "modal": { "changePassword": { "header": "Change your password?", "content": { "warning": "Changing your password will have the following consequences", "logout": "You will be logged out from this session and have to log in with the new one", "subsonic": "Your Subsonic password will be changed to a new, random one, logging you out from devices that used the old Subsonic password" } }, "revokeApp": { "header": "Revoke access for application {app}?", "content": { "warning": "This will prevent this application from accessing the service on your behalf." } }, "deleteApp": { "header": "Remove application {app}?", "content": { "warning": "This will permanently remove the application and all the associated tokens." } }, "deleteAccount": { "header": "Do you want to delete your account?", "content": { "warning": "This is irreversible and will permanently remove your data from our servers. You will we immediatly logged out." } } }, "table": { "artists": { "header": { "name": "Name", "creationDate": "Creation date" } }, "authorizedApps": { "header": { "application": "Application", "permissions": "Permissions" } }, "yourApps": { "header": { "application": "Application", "scopes": "Scopes", "creationDate": "Creation date" } } } }, "SignupForm": { "placeholder": { "invitation": "Enter your invitation code (case insensitive)", "username": "Enter your username", "email": "Enter your e-mail address" }, "message": { "awaitingReview": "Your account request was successfully submitted. You will be notified by e-mail when our moderation team has reviewed your request.", "accountCreated": "Your account was successfully created. Please verify your e-mail address before trying to login.", "registrationClosed": "Public registrations are not possible on this instance. You will need an invitation code to sign up.", "requiresReview": "Registrations on this pod are open, but reviewed by moderators before approval." }, "header": { "login": "Log in to your Funkwhale account", "signupFailure": "Your account cannot be created." }, "label": { "username": "Username", "email": "E-mail address", "password": "Password", "invitation": "Invitation code" }, "button": { "create": "Create my account" } }, "SubsonicTokenForm": { "label": { "subsonicField": "Your subsonic API password" }, "message": { "passwordUpdated": "Password updated", "accessDisabled": "Access disabled", "unavailable": "The Subsonic API is not available on this Funkwhale instance." }, "header": { "subsonic": "Subsonic API password", "error": "Error" }, "description": { "subsonic": { "paragraph1": "Funkwhale is compatible with other music players that support the Subsonic API.", "paragraph2": "You can use those to enjoy your playlist and music in offline mode, on your smartphone or tablet, for instance.", "paragraph3": "However, accessing Funkwhale from those clients requires a separate password you can set below." } }, "link": { "apps": "Discover how to use Funkwhale from other apps" }, "button": { "newPassword": "Request a new password", "confirmNewPassword": "Request a password", "disable": "Disable Subsonic access", "confirmDisable": "Disable access" }, "modal": { "newPassword": { "header": "Request a new Subsonic API password?", "content": { "warning": "This will log you out from existing devices that use the current password." } }, "disableSubsonic": { "header": "Disable Subsonic API access?", "content": { "warning": "This will completely disable access to the Subsonic API using from account." } } } } }, "channels": { "AlbumForm": { "header": { "error": "Error while creating" }, "label": { "albumTitle": "Title" } }, "AlbumModal": { "header": { "newSeries": "New series", "newAlbum": "New album" }, "button": { "cancel": "Cancel", "create": "Create" } }, "AlbumSelect": { "label": { "series": "Series", "album": "Album" }, "option": { "none": "None" }, "meta": { "tracks": "(No tracks | {tracks_count} track | {tracks_count} tracks)" } }, "LicenseSelect": { "label": { "license": "Licence" }, "option": { "none": "None" }, "link": { "license": "About this license" } }, "SubscribeButton": { "title": { "unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe", "subscribe": "Subscribe" }, "help": { "auth": "You need to be logged in to subscribe to this channel" } }, "UploadForm": { "header": { "error": "Error while publishing" }, "label": { "channel": "Channel", "openBrowser": "Browse…" }, "message": { "pending": "You have some draft uploads pending publication.", "dragAndDrop": "Drag and drop your files here or open the browser to upload your files" }, "button": { "edit": "Edit", "ignore": "Ignore", "resume": "Resume", "remove": "Remove", "retry": "Retry" }, "help": { "license": "Add a license to your upload to ensure some freedoms to your public." }, "warning": { "quota": "You don't have any space left to upload your files. Please contact the