External dependencies ===================== .. note:: Those dependencies are handled automatically if you are :doc:`deploying using docker <./docker>` Database setup (PostgreSQL) --------------------------- Funkwhale requires a PostgreSQL database to work properly. Please refer to the `PostgreSQL documentation `_ for installation instructions specific to your os. On Debian-like systems, you would install the database server like this: .. code-block:: shell sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib The remaining steps are heavily inspired from `this Digital Ocean guide `_. Open a database shell: .. code-block:: shell sudo -u postgres psql Create the project database and user: .. code-block:: shell CREATE DATABASE "funkwhale" WITH ENCODING 'utf8'; CREATE USER funkwhale; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE funkwhale TO funkwhale; Assuming you already have :ref:`created your funkwhale user `, you should now be able to open a postgresql shell: .. warning:: It's importing that you use utf-8 encoding for your database, otherwise you'll end up with errors and crashes later on when dealing with music metedata that contains non-ascii chars. .. code-block:: shell sudo -u funkwhale -H psql Unless you give a superuser access to the database user, you should also enable some extensions on your database server, as those are required for Funkwhale to work properly: .. code-block:: shell sudo -u postgres psql funkwhale -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "unaccent";' Cache setup (Redis) ------------------- Funkwhale also requires a cache server: - To make the whole system faster, by caching network requests or database queries - To handle asynchronous tasks such as music import On Debian-like distributions, a redis package is available, and you can install it: .. code-block:: shell sudo apt-get install redis-server This should be enough to have your redis server set up.