import type { Track, Artist, Album, Playlist, Library, Channel, Actor } from '~/types' import type { ContentFilter } from '~/store/moderation' import { useCurrentElement } from '@vueuse/core' import { computed, markRaw, ref } from 'vue' import { i18n } from '~/init/locale' import { useStore } from '~/store' import { usePlayer } from '~/composables/audio/player' import { useQueue } from '~/composables/audio/queue' import jQuery from 'jquery' import axios from 'axios' export interface PlayOptionsProps { isPlayable?: boolean tracks?: Track[] track?: Track | null artist?: Artist | null album?: Album | null playlist?: Playlist | null library?: Library | null channel?: Channel | null account?: Actor | null } export default (props: PlayOptionsProps) => { const { enqueue: addToQueue, currentTrack, playNext, currentIndex, enqueueAt, queue, clear, playTrack } = useQueue() const { isPlaying } = usePlayer() const store = useStore() const playable = computed(() => { if (props.isPlayable) { return true } if (props.track) { return props.track.uploads?.length > 0 } else if (props.artist) { return props.artist.tracks_count > 0 || props.artist?.albums?.some((album) => album.is_playable === true) } else if (props.tracks) { return props.tracks?.some((track) => (track.uploads?.length ?? 0) > 0) } return false }) const filterableArtist = computed(() => props.track?.artist ?? props.album?.artist ?? props.artist) const filterArtist = async () => store.dispatch('moderation/hide', { type: 'artist', target: filterableArtist.value }) const addMessage = (tracks: Track[]) => { if (!tracks.length) { return } const { t } = store.commit('ui/addMessage', { content: t('', tracks.length), date: new Date() }) } const getTracksPage = async (params: object, page = 1, tracks: Track[] = []): Promise => { if (page > 11) { // it's 10 * 100 tracks already, let's stop here return tracks } // when fetching artists/or album tracks, sometimes, we may have to fetch // multiple pages const response = await axios.get('tracks/', { params: { ...params, page_size: 100, page, hidden: '', playable: true } }) tracks.push( if ( { return getTracksPage(params, page + 1, tracks) } return tracks } const isLoading = ref(false) const getPlayableTracks = async () => { isLoading.value = true const tracks: Track[] = [] // TODO (wvffle): Why is there no channel? if (props.tracks?.length) { tracks.push(...props.tracks) } else if (props.track) { if (props.track.uploads?.length) { tracks.push(props.track) } else { // fetch uploads from api const response = await axios.get(`tracks/${}/`) tracks.push( as Track) } } else if (props.playlist) { const response = await axios.get(`playlists/${}/tracks/`) const playlistTracks = ( as Array<{ track: Track }>).map(({ track }) => track as Track) const artistIds = store.getters['moderation/artistFilters']().map((filter: ContentFilter) => if (artistIds.length) { tracks.push(...playlistTracks.filter((track) => { return !((artistIds.includes(track.artist?.id) || track.album) && artistIds.includes(track.album? })) } else { tracks.push(...playlistTracks) } } else if (props.artist) { tracks.push(...await getTracksPage({ artist:, include_channels: 'true', ordering: 'album__release_date,disc_number,position' })) } else if (props.album) { tracks.push(...await getTracksPage({ album:, include_channels: 'true', ordering: 'disc_number,position' })) } else if (props.library) { tracks.push(...await getTracksPage({ library: props.library.uuid, ordering: '-creation_date' })) } isLoading.value = false return tracks.filter(track => track.uploads?.length).map(markRaw) } const el = useCurrentElement() const enqueue = async () => { if (!(el.value instanceof HTMLElement)) return jQuery(el.value).find('.ui.dropdown').dropdown('hide') const tracks = await getPlayableTracks() await addToQueue(...tracks) addMessage(tracks) } const enqueueNext = async (next = false) => { if (!(el.value instanceof HTMLElement)) return jQuery(el.value).find('.ui.dropdown').dropdown('hide') const tracks = await getPlayableTracks() const wasEmpty = queue.value.length === 0 await enqueueAt(currentIndex.value + 1, ...tracks) if (next && !wasEmpty) { await playNext() isPlaying.value = true } addMessage(tracks) } const replacePlay = async (index?: number) => { await clear() if (!(el.value instanceof HTMLElement)) return jQuery(el.value).find('.ui.dropdown').dropdown('hide') const tracksToPlay = await getPlayableTracks() await addToQueue(...tracksToPlay) if (props.track && props.tracks?.length) { const trackIndex = index ?? props.tracks?.findIndex(track => === props.track?.id && track.position === props.track?.position) ?? 0 await playTrack(trackIndex) isPlaying.value = true } else { await playTrack(0, true) isPlaying.value = true } addMessage(tracksToPlay) } const activateTrack = async (track: Track, index: number) => { if ( === currentTrack.value?.id && track.position === currentTrack.value?.position) { isPlaying.value = true } return replacePlay(index) } return { playable, filterableArtist, filterArtist, enqueue, enqueueNext, replacePlay, activateTrack, isLoading } }