moderators." }, "status": { "uploading": "Uploading", "errored": "Errored", "pending": "Pending" }, "description": { "extensions": "Supported extensions {extensions}" } }, "UploadMetadataForm": { "label": { "title": "Title", "tags": "Tags", "image": "Track Picture", "description": "Description", "position": "Position" } }, "UploadModal": { "meta": { "files": "no files | {count} file | {count} files", "quota": "Remaining storage space: {space}" }, "header": { "publish": "Publish audio", "uploadFiles": "Files to upload", "uploadDetails": "Upload details", "processing": "Processing uploads" }, "button": { "cancel": "Cancel", "previous": "Previous step", "update": "Update", "next": "Next", "publish": "Publish", "finishLater": "Finish later", "close": "Close" } } }, "common": { "ActionTable": { "header": { "error": "Error while applying action" }, "message": { "needsRefresh": "Content has been updated, click refresh to see up-to-date content", "success": "Action {action} was launched successfully on {count} element | Action {action} was launched successfully on {count} elements" }, "button": { "refresh": "Refresh table content", "go": "Go", "launch": "Launch", "select": "Select", "selected": "{count} on {total} selected", "selectAll": "Select all items", "allSelected": "No elements selected | {count} element selected | All {count} elements selected", "selectElement": "Select one element | Select all {total} elements", "selectCurrentPage": "Select only current page" }, "label": { "actions": "Actions", "performAction": "Perform actions" }, "modal": { "performAction": { "header": "Do you want to launch {action} on {count} element? | Do you want to launch {action} on {count} elements?", "content": { "warning": "This may affect a lot of elements or have irreversible consequences, please double check this is really what you want." } } } }, "AttachmentInput": { "header": { "failure": "Your attachment cannot be saved" }, "label": { "upload": "Upload New Picture…" }, "help": { "upload": "PNG or JPG. Dimensions should be between 1400x1400px and 3000x3000px. 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This will prevent any interaction with the entity, and purge related content (uploads, libraries, follows, etc.", "silenceActivity": "Hide account or domain content, except from followers.", "silenceNotifications": "Prevent account or domain from triggering notifications, except from followers.", "rejectMedia": "Hide account or domain content, except from followers." }, "label": { "silenceActivity": "Mute activity", "silenceNotifications": "Mute notifications", "rejectMedia": "Reject media", "policyEnabled": "Enabled", "policyDisabled": "Disabled", "policyReason": "Reason", "blockAll": "Block everything", "customizeRule": "Or customize your rule" }, "header": { "editRule": "Edit moderation rule", "addRule": "Add a new moderation rule", "failure": "Error while creating rule" }, "button": { "cancel": "Cancel", "update": "Update", "create": "Create", "delete": "Delete", "confirm": "Delete moderation rule" }, "modal": { "delete": { "header": "Delete this moderation rule?", "content": { "warning": "This action is irreversible" } } } }, "InstancePolicyModal": { "button": { "show": "Moderation rules…", "close": "Close" }, "modal": { "manage": { "header": "Manage moderation rules for {obj}", "content": { "warning": "This entity is subject to specific moderation rules" } } } }, "NoteForm": { "placeholder": { "summary": "Describe what actions have been taken, or any other related updates…" }, "header": { "failure": "Error while submitting note" }, "button": { "add": "Add note" } }, "NotesThread": { "button": { "delete": "Delete" }, "modal": { "delete": { "header": "Delete this note?", "content": { "warning": "The note will be deleted. This action is irreversible." } } } }, "ReportCard": { "modal": { "delete": { "header": "Delete reported object?", "content": { "warning": "This will delete the object associated with this report and mark the report as resolved. The deletion is irreversible." } } }, "button": { "delete": "Delete reported object", "resolve": "Resolve", "unresolve": "Unresolve", "confirmDelete": "Delete" }, "link": { "report": "Report {id}", "publicPage": "View public page", "moderation": "Open in moderation interface" }, "table": { "report": { "submittedBy": "Submitted by", "category": "Category", "creationDate": "Creation date" }, "status": { "status": "Status", "resolved": "Resolved", "unresolved": "Unresolved", "assignedTo": "Assigned to", "resolutionDate": "Resolution date", "internalNotes": "Internal notes" }, "object": { "type": "Type", "owner": "Owner", "account": "Account", "domain": "Domain", "local": "Local" } }, "header": { "message": "Message", "reportedObject": "Reported object", "notes": "Internal notes", "actions": "Actions" }, "warning": { "objectDeleted": "The object associated with this report was