from django.forms import widgets from dynamic_preferences import types from dynamic_preferences.registries import global_preferences_registry raven = types.Section("raven") instance = types.Section("instance") @global_preferences_registry.register class InstanceName(types.StringPreference): show_in_api = True section = instance name = "name" default = "" verbose_name = "Public name" help_text = "The public name of your instance, displayed in the about page." field_kwargs = {"required": False} @global_preferences_registry.register class InstanceShortDescription(types.StringPreference): show_in_api = True section = instance name = "short_description" default = "" verbose_name = "Short description" help_text = "Instance succinct description, displayed in the about page." field_kwargs = {"required": False} @global_preferences_registry.register class InstanceLongDescription(types.StringPreference): show_in_api = True section = instance name = "long_description" verbose_name = "Long description" default = "" help_text = ( "Instance long description, displayed in the about page (markdown allowed)." ) widget = widgets.Textarea field_kwargs = {"required": False} @global_preferences_registry.register class RavenDSN(types.StringPreference): show_in_api = True section = raven name = "front_dsn" default = "" verbose_name = "Raven DSN key (front-end)" help_text = ( "A Raven DSN key used to report front-ent errors to " "a sentry instance. Keeping the default one will report errors to " "Funkwhale developers." ) field_kwargs = {"required": False} @global_preferences_registry.register class InstanceNodeinfoEnabled(types.BooleanPreference): show_in_api = False section = instance name = "nodeinfo_enabled" default = True verbose_name = "Enable nodeinfo endpoint" help_text = ( "This endpoint is needed for your about page to work. " "It's also helpful for the various monitoring " "tools that map and analyzize the fediverse, " "but you can disable it completely if needed." ) @global_preferences_registry.register class InstanceNodeinfoPrivate(types.BooleanPreference): show_in_api = False section = instance name = "nodeinfo_private" default = False verbose_name = "Private mode in nodeinfo" help_text = ( "Indicate in the nodeinfo endpoint that you do not want your instance " "to be tracked by third-party services. " "There is no guarantee these tools will honor this setting though." ) @global_preferences_registry.register class InstanceNodeinfoStatsEnabled(types.BooleanPreference): show_in_api = False section = instance name = "nodeinfo_stats_enabled" default = True verbose_name = "Enable usage and library stats in nodeinfo endpoint" help_text = ( "Disable this if you don't want to share usage and library statistics " "in the nodeinfo endpoint but don't want to disable it completely." )