SimpleArtist: type: object required: - guid - fid - name - contentCategory - local properties: guid: type: string format: uuid description: "The globally unique ID of the artist" fid: type: string format: url mbid: type: string format: uuid name: type: string contentCategory: type: string enum: - music - podcast - other local: type: boolean cover: $ref: "../../schema.yml#/components/schemas/CoverUrls" tags: type: array items: type: string description: "Any tags associated with the artist" Artist: allOf: - $ref: "#/SimpleArtist" - type: object required: - creationDate - recordingCount - releases properties: creationDate: type: string format: date-time description: "The date on which the artist was added to the server" recordingCount: type: integer description: "The number of recordings credited to the artist" ArtistCredit: type: object required: - name - guid properties: name: type: string description: "The name of the artist" guid: type: string format: uuid description: "The globally unique ID of the artist" joinPhrase: type: string description: "The phrase used to join this artist's name in the credits. For example: 'feat', '&', '+'"