deleted." }, "notApplicable": "N/A" }, "UserRequestCard": { "link": { "request": "Request {id}" }, "table": { 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"button": { "cancel": "Cancel", "submit": "Submit report" } } }, "notifications": { "NotificationRow": { "button": { "markRead": "Mark as read", "markUnread": "Mark as unread", "reject": "Reject", "approve": "Approve" }, "message": { "libraryFollow": "{username} followed your library \"{library}\"", "libraryAcceptFollow": "{username} accepted your follow on library \"{library}\"", "libraryReject": "You rejected {username}'s request to follow \"{library}\"", "libraryPendingFollow": "{username} wants to follow your library \"{library}\"" } } }, "playlists": { "Card": { "meta": { "tracks": "No tracks | {tracks_count} track | {tracks_count} tracks" } }, "Editor": { "button": { "copy": "Copy the current queue to this playlist", "addDuplicate": "Add anyways", "clear": "Clear playlist", "insertFromQueue": "Insert from queue ({count} track) | Insert from queue ({count} tracks)" }, "header": { "editor": "Playlist editor" }, "loading": { "sync": "Syncing changes to server…" }, "error": { "sync": 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{count} tracks were added to your queue" }, "queue": { "unknownArtist": "Unknown Artist", "unknownAlbum": "Unknown Album" } }, "locale": { "useSharedLabels": { "fields": { "privacyLevel": { "label": "Activity visibility", "help": "Determine the visiblity level of your activity", "choices": { "private": "Nobody except me", "instance": "Everyone on this instance", "public": "Everyone, across all instances" }, "shortChoices": { "private": "Private", "instance": "Instance", "public": "Everyone" } }, "importStatus": { "label": "Click to display more information about the import process for this upload", "choices": { "skipped": { "label": "Skipped", "help": "This track is already present in one of your libraries" }, "draft": { "label": "Draft", "help": "This track has been uploaded, but hasn't been scheduled for processing yet" }, "pending": { "label": "Pending", "help": "This track has been uploaded, but hasn't been processed by the server yet" }, "errored": { "label": "Errored", "help": "This track could not be processed, please make sure it is tagged correctly" }, "finished": { "label": "Finished", "help": "Imported" } } }, "reportType": { "label": "Category", "choices": { "takedownRequest": "Takedown request", "invalidMetadata": "Invalid metadata", "illegalContent": "Illegal content", "offensiveContent": "Offensive content", "other": "Other" } }, "summary": { "label": "Bio" }, "contentCategory": { "label": "Content category", "choices": { "podcast": "Podcast", "music": "Music", "other": "Other" } } }, "filters": { "creationDate": "Creation date", "releaseDate": "Release date", "accessedDate": "'Accessed date", "appliedDate": "'Applied date", "handledDate": "'Handled date", "firstSeen": "'First seen date", "lastSeen": "'Last seen date", "modificationDate": "'Modification date", "expirationDate": "'Expiration date", "trackTitle": "'Track name", "albumTitle": "'Album name", "artistName": "'Artist name", "name": "'Name", "itemsCount": "'Items", "size": "'Size", 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If Funkwhale is useful to you, we could use your help to make it even better!" }, "option": { "delay": { "30": "30 days", "60": "60 days", "90": "90 days", "never": "Never" } }, "button": { "submit": "Got it!", "read": "Mark all as read" }, "link": { "donate": "Donate", "help": "Discover other ways to help" }, "loading": { "notifications": "Loading notifications…" }, "empty": { "notifications": "No notification to show" } }, "Search": { "header": { "search": "Search", "rss": "Subscribe to a podcast RSS feed", "remote": "Search a remote object" }, "label": { "artists": "Artists", "albums": "Albums", "tracks": "Tracks", "playlists": "Playlists", "radios": "Radios", "tags": "Tags", "podcasts": "Podcasts", "series": "Series" }, "button": { "submit": "Submit Search Query" } }, "admin": { "ChannelDetail": { "warning": { "stats": "Statistics are computed from known activity and content on your instance, and do not reflect general activity for this object" }, "label": { "local": "Local" }, "link": { "localProfile": "Open local profile", "django": "View in Django's admin" }, "button": { "refresh": "Refresh from remote server", "openRemote": "Open remote profile", "delete": "Delete" }, "modal": { "delete": { "header": "Delete this channel?", "content": { "warning": "The channel will be removed, as well as associated uploads, tracks, and albums. This action is irreversible." } } }, "header": { "channelData": "Channel data", "activity": "Activity", "audioContent": "Audio content" }, "table": { "channelData": { "name": "Name", "category": "Category", "account": "Account", "domain": "Domain", "description": "Description", "url": "URL", "rss": "RSS