import re from drf_spectacular.openapi import AutoSchema from pluralizer import Pluralizer class CustomAutoSchema(AutoSchema): method_mapping = { "get": "get", "post": "create", "put": "update", "patch": "partial_update", "delete": "delete", } pluralizer = Pluralizer() def get_operation_id(self): # Modified operation id getter from # tokenized_path = self._tokenize_path() # replace dashes as they can be problematic later in code generation tokenized_path = [t.replace("-", "_") for t in tokenized_path] # replace plural forms with singular forms tokenized_path = [self.pluralizer.singular(t) for t in tokenized_path] if not tokenized_path: tokenized_path.append("root") model = tokenized_path.pop() model_singular = model if self.method == "GET" and self._is_list_view(): action = "get" model = self.pluralizer.plural(model) else: action = self.method_mapping[self.method.lower()] if"", self.path_regex): tokenized_path.append("formatted") # rename `create_radio_radio` to `create_radio`. Works with all models if len(tokenized_path) > 0 and model_singular == tokenized_path[0]: tokenized_path.pop(0) # rename `get_radio_radio_track` to `get_radio_track`. Works with all models if len(tokenized_path) > 1 and tokenized_path[0] == tokenized_path[1]: tokenized_path.pop(0) # rename `get_manage_channel` to `admin_get_channel` if len(tokenized_path) > 0 and tokenized_path[0] == "manage": tokenized_path.pop(0) # rename `get_manage_library_album` to `admin_get_album` if len(tokenized_path) > 0 and tokenized_path[0] == "library": tokenized_path.pop(0) # rename `get_manage_user_users` to `admin_get_users` elif len(tokenized_path) > 0 and tokenized_path[0] == "user": tokenized_path.pop(0) # rename `get_manage_moderation_note` to `moderation_get_note` elif len(tokenized_path) > 0 and tokenized_path[0] == "moderation": tokenized_path.pop(0) return "_".join(["moderation", action] + tokenized_path + [model]) return "_".join(["admin", action] + tokenized_path + [model]) return "_".join([action] + tokenized_path + [model])