# Develop using Vite If you want to make changes to the frontend, you can use Vite to run a development server. This allows you to run a Funkwhale web app and see changes in real time 1. Clone the repository: ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} SSH ```sh git clone git@dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale.git cd funkwhale/front ``` ::: :::{tab-item} HTTPS ```sh git clone https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale.git cd funkwhale/front ``` ::: :::: 2. Install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/) and [Yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/) 3. Install all dependencies: ```sh yarn install ``` 4. Compile the translations: ```sh yarn i18n-compile ``` 5. Launch the devlopment server: ```sh yarn dev ``` You can access the Funkwhale web app at `http://localhost:8000/front`. Connect this app to your pod by selecting {guilabel}`Switch instance` in the sidebar.