feed" }, "activity": { "firstSeen": "First seen", "listenings": "Listenings", "favorited": "Favorited tracks", "playlists": "Playlists", "linkedReports": "Linked reports", "edits": "Edits" }, "audioContent": { "cachedSize": "Cached size", "totalSize": "Total size", "uploads": "Uploads", "albums": "Albums", "tracks": "Tracks" } } }, "CommonList": { "title": { "accounts": "Accounts", "albums": "Albums", "artists": "Artists", "channels": "Channels", "invitations": "Invitations", "libraries": "Libraries", "tags": "Tags", "tracks": "Tracks", "uploads": "Uploads", "users": "Users" } }, "Settings": { "header": { "settings": "Instance Settings", "instanceInfo": "Instance Information", "signups": "Sign-ups", "security": "Security", "music": "Music", "channels": "Channels", "playlists": "Playlists", "moderation": "Moderation", "federation": "Federation", "subsonic": "Subsonic", "stats": "Statistics", "ui": "User Interface", "sections": "Sections" } }, "library": { "AlbumDetail": { "warning": { "stats": "Statistics are computed from known activity and content on your instance, and do not reflect general activity for this object" }, "header": { "local": "Local", "albumData": "Album data", "activity": "Activity", "audioContent": "Audio content" }, "link": { "localProfile": "Open local profile", "django": "View in Django's admin", "musicbrainz": "Open on MusicBrainz", "remoteProfile": "Open remote profile", "artist": "Artist", "domain": "Domain", "reports": "Linked reports", "edits": "Edits", "libraries": "Libraries", "uploads": "Uploads", "tracks": "Tracks" }, "button": { "remoteRefresh": "Refresh from remote server", "edit": "Edit", "delete": "Delete" }, "modal": { "delete": { "header": "Delete this album?", "content": { "warning": "The album will be deleted, as well as associated uploads, tracks, favorites and listening history. 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This action is irreversible." } } }, "table": { "library": { "name": "Name", "description": "Description" }, "activity": { "firstSeen": "First seen", "followers": "Followers" }, "audioContent": { "cachedSize": "Cached size", "totalSize": "Total size" } } }, "TagDetail": { "header": { "tagData": "Tag data", "activity": "Activity", "audioContent": "Audio content" }, "link": { "localProfile": "Open local profile", "django": "View in Django's admin", "artists": "Artists", "albums": "Albums", "tracks": "Tracks" }, "button": { "delete": "Delete" }, "modal": { "delete": { "header": "Delete this tag?", "content": { "warning": "The tag will be removed and unlinked from any existing entity. This action is irreversible." } } }, "table": { "tag": { "name": "Name" }, "activity": { "firstSeen": "First seen" } } }, "TrackDetail": { "warning": { "stats": "Statistics are computed from known activity and content on your instance, and do not reflect general activity for this object" }, "header": { "local": "Local", "trackData": "Track data", "activity": "Activity" }, "link": { "localProfile": "Open local profile", "django": "View in Django's admin", "musicbrainz": "Open on MusicBrainz", "remoteProfile": "Open remote profile", "album": "Album", "artist": "Artist", "domain": "Domain", "reports": "Linked reports", "edits": "Edits", "libraries": "Libraries", "uploads": "Uploads", "albumArtist": "Album artist" }, "button": { "remoteRefresh": "Refresh from remote server", "edit": "Edit", "delete": "Delete" }, "modal": { "delete": { "header": "Delete this track?", "content": { "warning": "The track will be deleted, as well as associated uploads, favorites and listening history. This action is irreversible." } } }, "table": { "track": { "title": "Title", "position": "Position", "discNumber": "Disc number", "copyright": "Copyright", "license": "License", "description": "Description" }, "activity": { "firstSeen": "First seen", "listenings": "Listenings", "favorited": "Favorited tracks", "playlists": "Playlists" }, "trackData": { "cachedSize": "Cached size", "totalSize": "Total size" } } }, "UploadDetail": { "header": { "local": "Local", "uploadData": "Upload data", "activity": "Activity", "audioContent": "Audio content" }, "button": { "download": "Download", "delete": "Delete" }, "link": { "django": "View in Django's admin", "remoteProfile": "Open remote profile", "visibility": "Visibility", "account": "Account", "domain": "Domain", "importStatus": "Import status", "library": "Library", "type": "Type" }, "modal": { "delete": { "header": "Delete this upload?", "content": { "warning": "The upload will be removed. This action is irreversible." } } }, "table": { "upload": { "name": "Name" }, "activity": { "firstSeen": "First seen", "accessedDate": "Accessed date" }, "audioContent": { "track": "Track", "cachedSize": "Cached size", "size": "Size", "bitrate": { "label": "Bitrate", "value": "{bitrate}/s" }, "duration": "Duration" } }, "notApplicable": "N/A" } }, "moderation": { "AccountsDetail": { "warning": { "stats": "Statistics