import re from import SearchQuery from django.db.models import Q from . import utils QUERY_REGEX = re.compile(r'(((?P\w+):)?(?P"[^"]+"|[\S]+))') def parse_query(query): """ Given a search query such as "hello is:issue status:opened", returns a list of dictionaries describing each query token """ matches = [m.groupdict() for m in QUERY_REGEX.finditer(query.lower())] for m in matches: if m["value"].startswith('"') and m["value"].endswith('"'): m["value"] = m["value"][1:-1] return matches def normalize_query( query_string, findterms=re.compile(r'"([^"]+)"|(\S+)').findall, normspace=re.compile(r"\s{2,}").sub, ): """Splits the query string in individual keywords, getting rid of unnecessary spaces and grouping quoted words together. Example: >>> normalize_query(' some random words "with quotes " and spaces') ['some', 'random', 'words', 'with quotes', 'and', 'spaces'] """ return [normspace(" ", (t[0] or t[1]).strip()) for t in findterms(query_string)] def get_query(query_string, search_fields): """Returns a query, that is a combination of Q objects. That combination aims to search keywords within a model by testing the given search fields. """ query = None # Query to search for every search term terms = normalize_query(query_string) for term in terms: or_query = None # Query to search for a given term in each field for field_name in search_fields: q = Q(**{"%s__icontains" % field_name: term}) if or_query is None: or_query = q else: or_query = or_query | q if query is None: query = or_query else: query = query & or_query return query def remove_chars(string, chars): for char in chars: string = string.replace(char, "") return string def get_fts_query(query_string, fts_fields=["body_text"], model=None): search_type = "raw" if query_string.startswith('"') and query_string.endswith('"'): # we pass the query directly to the FTS engine query_string = query_string[1:-1] else: query_string = remove_chars(query_string, ['"', "&", "(", ")", "!", "'"]) parts = query_string.replace(":", "").split(" ") parts = [f"{p}:*" for p in parts if p] if not parts: return Q(pk=None) query_string = "&".join(parts) if not fts_fields or not query_string.strip(): return Q(pk=None) query = None for field in fts_fields: if "__" in field and model: # When we have a nested lookup, we switch to a subquery for enhanced performance fk_field_name, lookup = ( field.split("__")[0], "__".join(field.split("__")[1:]), ) fk_field = model._meta.get_field(fk_field_name) related_model = fk_field.related_model subquery = related_model.objects.filter( **{ lookup: SearchQuery( query_string, search_type=search_type, config="english_nostop" ) } ).values_list("pk", flat=True) new_query = Q(**{f"{fk_field_name}__in": list(subquery)}) else: new_query = Q( **{ field: SearchQuery( query_string, search_type=search_type, config="english_nostop" ) } ) query = utils.join_queries_or(query, new_query) return query def filter_tokens(tokens, valid): return [t for t in tokens if t["key"] in valid] def apply(qs, config_data): for k in ["filter_query", "search_query"]: q = config_data.get(k) if q: qs = qs.filter(q) distinct = config_data.get("distinct", False) if distinct: qs = qs.distinct() return qs class SearchConfig: def __init__(self, search_fields={}, filter_fields={}, types=[]): self.filter_fields = filter_fields self.search_fields = search_fields self.types = types def clean(self, query): tokens = parse_query(query) cleaned_data = {} cleaned_data["types"] = self.clean_types(filter_tokens(tokens, ["is"])) cleaned_data["search_query"] = self.clean_search_query( filter_tokens(tokens, [None, "in"] + list(self.search_fields.keys())) ) unhandled_tokens = [ t for t in tokens if t["key"] not in [None, "is", "in"] + list(self.search_fields.keys()) ] cleaned_data["filter_query"], matching_filters = self.clean_filter_query( unhandled_tokens ) if matching_filters: cleaned_data["distinct"] = any( [ self.filter_fields[k].get("distinct", False) for k in matching_filters if k in self.filter_fields ] ) else: cleaned_data["distinct"] = False return cleaned_data def clean_search_query(self, tokens): if not self.search_fields or not tokens: return fields_subset = { f for t in filter_tokens(tokens, ["in"]) for f in t["value"].split(",") } or set(self.search_fields.keys()) fields_subset = set(self.search_fields.keys()) & fields_subset to_fields = [self.search_fields[k]["to"] for k in fields_subset] specific_field_query = None for token in tokens: if token["key"] not in self.search_fields: continue to = self.search_fields[token["key"]]["to"] try: field = token["field"] value = field.clean(token["value"]) except KeyError: # no cleaning to apply value = token["value"] q = Q(**{f"{to}__icontains": value}) if not specific_field_query: specific_field_query = q else: specific_field_query &= q query_string = " ".join([t["value"] for t in filter_tokens(tokens, [None])]) unhandled_tokens_query = get_query(query_string, sorted(to_fields)) if specific_field_query and unhandled_tokens_query: return unhandled_tokens_query & specific_field_query elif specific_field_query: return specific_field_query elif unhandled_tokens_query: return unhandled_tokens_query return None def clean_filter_query(self, tokens): if not self.filter_fields or not tokens: return None, [] matching = [t for t in tokens if t["key"] in self.filter_fields] queries = [self.get_filter_query(token) for token in matching] query = None for q in queries: if not query: query = q else: query = query & q return query, [m["key"] for m in matching] def get_filter_query(self, token): raw_value = token["value"] try: field = self.filter_fields[token["key"]]["field"] value = field.clean(raw_value) except KeyError: # no cleaning to apply value = raw_value try: query_field = self.filter_fields[token["key"]]["to"] return Q(**{query_field: value}) except KeyError: pass # we don't have a basic filter -> field mapping, this likely means we # have a dynamic handler in the config handler = self.filter_fields[token["key"]]["handler"] value = handler(value) return value def clean_types(self, tokens): if not self.types: return [] if not tokens: # no filtering on type, we return all types return [t for key, t in self.types] types = [] for token in tokens: for key, t in self.types: if key.lower() == token["value"]: types.append(t) return types