# Search for reports The {guilabel}`Reports` page contains filters that enable you to search for reports. Use these filters to find reports by category, status, or key words. ```{dropdown} Required permissions - {guilabel}`Moderation` – provides access to the administration and moderation menus. ``` ```{tabbed} Desktop 1. Log in to your {term}`pod`. 2. Select the wrench icon ({fa}`wrench`) at the top of the sidebar to open the {guilabel}`Administration` menu. 3. Select {guilabel}`Moderation`. The {guilabel}`Reports` page opens. 4. Use the filters to find the report you want: - Enter key words in the {guilabel}`Search` field. This enables you to search for content in the report's {guilabel}`Message` section. Hit {kbd}`⏎ Return` to update your search. - Filter reports by {guilabel}`Status`. - Filter reports by {guilabel}`Category`. - Select the criteria for {guilabel}`Ordering` of your search results. - Select which {guilabel}`Order` you want to see your search results in. ``` ```{tabbed} Mobile 1. Log in to your {term}`pod`. 2. Select the wrench icon ({fa}`wrench`) at the top of the screen to open the {guilabel}`Administration` menu. 3. Select {guilabel}`Moderation`. The {guilabel}`Reports` page opens. 4. Use the filters to find the report you want: - Enter key words in the {guilabel}`Search` field. This enables you to search for content in the report's {guilabel}`Message` section. Hit {kbd}`⏎ Return` to update your search. - Filter reports by {guilabel}`Status`. - Filter reports by {guilabel}`Category`. - Select the criteria for {guilabel}`Ordering` of your search results. - Select which {guilabel}`Order` you want to see your search results in. ``` Once you have found the required report, you can handle the reported [user](handle_users.md) or [content](handle_content.md). You can also update the [internal notes](internal_notes.md) on the report.