Using Radios ============ Radios are a great way to discover new music, or even just create a dynamic playlist of songs you like. By default, all users have access to three build-in radios: - **Favorites** - this plays through your :doc:`favorite tracks ` - **Random** - plays random songs from your :doc:`libraries ` or :doc:`libraries you follow ` - **Less Listened** - plays songs you listen to less frequently Creating a New Radio -------------------- .. note:: Any music that is in a private collection will appear in public radios but will not be playable unless the user has access to the containing library In addition to the built-in radios, Funkwhale offers users the ability to create their own specific radios. These radios can be shared with other users on your instance or kept entirely to yourself. To create a new radio: - Navigate to ``https://your-instance/library/radios`` or click "Browse Library" and select "Radios" along the top of the screen - Under "User Radios", click "Create your own radio" - Give your radio a name and description - If you want to share your radio on your instance, check the "Display publicly" box. Otherwise, uncheck this to keep the radio private - To set up the filters for your radio, click on "Select a filter" and select "Artist" or "Tag" from the drop-down menu. Click "Add Filter" to activate the filter - To exclude certain artists or tags, toggle the "Exclude" switch so it turns blue and then select values from the drop-down menu - To only include certain artists or tags, toggle the "Exclude" switch so it turns gray and then select values from the drop-down menu - Click "Save" to save your radio Listening to a Radio -------------------- To start listening to a radio: - Navigate to ``https://your-instance/library/radios`` or click "Browse Library" and select "Radios" along the top of the screen - Find the radio you want to listen to and click on "Start radio" - Your queue will be populated with the **currently playing** song and the **next song on the radio** To stop listening to a radio: - Open your :doc:`queue` - Select "Stop Radio" at the bottom of the queue - The songs that were queued will stay in your queue, but the radio will stop queueing new songs