# Uninstall Debian installation To uninstall Funkwhale from your Debian server, follow the instructions in this guide. ```{warning} Removing Funkwhale data is __irreversible__. Make sure you [back up your data](../upgrade_docs/backup.md). ``` ```{contents} :local: :depth: 1 ``` ## Stop the Funkwhale server Before you uninstall anything from your server, you need to stop the Funkwhale systemd services. 1. Stop all systemd services listed under the `funkwhale` target ```{code} bash sudo systemctl stop funkwhale.target ``` 2. Disable all systemd services to prevent launch at startup. ```{code} bash sudo systemctl disable funkwhale-server sudo systemctl disable funkwhale-worker sudo systemctl disable funkwhale-beat ``` 3. Remove the service files. ```{code} bash sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/funkwhale-server.service sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/funkwhale-worker.service sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/funkwhale-beat.service sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/funkwhale.target ``` 4. Reload all services to pick up the changes. ```{code} bash sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl reset-failed ``` ## Remove the reverse proxy To stop serving Funkwhale from your web server, you need to remove your reverse proxy configuration. ````{tabbed} Nginx 1. Remove the configuration files from your web host. ```{code} bash sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/funkwhale.conf sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf sudo rm /etc/nginx/funkwhale_proxy.conf ``` 2. Reload the web server. ```{code} bash sudo systemctl reload nginx ``` ```` ````{tabbed} Apache2 1. Remove the configuration files from your web host. ```{code} bash sudo rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/funkwhale.conf sudo rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/funkwhale.conf ``` 2. Reload the web server. ```{code} bash sudo service apache2 restart ``` ```` ## Remove the Funkwhale database ```{warning} This action is __irreversible__. Make sure you have [backed up your data](../upgrade_docs/backup.md) before proceeding. ``` Once you have stopped the Funkwhale services, you can remove the Funkwhale database. 1. Navigate to your Funkwhale directory. ```{code} bash cd /srv/funkwhale ``` 2. Delete the Funkwhale database. ```{code} bash sudo -u postgres psql -c 'DROP DATABASE funkwhale;' ``` 3. Delete the Funkwhale user. ```{code} bash sudo -u postgres psql -c 'DROP USER funkwhale;' ``` ## Delete the Funkwhale account ```{warning} This action deletes the `/srv/funkwhale/` directory. Make sure you have [backed up any data](../upgrade_docs/backup.md) you want to keep. ``` Once you have removed the database, you can delete the `funkwhale` user and all associated data. ```{code} bash sudo userdel -r funkwhale ``` This deletes the `funkwhale` user and everything in their home directory (`/srv/funkwhale/`). If your content is hosted in an S3-compatible store, you need to delete this data separately. ## Uninstall dependencies Funkwhale uses the following dependencies on your server: ````{tabbed} apt ```{code} txt build-essential curl ffmpeg libjpeg-dev libmagic-dev libpq-dev postgresql-client python3-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev make ``` ```` ````{tabbed} Python ```{literalinclude} ../../../api/pyproject.toml :language: toml :lines: 9-59 ``` ```` Uninstall any dependencies you don't need.