import time import pytest from funkwhale_api.common import throttling def test_get_ident_anonymous(api_request): ip = "" request = api_request.get("/", HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR=ip) expected = {"id": ip, "type": "anonymous"} assert throttling.get_ident(None, request) == expected def test_get_ident_authenticated(api_request, factories): user = factories["users.User"]() request = api_request.get("/") expected = {"id": f"{}", "type": "authenticated"} assert throttling.get_ident(user, request) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "scope, ident, expected", [ ( "create", {"id": "42", "type": "authenticated"}, "throttling:create:authenticated:42", ), ( "list", {"id": "", "type": "anonymous"}, "throttling:list:anonymous:", ), ], ) def test_get_cache_key(scope, ident, expected): assert throttling.get_cache_key(scope, ident) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "action, type, view_conf, throttling_actions, expected", [ # exact match, we return the rate ("retrieve", "anonymous", {}, {"retrieve": {"anonymous": "test"}}, "test"), # exact match on the view, we return the rate ("retrieve", "anonymous", {"retrieve": {"anonymous": "test"}}, {}, "test"), # no match, we return nothing ("retrieve", "authenticated", {}, {}, None), ("retrieve", "authenticated", {}, {"retrieve": {"anonymous": "test"}}, None), ( "retrieve", "authenticated", {"destroy": {"authenticated": "test"}}, {"retrieve": {"anonymous": "test"}}, None, ), # exact match on the view, and in the settings, the view is more important ( "retrieve", "anonymous", {"retrieve": {"anonymous": "test"}}, {"retrieve": {"anonymous": "test-2"}}, "test", ), # wildcard match, we return the wildcard value ("retrieve", "authenticated", {}, {"*": {"authenticated": "test"}}, "test"), # wildcard match, but more specific match also, we use this one instead ( "retrieve", "authenticated", {}, {"retrieve": {"authenticated": "test-2"}, "*": {"authenticated": "test"}}, "test-2", ), ], ) def test_get_rate_for_scope_and_ident_type( action, type, view_conf, throttling_actions, expected, settings ): settings.THROTTLING_SCOPES = throttling_actions assert ( throttling.get_scope_for_action_and_ident_type( action=action, ident_type=type, view_conf=view_conf ) is expected ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "view_args, throttling_rates, previous_requests, expected", [ # room for one more requests ( { "action": "retrieve", "throttling_scopes": {"retrieve": {"anonymous": "test"}}, }, {"test": {"rate": "3/s"}}, 2, True, ), # number of requests exceeded ( { "action": "retrieve", "throttling_scopes": {"retrieve": {"anonymous": "test"}}, }, {"test": {"rate": "3/s"}}, 3, False, ), # no throttling setup ( { "action": "delete", "throttling_scopes": {"retrieve": {"anonymous": "test"}}, }, {}, 1000, True, ), ], ) def test_throttle_anonymous( view_args, throttling_rates, previous_requests, expected, api_request, mocker, settings, ): settings.THROTTLING_RATES = throttling_rates settings.THROTTLING_SCOPES = {} ip = "" ident = {"type": "anonymous", "id": ip} request = api_request.get("/", HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR=ip) view = mocker.Mock(**view_args) cache_key = throttling.get_cache_key("test", ident) throttle = throttling.FunkwhaleThrottle() history = [time.time() for _ in range(previous_requests)] throttle.cache.set(cache_key, history) assert throttle.allow_request(request, view) is expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "view_args, throttling_rates, previous_requests, expected", [ # room for one more requests ( { "action": "retrieve", "throttling_scopes": {"retrieve": {"authenticated": "test"}}, }, {"test": {"rate": "3/s"}}, 2, True, ), # number of requests exceeded ( { "action": "retrieve", "throttling_scopes": {"retrieve": {"authenticated": "test"}}, }, {"test": {"rate": "3/s"}}, 3, False, ), # no throttling setup ( { "action": "delete", "throttling_scopes": {"retrieve": {"authenticated": "test"}}, }, {}, 1000, True, ), ], ) def test_throttle_authenticated( view_args, throttling_rates, previous_requests, expected, api_request, mocker, settings, factories, ): settings.THROTTLING_RATES = throttling_rates settings.THROTTLING_SCOPES = {} user = factories["users.User"]() ident = {"type": "authenticated", "id":} request = api_request.get("/") setattr(request, "user", user) view = mocker.Mock(**view_args) cache_key = throttling.get_cache_key("test", ident) throttle = throttling.FunkwhaleThrottle() history = [time.time() for _ in range(previous_requests)] throttle.cache.set(cache_key, history) assert throttle.allow_request(request, view) is expected def throttle_successive(settings, mocker, api_request): settings.THROTTLING_RATES = {"test": {"rate": "3/s"}} settings.THROTTLING_SCOPES = {} ip = "" request = api_request.get("/", HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR=ip) view = mocker.Mock( action="retrieve", throttling_scopes={"retrieve": {"anonymous": "test"}} ) throttle = throttling.FunkwhaleThrottle() assert throttle.allow_request(request, view) is True assert throttle.allow_request(request, view) is True assert throttle.allow_request(request, view) is True assert throttle.allow_request(request, view) is False def test_throttle_attach_info(mocker): throttle = throttling.FunkwhaleThrottle() request = mocker.Mock() setattr(throttle, "num_requests", 300) setattr(throttle, "duration", 3600) setattr(throttle, "scope", "hello") setattr(throttle, "history", []) setattr(throttle, "request", request) expected = { "num_requests": throttle.num_requests, "duration": throttle.duration, "history": throttle.history, "wait": throttle.wait(), "scope": throttle.scope, } throttle.attach_info() assert request._throttle_status == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["throttle_success", "throttle_failure"]) def test_throttle_calls_attach_info(method, mocker): throttle = throttling.FunkwhaleThrottle() setattr(throttle, "key", "noop") setattr(throttle, "now", "noop") setattr(throttle, "duration", "noop") setattr(throttle, "history", ["noop"]) mocker.patch.object(throttle, "cache") attach_info = mocker.patch.object(throttle, "attach_info") func = getattr(throttle, method) func() attach_info.assert_called_once_with() def test_allow_request(api_request, settings, mocker): settings.THROTTLING_ENABLED = True settings.THROTTLING_RATES = {"test": {"rate": "2/s"}} ip = "" request = api_request.get("/", HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR=ip) allow_request = mocker.spy(throttling.FunkwhaleThrottle, "allow_request") action = "test" throttling_scopes = {"test": {"anonymous": "test", "authenticated": "test"}} throttling.check_request(request, action) throttling.check_request(request, action) with pytest.raises(throttling.TooManyRequests): throttling.check_request(request, action) assert allow_request.call_count == 3 assert allow_request.call_args[0][1] == request assert allow_request.call_args[0][2] == throttling.DummyView( action=action, throttling_scopes=throttling_scopes ) def test_allow_request_throttling_disabled(api_request, settings): settings.THROTTLING_RATES = {"test": {"rate": "1/s"}} settings.THROTTLING_ENABLED = False ip = "" request = api_request.get("/", HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR=ip) action = "test" throttling.check_request(request, action) # even exceeding request doesn't raise any exception throttling.check_request(request, action) def test_get_throttling_status_for_ident(settings, cache): settings.THROTTLING_RATES = { "test-1": {"rate": "30/d", "description": "description 1"}, "test-2": {"rate": "20/h", "description": "description 2"}, } ident = {"type": "anonymous", "id": ""} test1_cache_key = throttling.get_cache_key("test-1", ident) now = int(time.time()) cache.set(test1_cache_key, [now - 1, now - 2, now - 99999999]) expected = [ { "id": "test-1", "limit": 30, "rate": "30/d", "description": "description 1", "duration": 24 * 3600, "remaining": 28, "reset": now + (24 * 3600) - 1, "reset_seconds": (24 * 3600) - 1, "available": None, "available_seconds": None, }, { "id": "test-2", "limit": 20, "rate": "20/h", "description": "description 2", "duration": 3600, "remaining": 20, "reset": None, "reset_seconds": None, "available": None, "available_seconds": None, }, ] assert throttling.get_status(ident, now) == expected