Changelog ========= You can subscribe to release announcements by: - Following ` `_ on Mastodon - Subscribing to the following Atom feed: This changelog is viewable on the web at .. towncrier 0.18.3 (2019-03-21) ------------------- Upgrade instructions are available at Avoid mixed content when deploying mono-container behind proxy [Manual action required] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *You are only concerned if you use the mono-container docker deployment behind a reverse proxy* Because of `an issue in our mono-container configuration `_, users deploying Funkwhale via docker using our `funkwhale/all-in-one` image could face some mixed content warnings (and possibly other troubles) when browsing the Web UI. This is fixed in this release, but on existing deployments, you'll need to add ``NESTED_PROXY=1`` in your container environment (either in your ``.env`` file, or via your container management tool), then recreate your funkwhale container. Enhancements: - Added title on hover for truncated content (#766) - Ask for confirmation before leaving upload page if there is a an upload in process (#630) - Exclude in-place imported files from quota computation (#570) - Truncate filename in library file table to ensure correct display of the table. (#735) Bugfixes: - Avoid mixed content when deploying mono-container behind HTTPS proxy (thetarkus/docker-funkwhale#19) - Display new notifications immediatly on notifications page (#729) - Ensure cover art from uploaded files is picked up properly on existing albums (#757) - Fixed a crash when federating a track with unspecified position - Fixed broken Activity and Actor modules in django admin (#767) - Fixed broken sample apache configuration (#764) - Fixed constant and unpredictable reordering during file upload (#716) - Fixed delivering of local activities causing unintended side effects, such as rollbacking changes (#737) - Fixed escaping issues in translated strings (#652) - Fixed saving moderation policy when clicking on "Cancel" (#751) - i18n: Update page title when changing the App's language. (#511) - Include disc number in Subsonic responses (#765) - Do not send notification when rejecting a follow on a local library (#743) Documentation: - Added documentation on mono-container docker upgrade (#713) - Added documentation to set up let's encrypt certificate (#745) 0.18.2 (2019-02-13) ------------------- Upgrade instructions are available at Enhancements: - Added a 'fix_federation_ids' management command to deal with protocol/domain issues in federation IDs after deployments (#706) - Can now use a local file with FUNKWHALE_SPA_HTML_ROOT to avoid sending an HTTP request (#705) Bugfixes: - Downgraded channels dependency to 2.1.6 to fix denied uploads (#697) - Fixed cards display issues on medium/small screens (#707) - Fixed Embed component name that could lead to issue when developping on OSX (#696) - Fixed resizing issues for album cards on artist pages (#694) 0.18.1 (2019-01-29) ------------------- Upgrade instructions are available at Fix Gzip compression to avoid BREACH exploit [security] [manual action required] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the 0.18 release, we've enabled Gzip compression by default for various content types, including HTML and JSON. Unfortunately, enabling Gzip compression on such content types could make BREACH-type exploits possible. We've removed the risky content-types from our nginx template files, to ensure new instances are safe, however, if you already have an instance, you need to double check that your host nginx virtualhost do not include the following values for the ``gzip_types`` settings:: application/atom+xml application/json application/ld+json application/activity+json application/manifest+json application/rss+xml application/xhtml+xml application/xml For convenience, you can also replace the whole setting with the following snippet:: gzip_types application/javascript application/vnd.geo+json application/ application/x-font-ttf application/x-web-app-manifest+json font/opentype image/bmp image/svg+xml image/x-icon text/cache-manifest text/css text/plain text/vcard text/vnd.rim.location.xloc text/vtt text/x-component text/x-cross-domain-policy; Many thanks to @jibec for the report! Fix Apache configuration file for 0.18 [manual action required] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The way front is served has changed since 0.18. The Apache configuration can't serve 0.18 properly, leading to blank screens. If you are on an Apache setup, you will have to replace the `` block with the following:: # similar to nginx 'client_max_body_size 100M;' LimitRequestBody 104857600 ProxyPass ${funkwhale-api}/ ProxyPassReverse ${funkwhale-api}/ And add some more `ProxyPass` directives so that the `Alias` part of your configuration file looks this way:: ProxyPass "/front" "!" Alias /front /srv/funkwhale/front/dist ProxyPass "/media" "!" Alias /media /srv/funkwhale/data/media ProxyPass "/staticfiles" "!" Alias /staticfiles /srv/funkwhale/data/static In case you are using custom css and theming, you also need to match this block:: ProxyPass "/settings.json" "!" Alias /settings.json /srv/funkwhale/custom/settings.json ProxyPass "/custom" "!" Alias /custom /srv/funkwhale/custom Enhancements: - Added name attributes on all inputs to improve UX, especially with password managers (#686) - Disable makemigrations in production and misleading message when running migrate (#685) - Display progress during file upload - Hide pagination when there is only one page of results (#681) - Include shared/public playlists in Subsonic API responses (#684) - Use proper locale for date-related/duration strings (#670) Bugfixes: - Fix transcoding of in-place imported tracks (#688) - Fixed celery worker defaulting to development settings instead of production - Fixed crashing Django admin when loading track detail page (#666) - Fixed list icon alignement on landing page (#668) - Fixed overescaping issue in notifications and album page (#676) - Fixed wrong number of affected elements in bulk action modal (#683) - Fixed wrong URL in documentation for funkwhale_proxy.conf file when deploying using Docker - Make Apache configuration file work with 0.18 changes (#667) - Removed potential BREACH exploit because of Gzip compression (#678) - Upgraded kombu to fix an incompatibility with redis>=3 Documentation: - Added user upload documentation at 0.18 "Naomi" (2019-01-22) ------------------------- This release is dedicated to Naomi, an early contributor and beta tester of Funkwhale. Her positivity, love and support have been incredibly helpful and helped shape the project as you can enjoy it today. Thank you so much Naomi <3 Many thanks to the dozens of people that contributed to this release: translators, developers, bug hunters, admins and backers. You made it possible! Upgrade instructions are available at, ensure you also execute the intructions marked with ``[manual action required]`` and ``[manual action suggested]``. See ``Full changelog`` below for an exhaustive list of changes! Audio transcoding is back! