Installation ============= Project architecture -------------------- The project relies on the following components and services to work: - A web application server (Python/Django/Gunicorn) - A PostgreSQL database to store application data - A redis server to store cache and tasks data - A celery worker to run asynchronouse tasks (such as music import) - A celery scheduler to run recurrent tasks Hardware requirements --------------------- Funkwhale is not especially CPU hungry. On a dockerized instance with 2 CPUs and a few active users, the memory footprint is around ~500Mb:: CONTAINER MEM USAGE funkwhale_api_1 202.1 MiB funkwhale_celerybeat_1 96.52 MiB funkwhale_celeryworker_1 168.7 MiB funkwhale_postgres_1 22.73 MiB funkwhale_redis_1 1.496 MiB Some users have reported running Funkwhale on Raspberry Pis with a memory consumption of less than 350MiB. Thus, Funkwhale should run fine on commodity hardware, small hosting boxes and Raspberry Pi. We lack real-world exemples of such deployments, so don't hesitate do give us your feedback (either positive or negative). Check out :doc:`optimization` for advices on how to tune your instance on small configurations. Software requirements --------------------- Software requirements will vary depending of your installation method. For Docker-based installations, the only requirement will be an Nginx reverse-proxy that will expose your instance to the outside world. If you plan to install your Funkwhale instance without Docker, most of the dependencies should be available in your distribution's repositories. .. note:: Funkwhale works only with Pyhon >= 3.5, as we need support for async/await. Older versions of Python are not supported. Available installation methods ------------------------------- Docker is the recommended and easiest way to setup your Funkwhale instance. We also maintain an installation guide for Debian 9. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 external_dependencies debian docker systemd .. _frontend-setup: Frontend setup --------------- .. note:: You do not need to do this if you are deploying using Docker, as frontend files are already included in the docker image. Files for the web frontend are purely static and can simply be downloaded, unzipped and served from any webserver: .. parsed-literal:: cd /srv/funkwhale curl -L -o "|version|/download?job=build_front" unzip .. _reverse-proxy-setup: Reverse proxy -------------- In order to make funkwhale accessible from outside your server and to play nicely with other applications on your machine, you should configure a reverse proxy. Nginx ^^^^^ Ensure you have a recent version of nginx on your server. On debian-like system, you would have to run the following: .. code-block:: bash apt-get update apt-get install nginx Then, download our sample virtualhost file and proxy conf: .. parsed-literal:: curl -L -o /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf "|version|/deploy/funkwhale_proxy.conf" curl -L -o /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf "|version|/deploy/nginx.conf" ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ Ensure static assets and proxy pass match your configuration, and check the configuration is valid with ``nginx -t``. If everything is fine, you can restart your nginx server with ``service nginx restart``. .. warning:: If you plan to use to in-place import, ensure the alias value in the ``_protected/music`` location matches your MUSIC_DIRECTORY_SERVE_PATH env var. Apache2 ^^^^^^^ Ensure you have a recent version of apache2 installed on your server. You'll also need the following dependencies:: apt install libapache2-mod-xsendfile Then, download our sample virtualhost file: .. parsed-literal:: curl -L -o /etc/apache2/sites-available/funkwhale.conf "|version|/deploy/apache.conf" ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/funkwhale.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ You can tweak the configuration file according to your setup, especially the TLS configuration. Otherwise, defaults, should work if you followed the installation guide. Check the configuration is valid with ``apache2ctl configtest``, and once you're done, load the new configuration with ``service apache2 restart``. About internal locations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Music (and other static) files are never served by the app itself, but by the reverse proxy. This is needed because a webserver is way more efficient at serving files than a Python process. However, we do want to ensure users have the right to access music files, and it can't be done at the proxy's level. To tackle this issue, `we use nginx's internal directive `_. When the API receives a request on its music serving endpoint, it will check that the user making the request can access the file. Then, it will return an empty response with a ``X-Accel-Redirect`` header. This header will contain the path to the file to serve to the user, and will be picked by nginx, but never sent back to the client. Using this technique, we can ensure music files are covered by the authentication and permission policy of your instance, while keeping as much as performance as possible.