# Docker migration guide Funkwhale used to offer two Docker-based installation methods. The multi-container method separates each services into its own container. The mono-container method kept all services into a single container. The project deprecated the mono-container method as of Funkwhale 1.3.0. We decided not to continue supporting it for the following reasons: 1. It required a lot of maintenance when upgrading dependencies. 2. It offers no advantages over the multi-container method. Not separating the processes defeats the point of containerization. Follow this guide to migrate a mono-container installation to a multi-container setup. ## Back up your Funkwhale directory 1. Before you begin, log in as your `funkwhale` user ```{code-block} sh sudo -u funkwhale -H bash ``` 2. Create a full backup of your `/srv/funkwhale` directory. ```{code-block} sh cd /srv/ sudo cp funkwhale funkwhale.bak ``` 3. Go to the original `/srv/funkwhale` folder to run the migration. ```{code-block} sh cd /srv/funkwhale ``` ## Dump your Funkwhale database 1. Create a backup of your Funkwhale database. We will import this into the new postgres container later. ```{code-block} sh docker-compose exec funkwhale /usr/bin/pg_dumpall -U funkwhale > db_dump.sql ``` ## Stop your Funkwhale instance 1. Stop all Funkwhale services. This ensures that no data is changed while you migrate your instance. ```{code-block} sh docker-compose down ``` ## Prepare the multi-container setup 1. Export the Funkwhale version you want to install. ```{parsed-literal} export FUNKWHALE_VERSION={sub-ref}`version` ``` 2. Take a backup of your current `docker-compose.yml` file. ```{code-block} sh mv docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml.bak ``` 3. Download the required template files. ```{code-block} sh curl -L -o docker-compose.yml "https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/raw/${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}/deploy/docker-compose.yml" curl -L -o nginx/funkwhale.template "https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/raw/${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}/deploy/docker.nginx.template" curl -L -o nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf "https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/raw/${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}/deploy/docker.funkwhale_proxy.conf" ``` ## Update your instance env file 1. Take a backup of your current `.env` file. ```{code-block} sh mv .env .env.bak ``` 2. Download the `.env` file template. ```{code-block} sh curl -L -o .env "https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/raw/${FUNKWHALE_VERSION}/deploy/env.prod.sample" ``` 3. Change the permissions on your `.env` file. ```{code-block} sh chmod 600 .env ``` 4. Replace the version number in your new `.env` file. ```{code-block} sh sed -i "s/FUNKWHALE_VERSION=latest/FUNKWHALE_VERSION=$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/" .env ``` 5. Copy the settings from your old `.env` file to your new `.env` file. ```{code-block} sh cat .env.bak >> .env ``` 6. Update the database URL in your new `.env` file. ```{code-block} sh echo "DATABASE_URL=postgresql://funkwhale@postgres:5432/funkwhale" >> .env ``` Check the file and remove any duplicated settings after copying. ## Migrate your database 1. Start up your new database container. ```{code-block} sh docker-compose up -d postgres ``` 2. Import your database dump into the new container. ```{code-block} sh cat db_dump.sql | docker-compose exec -T postgres psql -U postgres ``` 3. Run the database migrations. ```{code-block} sh docker-compose run --rm api python manage.py migrate ``` ## Start your Funkwhale instance Once you have imported your database and run migrations, you can start all containers. ```{code-block} sh docker-compose up -d ```