Changing Your Instance URL ========================== At some point, you may wish to change your instance URL. In order to do this, you will need to change the following: - The instance URL in your .env file - The instance URL in your ``/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/funkwhale.conf`` or ``/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/funkwhale.conf`` depending on your web server setup - Any references to the old URL in your database The changes to the database can be achieved with the ``fix_federation_ids`` script in the ```` file. Example output: .. code-block:: shell # For Docker setups docker-compose run --rm api python fix_federation_ids https://old-url https://new-url --no-dry-run --no-input # For non-Docker setups python fix_federation_ids https://old-url https://new-url --no-dry-run --no-input # Output Will replace 108 found occurrences of 'https://old-url' by 'https://new-url': - 20 music.Artist - 13 music.Album - 39 music.Track - 31 music.Upload - 1 music.Library - 4 federation.Actor - 0 federation.Activity - 0 federation.Follow - 0 federation.LibraryFollow Replacing on 20 music.Artist… Replacing on 13 music.Album… Replacing on 39 music.Track… Replacing on 31 music.Upload… Replacing on 1 music.Library… Replacing on 4 federation.Actor… Replacing on 0 federation.Activity… Replacing on 0 federation.Follow… Replacing on 0 federation.LibraryFollow… On Docker Installations ----------------------- If you have followed the :doc:`Docker installation instructions <../installation/docker>`, you will need to do the following: - Edit your .env file to change the ``FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME`` and ``DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS`` value to your new URL - Edit your ``/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/funkwhale.conf`` file to change the ``server_name`` values to your new URL - Run the following command to change all mentions of your old instance URL in the database: .. code-block:: shell docker-compose run --rm api python fix_federation_ids https://old-url https://new-url --no-dry-run --no-input - Restart Nginx or Apache to pick up the new changes .. code-block:: shell # For Nginx sudo systemctl restart nginx # For Apache sudo systemctl restart apache2 On Non-Docker Installations --------------------------- If you have followed the :doc:`non-docker setup <../installation/debian>`, you will need to do the following: - Edit your .env file to change the ``FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME`` and ``DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS`` value to your new URL - Edit your ``/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/funkwhale.conf`` file to change the ``server_name`` values to your new URL - Run the following command to change all mentions of your old instance URL in the database: .. code-block:: shell python fix_federation_ids https://old-url https://new-url --no-dry-run --no-input - Restart Nginx or Apache to pick up the new changes .. code-block:: shell # For Nginx sudo systemctl restart nginx # For Apache sudo systemctl restart apache2