are computed from known activity and content on your instance, and do not reflect general activity for this object" }, "tooltip": { "uploadQuota": "Determine how much content the user can upload. Leave empty to use the default value of the instance." }, "option": { "permission": { "library": "Library", "moderation": "Moderation", "settings": "Settings" } }, "header": { "localAccount": "Local account", "noPolicy": "You don't have any rule in place for this account.", "activePolicy": "This domain is subject to specific moderation rules", "accountData": "Account data", "activity": "Activty", "audioContent": "Audio content" }, "link": { "openProfile": "Open profile", "django": "View in Django's admin", "remoteProfile": "Open remote profile", "domain": "Domain", "linkedReports": "Linked reports", "requests": "Requests", "channels": "Channels", "libraries": "Libraries", "uploads": "Uploads", "artists": "Artists", "albums": "Albums", "tracks": "Tracks" }, "description": { "policy": "Moderation policies help you control how your instance interact with a given domain or account" }, "button": { "addPolicy": "Add a moderation policy" }, "table": { "accountData": { "username": "Username", "displayName": "Display name", "email": "Email address", "loginStatus": { "label": "Login status", "enabled": "Enabled", "disabled": "Disabled" }, "permissions": "Permissions", "userType": "Type", "lastChecked": "Last checked", "signupDate": "Sign-up date", "lastActivity": "Last activity" }, "activity": { "firstSeen": "First seen", "emittedMessages": "Emitted messages", "receivedFollows": "Received library follows", "emittedFollows": "Emitted library follows" }, "audioContent": { "cachedSize": "Cached size", "uploadQuota": "Upload quota", "megabyte": "MB", "totalSize": "Total size" } }, "notApplicable": "N/A" }, "Base": { "title": "Moderation", "menu": { "secondary": "Secondary menu" }, "link": { "reports": "Reports", "userRequests": "User Requests", "domains": "Domains", "accounts": "Accounts" } }, "DomainsDetail": { "warning": { "stats": "Statistics are computed from known activity and content on your instance, and do not reflect general activity for this object" }, "link": { "website": "Open website", "django": "View in Django's admin", "knownAccounts": "Known accounts", "channels": "Channels", "libraries": "Libraries", "uploads": "Uploads", "artists": "Artists", "albums": "Albums", "tracks": "Tracks" }, "button": { "removeFromAllowList": "Remove from allow-list", "addToAllowList": "Add to allow-list", "addPolicy": "Add a moderation policy", "refreshNodeInfo": "Refresh node info" }, "header": { "noPolicy": "You don't have any rule in place for this domain.", "activePolicy": "This domain is subject to specific moderation rules", "instanceData": "Instance data", "activity": "Activty", "audioContent": "Audio content" }, "description": { "policy": "Moderation policies help you control how your instance interact with a given domain or account" }, "table": { "instanceData": { "inAllowList": { "label": "Is present on allow-list", "true": "Yes", "false": "No" }, "lastChecked": "Last checked", "software": { "label": "Software", "value": "{name} ({version})" }, "domainName": "Name", "totalUsers": "Total users", "nodeInfoStatus": { "label": "Status", "value": "Error while fetching node info" } }, "activity": { "firstSeen": "First seen", "emittedMessages": "Emitted messages", "receivedFollows": "Received library follows", "emittedFollows": "Emitted library follows" }, "audioContent": { "cachedSize": "Cached size", "totalSize": "Total size" } }, "notApplicable": "N/A" }, "DomainsList": { "title": "Domains", "header": { "domains": "Domains", "failure": "Error while creating domain" }, "label": { "addDomain": "Add a domain", "addToAllowList": "Add to allow-list" }, "button": { "add": "Add" } }, "ReportsList": { "title": "Reports", "header": { "reports": "Reports" }, "placeholder": { "search": "Search by account, summary, domain…" }, "label": { "search": "Search", "status": "Status" }, "option": { "status": { "all": "All", "resolved": "Resolved", "unresolved": "Unresolved" } }, "ordering": { "label": "Ordering", "direction": { "label": "Order", "ascending": "Ascending", "descending": "Descending" } } }, "RequestsList": { "title": "User Requests", "placeholder": { "search": "Search by username" }, "header": { "userRequests": "User Requests" }, "label": { "search": "Search", "status": "Status" }, "option": { "status": { "all": "All", "pending": "Pending", "approved": "Approved", "refused": "Refused" } }, "ordering": { "label": "Ordering", "direction": { "label": "Order", "ascending": "Ascending", "descending": "Descending" } } } }, "users": { "Base": { "title": "Manage users", "menu": { "secondary": "Secondary