# Remove your avatar If you don't want to have an avatar any more, you can remove it. To do this: ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Desktop :sync: desktop 1. Log in to your account. 2. Select your avatar to expand the user menu. 3. Select {guilabel}`Settings`. 4. Scroll down to the {guilabel}`Avatar` section. 5. Select {guilabel}`Remove`. ::: :::{tab-item} Mobile :sync: mobile 1. Log in to your account. 2. Select your avatar to open the {guilabel}`Options` menu. 3. Select {guilabel}`Settings`. 4. Scroll down to the {guilabel}`Avatar` section. 5. Select {guilabel}`Remove`. ::: :::: That's it! You've removed your avatar from your account. Other users will only see the initials of your username when they visit your profile.