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After removal of our first, buggy transcoding implementation, we're proud to announce that this feature is back. It is enabled by default, and can be configured/disabled in your instance settings! This feature works in the browser, with federated/non-federated tracks and using Subsonic clients. Transcoded tracks are generated on the fly, and cached for a configurable amount of time, to reduce the load on the server. Licensing and copyright information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Funkwhale is now able to parse copyright and license data from file and store this information. Apart from displaying it on each track detail page, no additional behaviour is currently implemented to use this new data, but this will change in future releases. License and copyright data is also broadcasted over federation. License matching is done on the content of the ``License`` tag in the files, with a fallback on the ``Copyright`` tag. Funkwhale will successfully extract licensing data for the following licenses: - Creative Commons 0 (Public Domain) - Creative Commons 1.0 (All declinations) - Creative Commons 2.0 (All declinations) - Creative Commons 2.5 (All declinations and countries) - Creative Commons 3.0 (All declinations and countries) - Creative Commons 4.0 (All declinations) Support for other licenses such as Art Libre or WTFPL will be added in future releases. Instance-level moderation tools ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This release includes a first set of moderation tools that will give more control to admins about the way their instance federates with other instance and accounts on the network. Using these tools, it's now possible to: - Browse known accounts and domains, and associated data (storage size, software version, etc.) - Purge data belonging to given accounts and domains - Block or partially restrict interactions with any account or domain All those features are usable using a brand new "moderation" permission, meaning you can appoint one or multiple moderators to help with this task. I'd like to thank all Mastodon contributors, because some of the these tools are heavily inspired from what's being done in Mastodon. Thank you so much! Iframe widget to embed public tracks and albums [manual action required] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Funkwhale now supports embedding a lightweight audio player on external websites for album and tracks that are available in public libraries. Important pages, such as artist, album and track pages also include OpenGraph tags that will enable previews on compatible apps (like sharing a Funkwhale track link on Mastodon or Twitter). To achieve that, we had to tweak the way Funkwhale front-end is served. You'll have to modify your nginx configuration when upgrading to keep your instance working. **On docker setups**, edit your ``/srv/funkwhale/nginx/funkwhale.template`` and replace the ``location /api/`` and `location /` blocks by the following snippets:: location / { include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf; # this is needed if you have file import via upload enabled client_max_body_size ${NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE}; proxy_pass http://funkwhale-api/; } location /front/ { alias /frontend/; } The change of configuration will be picked when restarting your nginx container. **On non-docker setups**, edit your ``/etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf`` file, and replace the ``location /api/`` and `location /` blocks by the following snippets:: location / { include /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf; # this is needed if you have file import via upload enabled client_max_body_size ${NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE}; proxy_pass http://funkwhale-api/; } location /front/ { alias ${FUNKWHALE_FRONTEND_PATH}/; } Replace ``${FUNKWHALE_FRONTEND_PATH}`` by the corresponding variable from your .env file, which should be ``/srv/funkwhale/front/dist`` by default, then reload your nginx process with ``sudo systemctl reload nginx``. Alternative docker deployment method ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thanks to the awesome work done by @thetarkus at, we're now able to provide an alternative and easier Docker deployment method! In contrast with our current, multi-container offer, this method integrates all Funkwhale processes and services (database, redis, etc.) into a single, easier to deploy container. Both methods will coexist in parallel, as each one has pros and cons. You can learn more about this exciting new deployment option by visiting! Automatically load .env file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On non-docker deployments, earlier versions required you to source the config/.env file before launching any Funkwhale command, with ``export $(cat config/.env | grep -v ^# | xargs)`` This led to more complex and error prone deployment / setup. This is not the case anymore, and Funkwhale will automatically load this file if it's available. Delete pre 0.17 federated tracks [manual action suggested] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you were using Funkwhale before the 0.17 release and federated with other instances, it's possible that you still have some unplayable federated files in the database. To purge the database of those entries, you can run the following command: On docker setups:: docker-compose run --rm api python script delete_pre_017_federated_uploads --no-input On non-docker setups:: python script delete_pre_017_federated_uploads --no-input Enable gzip compression [manual action suggested] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Gzip compression will be enabled on new instances by default and will reduce the amount of bandwidth consumed by your instance. If you want to benefit from gzip compression on your instance, edit your reverse proxy virtualhost file (located at ``/etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf``) and add the following snippet in the server block, then reload your nginx server:: server { # ... exiting configuration # compression settings gzip on; gzip_comp_level 5; gzip_min_length 256; gzip_proxied any; gzip_vary on; gzip_types application/javascript application/vnd.geo+json application/ application/x-font-ttf application/x-web-app-manifest+json font/opentype image/bmp image/svg+xml image/x-icon text/cache-manifest text/css text/plain text/vcard text/vnd.rim.location.xloc text/vtt text/x-component text/x-cross-domain-policy; # end of compression settings } Full changelog ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Features: - Allow embedding of albums and tracks available in public libraries via an