menu" }, "link": { "users": "Users", "invitations": "Invitations" } } } }, "auth": { "Callback": { "header": { "loggingIn": "Logging in…" } }, "EmailConfirm": { "title": "Confirm your e-mail address", "header": { "failure": "Could not confirm your e-mail address", "success": "E-mail address confirmed" }, "label": { "confirmationCode": "Confirmation code" }, "link": { "back": "Return to login", "login": "Proceed to login" }, "message": { "success": "You can now use the service without limitations" } }, "Login": { "title": "Log in", "header": { "login": "Log in to your Funkwhale account" } }, "PasswordReset": { "title": "Reset your password", "placeholder": { "email": "Enter the e-mail address linked to your account" }, "header": { "reset": "Reset your password", "failure": "Error while asking for a password reset" }, "help": { "form": "Use this form to request a password reset. We will send an e-mail to the given address with instructions to reset your password." }, "label": { "email": "Account's e-mail address" }, "link": { "back": "Back to login" }, "button": { "requestReset": "Ask for a password reset" } }, "PasswordResetConfirm": { "title": "Change your password", "header": { "failure": "Error while changing your password", "success": "Password updated successfully" }, "message": { "success": "Your password has been updated successfully.", "requestSent": "If the e-mail address provided in the previous step is valid and linked to a user account, you should receive an e-mail with reset instructions in the next couple of minutes." }, "link": { "back": "Back to login", "login": "Proceed to login" }, "label": { "newPassword": "New password" }, "button": { "update": "Update your password" } }, "Plugins": { "title": "Manage plugins" }, "ProfileActivity": { "header": { "recentlyListened": "Recently listened", "recentlyFavorited": "Recently favorited", "playlists": "Playlists" } }, "ProfileBase": { "title": "{username}'s profile", "link": { "domainView": "View on {domain}", "moderation": "Open in moderation interface", "overview": "Overview", "activity": "Activity" }, "label": { "self": "This is you!" } }, "ProfileOverview": { "header": { "libraries": "User Libraries", "channels": "Channels", "sharedLibraries": "This user shared the following libraries" }, "modal": { "createChannel": { "header": "Create channel", "podcast": { "header": "Podcast channel" }, "artist": { "header": "Artist channel" } } }, "link": { "addNew": "Add New" }, "button": { "cancel": "Cancel", "previous": "Previous step", "next": "Next step", "createChannel": "Create channel" } }, "Signup": { "title": "Sign up", "header": { "createAccount": "Create a Funkwhale account" } } }, "channels": { "DetailBase": { "title": "Channel", "meta": { "episodes": "No episodes | {count} episode | {count} episodes", "tracks": "No tracks | {count} track | {count} tracks", "subscribers": "No subscribers | {count} subscriber | {count} subscribers", "listenings": "No listenings | {count} listening | {count} listenings" }, "header": { "podcastChannel": "Podcast channel", "artistChannel": "Artist channel" }, "modal": { "subscribe": { "header": "Subscribe to this channel", "funkwhale": { "header": "Subscribe on Funkwhale" }, "rss": { "header": "Subscribe via RSS", "content": { "help": "Copy paste the following URL in your favorite podcatcher:" } }, "fediverse": { "header": "Subscribe on the Fediverse", "content": { "help": "If you're using Mastodon or other fediverse applications, you can subscribe to this account:" } } }, "delete": { "header": "Delete this Channel?", "content": { "warning": "The channel will be deleted, as well as any related files and data. This action is irreversible." } }, "embed": { "header": "Embed this artist work on your website" } }, "button": { "cancel": "Cancel", "embed": "Embed", "edit": "Edit…", "delete": "Delete…", "upload": "Upload", "play": "Play", "updateChannel": "Update channel", "confirm": "Delete" }, "link": { "domainView": "View on {domain}", "moderation": "Open in moderation interface", "mirrored": "Mirrored from {domain}", "channelOverview": "Overview", "channelEpisodes": "All episodes", "channelTracks": "Tracks" } }, "DetailOverview": { "header": { "uploadsSuccess": "Uploads published successfully", "uploadsFailure": "Some uploads couldn't be published", "uploadsProcessing": "Uploads are being processed", "latestEpisodes": "Latest episodes", "latestTracks": "Latest tracks", "series": "Series", "albums": "Albums" }, "meta": { "progress": "Processed uploads: {finished}/{total}" }, "link": { "skippedUploads": "View skipped uploads", "erroredUploads": "View errored uploads", "addAlbum": "Add new" }, "message": { "processing": "Your uploads are being processed by Funkwhale and will be live very soon." } }, "SubscriptionsList": { "title": "Subscribed Channels", "placeholder": { "search": "Filter by name…" }, "link": { "addNew": "Add