import type { Module } from 'vuex' import type { RootState } from '~/store/index' import axios from 'axios' import { merge } from 'lodash-es' import useLogger from '~/composables/useLogger' import { useQueue } from '~/composables/audio/queue' export interface State { frontSettings: FrontendSettings instanceUrl?: string knownInstances: string[] nodeinfo: NodeInfo | null settings: Settings } type TotalCount = { total: number } export interface NodeInfo { version: string; software: { name: string; version: string; } protocols: any[]; services?: { inbound?: string[]; outbound?: string[]; } openRegistrations: boolean; usage: { users: { total: number; activeHalfyear: number; activeMonth: number; } } metadata: { actorId: string 'private': boolean shortDescription: string longDescription: string rules: string contactEmail: string terms: string nodeName: string banner: string defaultUploadQuota: number library: { federationEnabled: boolean anonymousCanListen: boolean tracks?: TotalCount artists?: TotalCount albums?: TotalCount music?: { hours: number } } supportedUploadExtensions: string[] allowList: { enabled: boolean domains: string[] } reportTypes: { 'type': string label: string anonymous: boolean }[] funkwhaleSupportMessageEnabled: boolean instanceSupportMessage: string endpoints: { knownNodes?: string channels?: string libraries?: string } usage: { favorites: { tracks: TotalCount } listenings: TotalCount downloads: TotalCount } } } interface FrontendSettings { defaultServerUrl: string additionalStylesheets: string[] } interface InstanceSettings { name: { value: string } short_description: { value: string } long_description: { value: string } funkwhale_support_message_enabled: { value: boolean } support_message: { value: string } } interface UsersSettings { registration_enabled: { value: boolean } upload_quota: { value: number } } interface ModerationSettings { signup_approval_enabled: { value: boolean } signup_form_customization: { value: null } } interface SubsonicSettings { enabled: { value: boolean } } interface UISettings { custom_css: { value: string } } interface Settings { instance: InstanceSettings users: UsersSettings moderation: ModerationSettings subsonic: SubsonicSettings ui: UISettings } const logger = useLogger() // We have several way to guess the API server url. By order of precedence: // 1. use the url provided in settings.json, if any // 2. use the url specified when building via VUE_APP_INSTANCE_URL // 3. use the current url const instanceUrl = import.meta.env.VUE_APP_INSTANCE_URL as string ?? location.origin const store: Module = { namespaced: true, state: { frontSettings: { defaultServerUrl: instanceUrl, additionalStylesheets: [] }, instanceUrl, knownInstances: [], nodeinfo: null, settings: { instance: { name: { value: '' }, short_description: { value: '' }, long_description: { value: '' }, funkwhale_support_message_enabled: { value: true }, support_message: { value: '' } }, users: { registration_enabled: { value: true }, upload_quota: { value: 0 } }, moderation: { signup_approval_enabled: { value: false }, signup_form_customization: { value: null } }, subsonic: { enabled: { value: true } }, ui: { custom_css: { value: '' } } } }, mutations: { settings: (state, value) => { merge(state.settings, value) }, nodeinfo: (state, value) => { state.nodeinfo = value }, instanceUrl: (state, value) => { if (value && !value.endsWith('/')) { value = value + '/' } state.instanceUrl = value // append the URL to the list (and remove existing one if needed) if (value) { const index = state.knownInstances.indexOf(value) if (index > -1) { state.knownInstances.splice(index, 1) } state.knownInstances.splice(0, 0, value) } if (!value) { axios.defaults.baseURL = undefined return } const suffix = 'api/v1/' axios.defaults.baseURL = state.instanceUrl + suffix } }, getters: { absoluteUrl: (state) => (relativeUrl: string) => { if (relativeUrl.startsWith('http')) return relativeUrl if (state.instanceUrl?.endsWith('/') && relativeUrl.startsWith('/')) { relativeUrl = relativeUrl.slice(1) } return (state.instanceUrl ?? instanceUrl) + relativeUrl }, domain: (state) => new URL(state.instanceUrl ?? instanceUrl).hostname, defaultInstance: () => instanceUrl }, actions: { setUrl ({ commit }, url) { commit('instanceUrl', url) const modules = [ 'auth', 'favorites', 'moderation', 'player', 'playlists', 'queue', 'radios' ] modules.forEach(m => { commit(`${m}/reset`, null, { root: true }) }) const { clear } = useQueue() return clear() }, async fetchSettings ({ commit }) { const response = await axios.get('instance/settings/') .catch(err => logger.error('Error while fetching settings', if (!Array.isArray(response?.data)) return'Successfully fetched instance settings') type SettingsSection = { section: string, name: string } const sections = Record>, entry: SettingsSection) => { map[entry.section] ??= {} map[entry.section][] = entry return map }, {}) commit('settings', sections) }, async fetchFrontSettings ({ state }) { const response = await axios.get(`${import.meta.env.BASE_URL}settings.json`) .catch(() => logger.error('Error when fetching front-end configuration (or no customization available)')) if (!response) return for (const [key, value] of Object.entries( as FrontendSettings)) { if (key === 'defaultServerUrl' && !value) { state.frontSettings.defaultServerUrl = instanceUrl continue } state.frontSettings[key as keyof FrontendSettings] = value } } } } export default store