new" }, "modal": { "subscription": { "header": "Subscription" } }, "button": { "cancel": "Cancel", "subscribe": "Subscribe" } } }, "content": { "Base": { "title": "Add content", "menu": { "secondary": "Secondary menu" }, "link": { "libraries": "Libraries", "tracks": "Tracks" } }, "Home": { "title": "Add and manage content", "help": { "uploadQuota": "This instance offers up to {quota} of storage space for every user." }, "header": { "channel": "Publish your work in a channel", "upload": "Upload third-party content in a library", "follow": "Follow remote libraries" }, "description": { "channel": { "1": "If you are a musician or a podcaster, channels are designed for you!", "2": "Share your work publicly and get subscribers on Funkwhale, the Fediverse or any podcasting application." }, "upload": "Upload your personal music library to Funkwhale to enjoy it from anywhere and share it with friends and family.", "follow": "Follow libraries from other users to get access to new music. Public libraries can be followed immediately, while following a private library requires approval from its owner." }, "button": { "start": "Get started" } }, "libraries": { "Card": { "label": { "size": "Total size of the files in this library" }, "meta": { "tracks": "No tracks | {count} track | {count} tracks" }, "button": { "upload": "Upload" }, "link": { "details": "Library Details" } }, "FilesTable": { "action": { "delete": "Delete", "restartImport": "Restart import" }, "placeholder": { "search": "Search by domain, title, artist, album…" }, "button": { "showStatus": "Show information about the upload status for this track" }, "label": { "search": "Search", "importStatus": "Import status" }, "option": { "status": { "all": "All", "draft": "Draft", "pending": "Pending", "skipped": "Skipped", "failed": "Failed", "finished": "Finished" } }, "ordering": { "label": "Ordering", "direction": { "label": "Ordering direction", "ascending": "Ascending", "descending": "Descending" } }, "empty": { "noTracks": "No tracks have been added to this libray yet" }, "table": { "file": { "header": { "title": "Title", "artist": "Artist", "album": "Album", "uploadDate": "Upload date", "importStatus": "Import status", "duration": "Duration", "size": "Size" } } }, "pagination": { "results": "Showing results {start}-{end} on {total}" }, "notApplicable": "N/A" }, "Form": { "placeholder": { "description": "This library contains my personal music, I hope you like it.", "name": "My awesome library" }, "message": { "libraryUpdated": "Library updated", "libraryCreated": "Library created", "libraryDeleted": "LIbrary deleted" }, "description": { "library": "Libraries help you organize and share your music collections. You can upload your own music collection to Funkwhale and share it with your friends and family.", "visibility": "You are able to share your library with other people, regardless of its visibilty." }, "header": { "failure": "Error" }, "label": { "name": "Name", "description": "Description", "visibility": "Visibility" }, "button": { "update": "Update library", "create": "Create library", "delete": "Delete", "confirm": "Delete library" }, "modal": { "delete": { "header": "Delete this library?", "content": { "warning": "The library and all its tracks will be deleted. This can not be undone." } } } }, "Home": { "loading": { "libraries": "Loading libraries…" }, "header": { "libraries": "My libraries" }, "empty": { "noLibrary": "Looks like you don't have a library, it's time to create one." }, "link": { "createLibrary": "Create a new library" } }, "Quota": { "header": { "currentUsage": "Current usage" }, "loading": { "currentUsage": "Loading usage data…" }, "label": { "percentUsed": "{progress}%", "currentUsage": "{amount} used on {max} allowed", "skipped": "Skipped files", "errored": "Errored files", "pending": "Pending files" }, "link": { "viewFiles": "View files" }, "button": { "purge": "Purge" }, "modal": { "purgePending": { "header": "Purge pending files?", "content": { "description": "Removes uploaded but yet to be processed tracks completely, adding the corresponding data to your quota." } }, "purgeSkipped": { "header": "Purge skipped files?", "content": { "description": "Removes uploaded tracks skipped during the import processes completely, adding the corresponding data to your quota." } }, "purgeErrored": { "header": "Purge errored files?", "content": { "description": "Removes uploaded tracks that could not be processed by the server completely, adding the corresponding data to your quota." } } } } }, "remote": { "Card": { "tooltip": { "private": "This library is private and your approval from its owner is needed to access its content", "public": "This library is public and you can access its content freely" }, "message": { "scanSkipped": "Scan skipped (previous scan is too recent)", "scanLaunched": "Scan launched" }, "error": { "follow": "Cannot follow remote library: {error}", "unfollow": "Cannot unfollow remote library: {error}" }, "meta": { "tracks": "No tracks | {count} track | {count} tracks", "lastUpdate": "Last update: ", "failedTracks": "Failed tracks: {tracks}" }, "button": { "follow": "Follow", "pending": "Follow request pending approval", "cancel": "Cancel follow request", "unfollow": "Unfollow" }, "link": { "scanDetails": "Details", "scan": "Scan now " }, "label": { "sharingLink": "Sharing link", "scanPending": "Scan pending", "scanProgress": "Scanning ({progress})", "scanFailure": "Problem during scanning", "scanSuccess": "Scanned", "scanPartialSuccess": "Scanned with errors" }, "modal": { "unfollow": { "header": "Unfollow this libary?", "content": { "warning": "By unfollowing this library, you loose access to its content." } } } }, "Home": { "loading": { "remoteLibraries": "Loading remote libraries…" }, "header": { "remoteLibraries": "Remote libraries", "knownLibraries": "Known libraries" }, "description": { "remoteLibraries": "Remote libraries are owned by other users on the network. You can access them as long as they are public or you are granted access." }, "button": { "refresh": "Refresh" } }, "ScanForm": { "placeholder": { "url": "Enter a library URL" }, "button": { "submit": "Submit search" }, "label": { "search": "Search a remote library" }, "header": { "failure": "Could not fetch remote library" } } } }, "library": { "DetailAlbums": { "empty": { "upload": "This library is empty, you should upload something in it!", "follow": "You may need to follow this library to see its content." } }, "DetailOverview": { "empty": { "upload": "This library is empty, you should upload something in it!", "follow": "You may need to follow this library to see its content." } }, "DetailTracks": { "empty": { "upload": "This library is empty, you should upload something in it!", "follow": "You may need to follow this library to see its content." } }, "Edit": { "header": { "libraryContents": "Library contents", "followers": "Followers" }, "button": { "accept": "Accept", "reject": "Reject" }, "loading": { "followers": "Loading followers…" }, "table": { "action": { "header": { "user": "User", "date": "Date", "status": "Status", "action": "Action" }, "status": { "pending": "Pending approval", "accepted": "Accepted", "rejected": "Rejected" } } }, "empty": { "noFollowers": "Nobody is following this library" } }, "LibraryBase": { "title": "Library", "label": { "private": "Private", "instance": "Restricted", "public": "Public", "sharingLink": "Sharing link" }, "tooltip": { "private": "This library is private and your approval from its owner is needed to access its content", "instance": "This library is restricted to users on this pod only", "public": "This library is public and you can access its content freely" }, "description": { "sharingLink": "Share this link with other users so they can request access to this library by copy-pasting it in their pod search bar." }, "link": { "domain": "View on {domain}", "moderation": "Open in moderation interface", "owner": "Owned by {username}", "artists": "Artists", "albums": "Albums", "tracks": "Tracks" }, "meta": { "tracks": "No tracks | {count} track | {count} tracks" }, "button": { "upload": "Upload", "edit": "Edit" } } }, "playlists": { "Detail": { "title": "Playlist", "meta": { "tracks": "Playlist containing {count} track, by {username} | Playlist containing {count} tracks, by {username}" }, "header": { "tracks": "Tracks" }, "button": { "playAll": "Play all", "stopEdit": "Stop Editing", "edit": "Edit", "embed": "Embed", "delete": "Delete", "cancel": "Cancel", "confirm": "Delete playlist" }, "modal": { "delete": { "header": "Do you want to delete the playlist {playlist}?", "content": { "warning": "This will completely delete this playlist and cannot be undone." } }, "embed": { "header": "Embed this playlist on your website" } }, "empty": { "noTracks": "There are no tracks in this playlist yet" } }, "List": { "header": { "playlists": "Playlists", "browse": "Browsing playlists" }, "placeholder": { "search": "Enter playlist name…" }, "button": { "manage": "Manage your playlists", "create": "Create a playlist", "search": "Search" }, "label": { "search": "Search" }, "ordering": { "label": "Ordering", "direction": { "label": "Order", "ascending": "Ascending", "descending": "Descending" } }, "pagination": { "results": "Results per page" }, "empty": { "noResults": "No results matching your query" } } }, "radios": { "Detail": { "title": "Radio", "header": { "radio": "Radio containing {tracks} tracks, by ", "tracks": "Tracks" }, "button": { "edit": "Edit…", "delete": "Delete", "confirm": "Delete radio" }, "modal": { "delete": { "header": "Do you want to delete the radio {radio}?", "content": { "warning": "This will completely delete this radio and cannot be undone." } } }, "empty": { "noTracks": "No tracks have been hadded to this radio yet" } } } } }